I use TextMate mostly with LaTeX projects.
I've noticed that since at least the last two builds of TextMate, using command + ], the command which raises the indentation level (i. e. the keyboard shortcut for »Shift Right« from the Text menu) actually lowers it (it Shifts Left). If I select the Shift Right item from the Text menu, it works just fine.
Is the LaTeX package to blame here? Or is it a weird bug in TextMate 2? How can I trace the problem?
Thanks a lot!
I've been using TM2 for a year now, mostly for Haskell, C, and Go development.
Recently, I've transitioned my LaTeX workflow to TM2 (from TeXShop; I never used TM1 for LaTeX) and am noticing a problem.
In a LaTeX document in TM2, if I invoke my hotkey for Mekentosj Papers' citation feature, and try to insert a citekey, it instead inserts the _previous_ contents of my clipboard (whatever I'd previously copied).
In any other application I have tested this in (Terminal, Mail, Sublime 2, TextEdit... I no longer have TM1 on my system) this works as expected.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I have solved the problem.
I had a backslash in the password.
For some reasons that confused the system.
I removed the backslash and now the password is stored ini the keychain.
Kind regards
Dr. Dieter Zakel MA
hotline: +43 (800) MEDIZIN
private: +43 (699) 1010 1070
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I have the blogging bundle and I have setup my blog:
When I try to fetch my posts and to blog my posts
I am always asked to enter my password although it is in the keychain:
This is new since Snow Leopard.
Has anyone an idea why this is happening?
Thank you very much.
Kind regards
Dr. Dieter Zakel MA
hotline: +43 (800) MEDIZIN
private: +43 (699) 1010 1070
I am working on a language grammar for HCS12 assembly language. I have read
the portion of the manual on language grammars (chapter 12) and
unfortunately for me it has led to more questions than answers. I have read
the re.txt file and have tried many things with no apparent effect,
certainly not the one I am looking for.
I have the following code that matches a label definition perfectly:
{ name = 'string.label.def';
comment = 'case insensitive - label definition';
match = '^(\S)+:';
captures = { 1 = { name = 'string.label'; }; };
Now what I want to do is use the capture in another match statement to find
all references to the same labels when they are being called. They will no
longer be the first word of line and they will no longer have a ":" suffix.
It seems to me that capture group above should have just the labels. If I
could use that capture group to then find all matches of the label then my
problem to match unknown labels and not get false matches to other strings
that are not being matched.
An example code snippet my language grammar is intended for is:
staa PORTB ; light the segments
ldaa PTP ; only alter port p bits we are using
anda #$f0
oraa dspmap,x ; light up correct char
staa PTP
bra TA3
TA2: bset PTP #$0f ; turn off seven segment LEDs
movb displ PORTB ; set value of LED row
bclr PTJ #2 ; turn on LED row
In the above snippet TA2: and TA3: are matched by my regex. I want to use
capture group if possible to match the labels when in the third column, in
the above snippet only TA3 is shown. I don't want to match anything in the
third column that is not a label. A label will never appear in the first
column which is already matched by other regex. The forth column are
obviously comments and they are matched by other regex.
So, how do I do what I want to do?
Thank you kindly in advance,
View this message in context: http://textmate.1073791.n5.nabble.com/is-it-possible-to-use-a-capture-in-an…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Is there a way to get the current directory displayed by the file
browser from within a script (eg. bundle command).
I didn't see any TM_ environment variables containing this value.
I'm trying to understand how the single line comment rule works (found on this line https://github.com/textmate/javascript.tmbundle/blob/master/Syntaxes/JavaSc…)
begin = '(^[ \t]+)?(?=//)';
end = '(?!\G)';
beginCaptures = { 1 = { name = 'punctuation.whitespace.comment.leading.js'; }; };
patterns = (
{ name = 'comment.line.double-slash.js';
begin = '//';
end = '\n';
beginCaptures = { 0 = { name = 'punctuation.definition.comment.js'; }; };
Since TextMate grammars are line based, I'm not sure how it's possible for the '\n' pattern and the '(?!\G)' pattern to work together. For example, take these two lines:
// a comment
var foo
The 'single line comment' rule is entered by matching it's begin pattern '(^[ \t]+)?(?=//)'. The 'comment.line.double-slash.js'' rule is then entered upon matching '//', the rule is ended when '\n' is matched. Because we have matched the end of the first line, we continue to the second line. The second line will end the 'single line comment' rule because the end pattern '(?!\G)' will match the 'a' in 'var'. Because of this, var cannot be scooped correctly because the 'v' is considered to be part of the 'single line comment' rule.
This fails as I described in TextMate 1 but works in TextMate 2. Is there something fundamentally different about using the \G anchor in TextMate 2.
Can someone reproduce this behaviour?
Summary: The command option "caret placement": "select output" does not
work, but behaves as "caret placement": "place after output".
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open a bundle in the editor
2. Create a new command
3. Retain the default code and settings:
Code: echo "Hello world\n"
Input: Selection - Text
Output: Replace Input - Text
Caret Placement - Select Output
4. Add a key equivalent
5. Save and open a blank text window
6. Press the chosen key equivalent
Expected result:
The text "Hello world" placed and selected
Actual result:
The text "Hello world" placed, no selection. Caret positioned after the
inserted text.
TextMate version: 2.0.0-alpha.9323
How do I accomplish the desired result, that the output of a command is
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I use the blogging bundle from Brad Choate.
Since Snow Leopard the password to my wordpress blog is not saved in the keychain anymore.
I have to type it in every time.
Also while fetching.
Does anyone has a hint?
Thank you very much.
Kind regards
Dr. Dieter Zakel MA
hotline: +43 (800) MEDIZIN
Currently in order to change the active theme you have to go to the "View" menu, then the "Theme" menu item, and then select the theme.
It would be nice to be able to browse the themes quickly.
- keyboard shortcuts to change the active theme to the next/previous in the list.
- or, some sort of GUI that shows you all of the themes at once, sort of like the [previews on the wiki](http://wiki.macromates.com/Themes/UserSubmittedThemes)