Nice to see Touch Bar improvements: Thank you!
Be nice if the "open recent project" touch bar button _closed_ this window if touched while window is already open.
Can touch bar icons respond to which window is frontmost?
If so, it would be helpful when the Find window is frontmost, to have
1. A touch icon for the "regex" check box (what is the short cut for that?)
2. Tie the “<" and “>" touch icons to window "previous" and "next" buttons.
Having a touch icon to select surrounding braces {} for selecting surrounding braces would be useful.
Having touch icons for "the Ts" would be helpful:
1. a touch bar icon ("fun”?) for cmd-cntr-T ("Select bundle item")
2. a touch bar icon "TODO" for cntrl-shift-T (TODO list)
3. a touch bar icon "symbol" for cmd-shift-T (symbol jump)
Best, tim
> On 18 Aug 2019, at 16:49, Ronald Wampler <rdwampler(a)> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 17, 2019 at 6:14 PM Curt Sellmer <sellmerfud(a)> wrote:
>> I have been playing with the touchbar support in texmate and have noticed the following.
>> If I set bookmarks in my document the touchbar buttons with up/down chevrons will correctly take me to the previous or next bookmark respectively.
>> However, if I make a change to the document and save it. I now get a change marker showing that it is different than what is in the git repository. That is to be expected.
>> But now the up/down buttons on the touchbar stop at all of the git markers as well as the bookmarks. Is this by design?
> Yeah, I wanted to make it easier to navigate other marks (not necessary
> the git markers) without adding yet another up/down arrows button in the Touch
> Bar. But, I agree it probably should have been just to navigate the bookmarks.
> I'll submit a PR to change the behavior.
>> It makes jumping back and forth between a couple of bookmarks painful if there are a lot of edits in the file.
>> I can still hold down the fn button and use F2/Shift F2 to achieve this, but that sort of defeats the purpose of having the nifty touch bar buttons.
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So, this is odd. Notice the white when the cursor flashes, the change in
background when text is added, and the other stuff.
I thought it was an issue with light themes since it wasn’t happening
with most files. (My default theme for most things is dark, but Markdown
files use a light background and my default for new documents is
Markdown.) Anyway, it appears to be theme-specific. I tried another
light theme as my default for Markdown and didn’t see these problems.
The (unfinished) theme I’m using in the video is attached. Maybe
there’s something wrong with the theme, but I’ve been using it for
years. (Yes, and it’s still unfinished.)
Rob McBroom
When I use Mac’s recent TextMate version (2.0.6) to edit my latex file (a .tex file), TextMate rolls the screen up randomly away from the cursor so that the screen will not stay in one place. Do you know there is any way to fix this annoying problem? Older versions of TextMate did not have such a problem.
After updating form 2.0.13 to 2.0.14, I cannot use the keyboard, TouchBar icons appear as white boxes, and menu shortcuts are not rendered. After downloading TextMate from GitHub and reinstalling 2.0.14 a couple of times, TextMate started working again. Today, I updated from 2.0.14 to 2.0.15 and same problem again. But this time I have been unable to solve it by reinstalling 2.0.15 using the GitHub download. I'm on 10.14.6 with a MacBook Pro with a Portuguese keyboard.
Suggestion on how to get back to a working installation with 2.0.15 appreciated. Downgrading to 2.0.12 also doesn't work: TextMate crashes on startup.
Paulo Moura
Logtalk developer
I’m really enjoying all of the improvements to the Find dialog, but I
noticed the ‘g’ in Ignore Case is being cut off.

This is a minor thing, but I thought I should mention it since it
continues to be there despite several recent updates.
Rob McBroom
More weirdness (in addition to page blanking multiple time s day)... files appear empty (empty window, line 1 only, no characters...).
Quick look at file on disk: yep, all there.
I do a lot of find using the "In Folder" setting.
A hassle is that actions often move the Find window to be not frontmost.
The only easy way to bring it to the from is cmd-F, but this re-sets the "In: <where>" dropping down to the default, which is document.
If possible, I'd love this behavior to change to leave things as they were. Preferably even between open/close of the Find window, but certainly when the only actin of cmd-F is to bring the window frontmost, not toggling to a default state would be GREAT.
When I say (in ruby)
`"#{ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH']}/bin/mate" '#{p}'`
where p is the pathname of a folder, what appears in the project browser is that folder plus (hierarchically down from it) all its contents.
But when I open a folder using TextMate, directly, what appears in the project browser is just the contents of the folder; the folder itself is not in the project browser.
How can I make the former (`mate`) behave like the latter (TextMate itself)?
Thx - m.
matt neuburg, phd =
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