I've been using TextMate for years and I'm productive and happy with it. However, I like to try other editors from time to time to see if I'm missing anything. Recently I spent some time learning Vim and I discovered a few things that I particularly liked.
1) Split windows -- not the kind of split windows you normally get in Mac applications, but the Vim style ones. In Vim you can easily navigate from the keyboard to your different splits and choose what files to display in each. Additionally, …
[View More]you don't have to reach for your mouse to create a split. When you split, Vim divides the space up for you which is what you want most of the time. I found that it is very handy when needing to view more than 1 file at a time, which in my case is most of the time. Closing splits is about as easy as they are to create -- all from the keyboard. Multiple windows isn't really the same thing because they are slow to setup and tear down.
2) Selective multifile grep -- in Vim you can use a regular expression to open a set of files, and then just grep across the open files.
3) Don't need arrow keys -- after years of editing with the mouse; I find it painful to reach for it. It hurts my right shoulder and shoulder blade. It even hurts to have to move my hand down to the arrow keys. However, in Vim it is easy to keep your hands resting on your keyboard with your shoulders relaxed. No reaching for the mouse or arrow keys.
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TextMate 1 or 2, is there a way to auto-highlight all occurrences of
selected word?
I was from Windows using EditPlus, when I double-click or Ctrl+W to select
a word, EditPlus is able to automatically highlight all occurrences in a
different background colour, very nice and useful feature.
With TextMate I have to additionally hit Opt+Cmd+F, and highlighting colour
is same as selected word, not eye-catching. I use 'soft' and light
background for selection background but I prefer bright …
[View More]background (eg
yellow) for highlighted words.
Ctr-S not really meets what I need.
Sent from my mobile. Ignore the typos unless they're funny.
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Is there a way to make * include hidden files in Find All dialog?
Currently I have to use {.*,*} to get the needed result but it's not very convenient to type that every time I do a search.
Another nice little tweak would be to search * instead of using the last glob pattern when you leave the glob field empty. And even better would be to make this default pattern configurable. That way I could've just emptied the glob field when I want to search {.*,*}
Sometimes when I'm working on a project and jump between branches TM suddenly stops scrolling to the current file when I press "Go to current file" (⌃⌘R) even though the file gets selected.
This is happening for a few months already. I usually fix this by restarting TM, but it's not the best workaround since I lose all the undo history.
Am I the only one getting this? Or I'm just the only one getting annoyed by this?
I've used Whitesmith bracing style for *decades*, and had it kinda-sorta working in TM 1.5.x, though not perfectly. Now I've lost those old settings and for the life of me can't figure out how to get it even close in 2.0. There's clearly something fundamental that I'm missing, but I've spent hours on this off and on over the past few months, and I'm guessing that someone who really understands the rules (and regex) better than I, could get me on the right path in short order. …
[View More]I'd definitely appreciate it.
For those (unfortunate souls) who are not familiar with Whitesmith:
Also, just as a general suggestion, it seems like it would be really helpful to have just a handful of "packaged" example indentation rules for the small handful of common bracing styles, i.e. Allman, K&R, Whitesmith, maybe Gnu. Of course it wouldn't be perfect for everyone, but it could be really helpful as a starting point. If you know of such a set of examples, please point me to them (yes, I've looked). Thanks!
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I absolutely love the feature introduced in TM 2 with Lion: being able
to reopen all the windows [1] after any expected or unexpected events
(rebooting, upgrading, crashes, ...).
What I miss in TextMate though is reopening the windows in the same
desktop where they were before closing the app.
I often have up to 100 files opened at the same time, spread across a
number of desktops and I only reboot the OS about once in a month. But
after every reboot or TM upgrade, I need to sort the …
[View More]windows manually
again which is a bit annoying.
Terminal windows open in exactly the same desktop where they were
closed, the web browser (Chrome) sadly doesn't respect that, about
other software I don't care. I would really love it if TextMate would
remember in which desktop the windows were last opened and reproduce
the exact state after relaunch. I don't know how difficult it would be
to implement that change though.
What do others think about it? Should I enter the feature request in
the tracker?
Thank you,
[1] https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204005
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Hey there,
I’m regularly experiencing a bug where TextMate seems to receive partial
focus. The title bar will appear to be selected, but the tabs never come
into focus.
Please see https://imgur.com/a/ePa4j for screenshots.
In this "half focus" mode I can select, enter and delete text, but not
select, copy, paste or do many other things. Cmd-c and Cmd-v both cause the
system bell to ding. I can switch focused TextMate windows, but the "half
focus" window title bar remains focused, and the …
[View More]tabs never get selected.
I still haven’t found a reliable way to reproduce this.
I have 2 theories about what is happening;
1) Its related to some ongoing process, such as a linter still running
in the background or the code highlighting for complex code. This seems
relevant because I work some days without encountering the issue, others I
run into it many times. Its possible that the offensive days I have more
windows, or a more difficult to parse file open.
2) Its related to multiple displays. I’m on a MBP15in from early 2013
with a display hooked up over thunderbolt or hdmi. It does seem that its
much easier to reproduce this bug with a second display.
Perhaps there’s a combination of 1 and 2?
For a while I was switching between apps to get "full focus"; Switch from
Chrome to TextMate (get "half focus"), switch to Finder, switch to Chrome,
switch to TextMate (get "full focus").
Seems that if no one else is having the issue, its probably #1 and related
to my custom bundles.
Whatever the cause, hiding TextMate with Cmd+H and restoring it seems to
cause "full focus" reliably.
Is this making sense? Is there anything I can do to help debug?
This weekend I’ll try reverting to defaults and see if that helps. In the
mean time, what do you all think?
Thanks a million,
Graham Heath
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Currently in TextMate, it’s possible to implement completion using a bundle command. This can be invoked using a keyboard shortcut. Some IDE’s have implemented something like dot completion, that is, when a dot is typed the dot will be inserted in the text and a completion list will be shown. Some editors will even show this completion list for most characters that are typed.
In TextMate it’s possible to set the key equivalent of a bundle command to a dot, the problem is that the dot will …
[View More]then not be inserted in the text. It’s also possible to manually write out a dot in the bundle command. The problem with that is that the dot is not actually in the text buffer when accessing it in the bundle command. This will most likely not work because whatever is parsing the source code to generate the completion expects the dot to actually be there.
Is this something that can be implemented in TextMate, perhaps as a semantic class? Ideally it should be configurable to support any character, ideally more than one. Example, for many languages a dot is what’s needed, but for the C, C++ and Objective-C an arrow (->) would be necessary as well. Just to be clear, I’m only talking about a new way to trigger a bundle command, not implementing the actually completion.
/Jacob Carlborg
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The Hyperlink helper: "Lookup Word / Selection on Wikipedia and link" appears to be broken?
/Users/tim/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Ruby/1.8.7/lib/ruby/1.8/open-uri.rb:174:in `open_loop': redirection forbidden: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?format=xml&action=opensearch&search=Consc… -> https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?format=xml&action=opensearch&search=Cons… (RuntimeError)
from /Users/tim/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Ruby/1.8.7/lib/ruby/1.8/open-…
[View More]uri.rb:132:in `open_uri'
from /Users/tim/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Ruby/1.8.7/lib/ruby/1.8/open-uri.rb:518:in `open'
from /Users/tim/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Ruby/1.8.7/lib/ruby/1.8/open-uri.rb:30:in `open'
from Lookup Selection on Wikipedia and link:19:in `getWikiEntries'
from Lookup Selection on Wikipedia and link:31:in `getWikiDef'
from Lookup Selection on Wikipedia and link:37
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