[I posted this on IRC but my internet connection is intermittent, so I probably missed any replies…]
I'm having trouble adding a "wordCharacters" bundle setting, as per https://github.com/textmate/textmate/wiki/FAQ#how-do-i-set-which-characters…
I created a settings bundle item in the Source bundle containing "{ wordCharacters = '\w_.-'; }" and applied a sope selector of "text" but it's not taking effect. I have a document containing "… [test] …" and when I hit ^W while the cursor is in the word test the selection is made including the brackets (but shouldn't be). =(
I just stumbled on the text-based Taskpaper project management protocol
and belatedly realized there's been a related Textmate bundle ("Tasks"?) for some time. A little Googling found this bundle by Jess Martin that upgrades the original by Henrik Nyh:
Anybody had experience with using this as task manager? Are there other bundles out there I should be looking at?
On Twitter as @jonippolito
According to the manual:
Closing Tabs
A common problem is being left with too many open tabs. In an attempt to counter that, TextMate will automatically close tabs that hasn’t been used in a while, when the tab bar overflows.
Is there any way of disabling this behaviour via a .tm_properties or defaults command?
Hi list
I'm running the newest TM2 on OS X 10.9 and can't get the shortcut for Show
Invisibles (alt+cmd+i) to work. When pressing the combination textmate
actives filter through command (cmd+i) instead.
Other alt+cmd shortcuts like show/hide linenumbers (alt+cmd+l) works fine
and is not activated by pressing cmd+... alone.
Can there be some form of collision so that cmd+i is checked before
alt+cmd+i and so one shortcut effectively blocks the other?
Ask Holme - 28 76 98 87
Turn wrap column to 80 (or 40). Make sure you disable word wrap, then click
Show Wrap Column.
All is well when you're typing-- the line does not wrap, though you see the
wrap column. However, comment a line automatically (command /) and the line
will be soft-wrapped. Uncommenting the line using command / will then
revert to not wrapping.
I'm writing python, so I'm not sure if it's a bundle issue, but it seemed
odd to me. Not a big deal by any means.
Wells Oliver
I like to develop with soft wrap disabled, which works fine for PHP code
But for comments beginning with //, it still soft wraps them anyway
Is there a way to disable this?
// this is a very long string which shouldnt wrap this is a very long
string which shouldnt wrap this is a very long string which shouldnt wrap
this is a very long string which shouldnt wrap
$foo = "this is a very long string which shouldnt wrap this is a very long
string which shouldnt wrap this is a very long string which shouldnt wrap
this is a very long string which shouldnt wrap";
One of the most attractive features of TM is the Go To File (CMD+T) feature.
1) But I wonder, is there any way to tell TM that you do not want to demote
files in the list, which are already open?
Example, if tabset.js is already open, and I CMD+T to navigate to
tabset.js, but it has been demoted right to the bottom.
This makes sense if you only have a few tabs opens, but mostly I do not
care if its already open, I just want to jump to it regardless (but end up
accidentally opening some other file instead).
2) I also notice that the list shows the directory each file is in, but
this is only shown after the full list has been populated. Is there a
reason for this? In this example I have lots of gearman scripts (worker.php
and client.php), and so to open one I have to wait until it shows all the
directory paths before I can see which one I actually want.
Hello all,
In the last update to TextMate I saw two project scopes were added
(Jekyll and Vagrant). What are the chances of making the logic behind
these scopes be exposed to bundles so that a bundle could set a scope on a
project? If this is already available and I've just missed it, please let
me know where to find more information.
Take care,
Jeremy Whitlock (@whitlockjc on Twitter)
I use textmate a lot for latex, with skim as the PDF viewer, and I have set it up so that I can sync between skim and textmate. However, sometimes when I shift-command-click on a skim window, in order to go to the corresponding place in the textmate window, textmate opens a new window of the source file. So I then have two windows of the same source file open in textmate. When I change one window it instantly changes the other, so they remain in sync. This is a useful feature sometimes, but not all the time. So I have two questions.
1. How can I stop this happening when using skim, so that focus just goes to the already-open textmate window?
2. How can I deliberately open two textmate windows of the same file? This is a very useful feature to have available. I hadn't realized it was a feature of textmate until the above behaviour happened.
I am using Textmate 2 (specifically 2.0-alpha.9543) on OSX 10.9.2.
Many thanks. Apologies if this message is a duplicate (an email problem).
I'd like to draw a line at a certain number of columns to better help keep
my line lengths in check (PEP 8!)
This was possible in TextMate 1.x but I don't see an option in 2. Is there
such an option?
Wells Oliver