I've been using TextMate for years and I'm productive and happy with it. However, I like to try other editors from time to time to see if I'm missing anything. Recently I spent some time learning Vim and I discovered a few things that I particularly liked.
1) Split windows -- not the kind of split windows you normally get in Mac applications, but the Vim style ones. In Vim you can easily navigate from the keyboard to your different splits and choose what files to display in each. Additionally, …
[View More]you don't have to reach for your mouse to create a split. When you split, Vim divides the space up for you which is what you want most of the time. I found that it is very handy when needing to view more than 1 file at a time, which in my case is most of the time. Closing splits is about as easy as they are to create -- all from the keyboard. Multiple windows isn't really the same thing because they are slow to setup and tear down.
2) Selective multifile grep -- in Vim you can use a regular expression to open a set of files, and then just grep across the open files.
3) Don't need arrow keys -- after years of editing with the mouse; I find it painful to reach for it. It hurts my right shoulder and shoulder blade. It even hurts to have to move my hand down to the arrow keys. However, in Vim it is easy to keep your hands resting on your keyboard with your shoulders relaxed. No reaching for the mouse or arrow keys.
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I've used Whitesmith bracing style for *decades*, and had it kinda-sorta working in TM 1.5.x, though not perfectly. Now I've lost those old settings and for the life of me can't figure out how to get it even close in 2.0. There's clearly something fundamental that I'm missing, but I've spent hours on this off and on over the past few months, and I'm guessing that someone who really understands the rules (and regex) better than I, could get me on the right path in short order. …
[View More]I'd definitely appreciate it.
For those (unfortunate souls) who are not familiar with Whitesmith:
Also, just as a general suggestion, it seems like it would be really helpful to have just a handful of "packaged" example indentation rules for the small handful of common bracing styles, i.e. Allman, K&R, Whitesmith, maybe Gnu. Of course it wouldn't be perfect for everyone, but it could be really helpful as a starting point. If you know of such a set of examples, please point me to them (yes, I've looked). Thanks!
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Hi all,
I'm trying to develop a bundle for communicating with a TCP server, and
would like to create 1) a bundle command that opens the connection, and 2)
other commands that use that connection object (eg via grabbing text
selection in the editor window).
In Python, I've created a bundle command like this:
import socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
HOST = ""
PORT = 7098
sock.connect((HOST, PORT))
sock.send("some command...")
print sock.recv(512)
[View More]That sets up the socket correctly, in fact you can send messages to the TCP
However each time I send a command, the socket is obviously re-created; I
wondered if I TextMate provides a mechanism to save the 'sock' binding in
the current environment - so that I can reuse it later within other
Hope this makes sense - thanks in advance for any help.
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Q1: I recently updated to TM2alpha, and I'm quite fond of it! I mostly use
TM as my LaTeX editor. However, when I compile documents the log window
doesn't close when the PDF is viewed in Skim. I have made sure the "Keep log
window open" option is not checked. Actually I would like the window to show
only at errors
Q2: I would prefer to be able to chose the log window layout to be more
minimalistic, kind of terminal-like, as I find the default layout to be
unnecessary graphical and heavy. …
[View More]I've tried to google about a bit, but can't
seem to find if changing it is possible or not.
View this message in context: http://textmate.1073791.n5.nabble.com/Compiling-LaTeX-log-window-tp25794.ht…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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I found a strange behavior that I believe is a bug. I am using 2.0-alpha.9503 on OS 10.9.1.
First I redefined the keyboard shortcut for "Comment Line" in the system Preferences. This command is from the "Source" bundle and appears as alternative shortcut to the default ⌘/ in the bundle menu (I used ⌘- in order to avoid the rather clumsy command for german keyboard layout).
Right after that both shortcuts work fine. After closing and reopening TextMate, only the default shortcut ⌘/ works, the …
[View More]new shortcut is now ignored.
When I select Bundles -> Source -> Comments I can see that the commands are still set correctly. After that, both shortcuts work again, until I close TextMate and open it again: the new shortcut is ignored until the menu selecting Bundles -> Source -> Comments is opened up, after that it works till closing TextMate again.
I was struggling some time with this issue, without solution. Now after testing for writing this bug report, at least there is a simple workaround. But maybe it can be resolved. I also tried changing the Bundle "Source" itself, but that didn't do the trick either.
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I came across with a rendering bug,
to reproduce it copy the following two lines and paste them into a TM document:
587 3 402 ̃ wa:w.4 NULL NULL NULL NULL
591 3 402 kha:ŋ.4 kha:w.4 NULL NULL NULL NULL
On my machine OSX 10.9.1 TM 2.0-alpha.9503 these lines are rendered as shown in that picture:
The "problem" seems to be that TM is not able to get rid of a TAB {utf8: 09} (and I believe this's true for each CONTROL character) followed by a combing diacritic - in that case a …
[View More]combining tilde {utf8: CC 83}. The actual data in the TM window are correct, you can e.g. look for TAB characters. If you remove the combining tilde TM renders the text correctly.
I'm aware that this is actually my fault since a combining character shouldn't appear after a control character and "more actually" I'm glad that TM had this bug thus I could find my fault ;) but I think TM should do it like other Mac apps e.g. TextEdit.
For safety reasons I attached a UTF-8 text file containing both lines.
Cheers, Hans
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I am trying to use the Cucumber bundle with TextMate 2.0-alpha.9503:
I am a little confused about the proper way to install it. I tried:
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Avian/
git clone https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-tmbundle Cucumber.tmbundle
But after restarting TextMate, I don’t see any indication that the bundle is loaded. I don’t know if this is because the bundle is incompatible with TextMate 2 (it was last touched over …
[View More]2 years ago) or because I’m installing it wrong.
Any suggestions what to try next? Thanks,
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Citation completion is not working for me in child .tex files. The child
.tex file is in a different folder to the parent .tex file and also the .bib
file. But even if I move everything into the same folder it doesn¹t work.
Is there a way to get citation completion working in a child file?
I solved the problem. In my Mac-side SSH configuration (OS X 10.8.4), I had
AddressFamily inet
listed in my .ssh/config. This limits ssh connections to using IPv4. If I disable that, then it works fine. For some reason the change to allowing IPv6 in TextMate in conjunction with the above openssh option fails. Disabling the AddressFamily line makes it work.
Related, I had "disabled" IPv6 on my Mac networking by setting it to "local link-only". It still works with that, but I get an …
[View More]error message on the server side from rmate:
setsockopt TCP_NODELAY: Invalid argument
This error goes away by changing IPv6 to "Automatic" in the Mac network settings.
So, it appears that the change to allowing for IPv6 actually requires it to be present.
> TextMate did switch to using IPv6 API instead of IPv4, but for me the
> above works w/o issues, I tried with TextMate listening for both local
> and remote clients, tried setting up tunnel via command line and
> ~/.ssh/config, all cases for me was a success.
> This is on OS X 10.8.4 using OpenSSH_5.9p1, OpenSSL 0.9.8x 10 May 2012
> (the one in /usr/bin) and network has an IPv4 IP (obtained via DHCP) but
> no IPv6 IP (config set to ?automitcally? which gives me no values
> for the IPv6 things in network settings).
> Any mismatch in environment?
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For the love of god, children and animals, can we please get indented soft
wrapping as a standard feature of Textmate 2. I just don't understand why
such a useful yet trivial feature that's common to just about every text
editor has not been included in what is supposed to be the holy grail of
text editors.
There's an 8 year old ticket for it, not to mention all the duplicates:
Do a google search for this, and you find people …
[View More]applying the same dodgy
fix to individual bundles; what a waste of time for everyone involves. Can
we not just get this feature added and be done with it.
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