I have been testing the TextMate 2 Alpha the past couple of days and have had
issues with bundles being loaded. I can install the bundles via the app
preferences, but the bundles are not loaded. As per Michael's recent blog
post (http://blog.macromates.com/2011/locating-bundles/), all bundles should
be installed to ~/Library/Application Support/Avian/Bundles. Instead, they
are installed to ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles and
are not loaded. Moving bundles to the ~/Library/Application
Support/Avian/Bundles alleviates the problem with the bundles being loaded,
but I don't believe updates will work correctly at this point. Is this
intended behavior for alpha or is there something else going on? I am
running 10.7.2.
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/TM2%3A-Bundles-Not-Loading-tp32982201p32982201.html
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
it is great that finally Japanese is shown correctly in TextMate but the input has some problems and differs from the rest of the system.
When I enter only one character like 私 (watashi), I type "watashi", hit space, select the character and hit enter. The final result is 私 and the cursor is set after the character.
In TM2 the enter will delete the character, as if it is selected and do a line break.
When I enter a whole sentence, I press space when I am ready and the system will do some auto-conversion. Then I will get to to the first sentence-element and can press space to change the conversion to something different (loads of homonymes in Japanese). With cursor left and right I can go through the text elements and narrow the selection what a certain text element is with shift+left or widen it with shift+right. I end conversion-mode with pressing enter, when everything is in the state as I want it.
When I press left or right in TM2 the conversion-mode ends and the cursor goes to the right but conversion-mode should only end after pressing enter (and only an extra enter should create the line-break).
Hi, I'm going to give a whack at transforming a .tm_proj file into
'Favorites' and .tm_project files upon opening them (or if they exist
navigate there). Couple of questions:
This seems like an event thing. However, in the Avian bundle, all the
similar commands define themselves as a callback in the semantic class
field, rather than specifying an event. I'm not understanding the
reasoning behind this, since it seems to blur the distinction between
'events' and 'classes'. Is there any way to determine whether we should be
targeting an event or adding a class of 'callback'?
Which semantic class (or other options) do I need to use to target only
opening tm_proj files by extension?
Hello all,
we encountered two main issues using TM2 alpha:
- First of all, I'm unable to globally set TM2 to use soft tabs, "Edit -> Mode -> Soft Tabs (Use spaces instead of tabs)" menu is not selectable, I also tried exporting TM_SOFT_TABS = yes as in TM1 but it doesn't work.
- Trying to select text going down out of page to select more than one page text, produce a strange behavior, sometimes it goes at crazy speed (happened with python code), other times I see some video corruption: blue selection band persist after deselection, blue selection band seems interrupted inside selection (happened with C source code).
Moreover, Ctags bundle really need some improvements, for example I can't go backward as in vim, multiple tags selection window is uncomfortable, Help menu command doesn't work, there is no way to specify more than one tags file, and so on...
Another thing, is that there is no way to know who use some function, I can go to the function definition but if I want to know who use that I can't.
Thanks you very much for this alpha, rmate command make me very happy.
>Clearly, its a mistake to delete TM1.
In my Console app, I can see Avain pulling bundles and other things from
App Support/TextMate as well as App Support/Avain, so I'd say it isn't
quite ready to stand on it's own yet. In my opinion this makes debugging
things way more difficult right now, but I'm guessing unless it is an
outright bug there is a good reason for it.
I think ideally TextMate and Avian shouldn't touch each other's files, but
I can't really judge considering I write primarily dynamic scripting
languages, the slow pitch softball of programming.
I work with a lot of tab-separated files.
Now most of the times when I open a tab-separated file, the lines are unfortunately not properly aligned.
I get something like:
xx xxxxx
xxxx xxxxx
Is there a way to align this in textmate, so that I get a clean "table-like" view (without adding tabs of course)?
thanks for any help!
> to let you know that some TextMate users rely on projects and don't want
> to see it be cut
I believe that's been established a few times.
Something I just thought of: maybe a quick workaround would be to cause
opening a .tm_proj in TextMate to take the file browser to the Project
Directory (or the first one at least). Since a lot of my projects ARE just
one directory, that would definitely alleviate my current problem of all my
project data being contained in a lot of proprietary tm_proj files that
only work with one program. ;)
Maybe a good way for someone to test out the open file event handlers?
Seems doable within the current system depending on the scriptability of
the file browser.
On 15 Dec 2011, at 12:25, Allan Odgaard wrote:
> As for the philosophy, which you questioned, you work with Git, LaTeX, and Dropbox which share the same philosophy: LaTeX use plain text files that all text editors understand and have done for 20+ years, Git works on a folder that all file browsers understand, Dropbox is just a folder that all applications understand.
That doesn't mean I have to use a workflow that is dictated by technologies from 20 years ago. I also no longer manage photos in folders by hand, even though I technically could. But managing and editing photos in Aperture is a lot faster and allows me to do things that were previously impossible.
In my alternate reality, instead of juggling with TextMate, GitX and FileMerge to recover the paragraph I've deleted, it'd be much easier to do all that efficiently in TextMate 2.
> I don’t want you to spend time managing your project in TextMate and [...]
Please don't worry about me or other users »wasting our time«. We know enough to take it upon ourselves to decide how to collaborate with others. I for one haven't run into trouble stemming from me using projects. (I did run into problems, because I wasn't adding hard line breaks by hand in my code, though ;-)
And as long as using projects is *optional* as it is now, I don't see a problem for anyone. Why not let us have the cake and eat it, too?
> As for precluding myself from future enhancements such as Versions: You are (technically) wrong here.
The point is not to have a feature, but to have a feature that people can find and use. (Apple's current implementation of how to browse versions is IMHO horrible since most people will not discover how to use them.)
> whether you think my philopsophy is narrow-minded or less modern than Apple’s is not worth spending time discussing.
I am not interested in a philosophical discussion. The only reason I see it worth my time is to let you know that some TextMate users rely on projects and don't want to see it be cut. And that there is a case to be made to for keeping them. Or to at least make sure that you design TextMate 2 so that someone else can add a Project add-on later. That's all.
I've been trying TM2-alpha while continuing to work (mostly XeLaTeX-ing) with TM1. I have encountered two TM2/LaTeX issues relating to biblatex and latexmk which I've been using without problem with TM 1.x for at least a year now.
1. in my preferences/Variables, I set PATH as in TM1 and set BIBINPUTS (to) /Users/myname/Library/texmf/bibtex/bib where I keep my bib files. But when I try to complete a citation with Citation (Ref-TeX Style) by using ^{ , the completion doesn't occur in TM2, while it does in TM1. I tried to put BIBINPUTS = "/Users/gweltaz/Library/texmf/bibtex/bib" and that didn't help either. Is some other language needed?
2. this is regarding the LaTeX bundle: I loaded the latest latexmk.pl (Dec 2011) and slightly edited texMate.py in LaTeX.tmbundle/Support/bin bibtex to biber in a few places. This works fine with TM1, i.e., the biber engine is found, and latexmk does its thing, but nothing happens in TM2/LaTeX.tmbundle. Suggestions? [note: I normally use TM1 + TeXShop for automatic typesetting via (xe)latexmk, will gladly continue, but wonder how this can be accomplished in TM without having to set up and use TeXShop]
With much appreciation for TM1 + TM2.
--Gildas Hamel