My .tm_properties looks like this:
TM_GIT = "/usr/local/git/bin/git"
fontName = "monaco"
fontSize = 16
But nothing is being taken from it (the file is writable). Font is still 10
and the git status icons are not displaying. Anyone else having these
Using r8949.
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Been a hectic week here with all the user feedback and at the same time
our christmas celebrations which served as a nice distraction, but
yesterday I found time to address some of the initial feedback and r8949
is now available as a “beta build” — in retrospect this option is
mislabeled — though go to Preferences → Software Update and switch
to beta builds to see the update. Release notes below.
I haven’t devised a strategy yet as for regular vs beta builds, but I
expect most updates to also be pushed out as regular builds — it’s
more that beta builds could have some overlooked issue that prompts a
quick re-release of a proper build, where the “regular builds”
option should hopefully never see such issues (but still be alpha
- - -
# Release Notes
## 2011-12-16: r8949
* HTML output can open in its own window: `defaults write
com.macromates.TextMate.preview htmlOutputPlacement window`.
* Anti-alias can be disabled: `defaults write
com.macromates.TextMate.preview disableAntiAlias -bool YES`.
* File browser can be placed on the right side: `defaults write
com.macromates.TextMate.preview fileBrowserPlacement right`.
* With multiple carets, ⌘-clicking one of them removes it (i.e. it’s
a toggle).
* Carriage returns (`<CR>`) on the general clipboard are converted to
regular newlines when pasting.
* Rename help book to “TextMate 2” which fixes issues where _Help
→ TextMate Help_ showed TextMate 1.5’s help book.
* TextMate 1.x and 2.0 can run at the same time.
* Setting `TM_HG` and `TM_GIT` in Preferences is no longer eclipsed by
the default properties (which set them to point at `/opt/local/bin`).
* Fix potential crash when deleting bundles on disk (`rm -rf`).
Firstly I would to say that TM2 seems great. We will certainly need some time to get used to new methods but first tries are fine.
I would to know if it's actually possible to use a personal bundle. It's about LaTeX with my language grammar and my theme.
Best regards
Alain Matthes
In 2.0 alpha, the "Anti alias" option is gone. Please keep it. I am one of
those unlucky people who cannot work long in front of anti alias fonts
(probably before there is a retina display Macbook).
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Hi Charles,
I solved my Citation (Ref-TeX Style) completion command problem in the latexbundle. It didn't have anything to do with BibDeskTMCompletions or the BibDesk DO Completions command, but with LaTeXUtils.rb. Sorry for the noise about BibDesk. I needed to change a couple lines in LaTeXUtils.rb to adapt it to biblatex method of bib input. I had to change line 244 to
addbib_regexp = /^[^%]*\\addbibresource\s*\{([^\}]*)\}/
and line 248 to
scanner.extractors[addbib_regexp] = Proc.new do |filename, line, groups, text|
* Charles Turner (vze26m98(a)gmail.com) scripsit:
|> On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 10:16 PM, Gildas Hamel <gweltaz(a)ucsc.edu> wrote:
|> > I have a question re Citation (Ref-TeX Style) completion or BibDesk. The completion doesn't occur in TM2, while it continues to work fine in TM1, without having to open BibDesk, via the BibDeskTMCompletions script which I put in a ~/bin folder.
|> >
|> > Any suggestion as to why it doesn't work in TM 2 alpha? Is it because tooltips might not be working yet, or do I need to point the LaTeX bundle towards my bib files (and how?)? Any hint greatly appreciated by this non-coder.
|> You mean the completions script available here?
|> <https://public.me.com/amaxwell>
|> I'll take a look at it on Tuesday after the semester is done if you
|> don't get a response on the TM list.
|> Best, Charles
I was able to get the bundled rmate script that comes with the just released alpha version of TM2 to work great on one of the servers I am often on which is a really nice thing. The other server that I do a lot of work on is being more of a pain however. Whenever I run the script I get the following error:
/cluster/home/jstjohn/bin/rmate:45: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting '}'
= v }
/cluster/home/jstjohn/bin/rmate:47: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting '}'
= v }
I have not made any modifications to the script.
Here is my ruby version:
ruby --version
ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revision 29036) [x86_64-linux]
It is a centos 5 server if that means anything to anyone.
Thanks for your time!
hello, recommend me pls a dark color scheme like "All Hallows Eve" or
"IR_Black" but in which will be different backgrounds to determine which
block is where for the:
php code
so all these document parts will have a bit different background, so i can
visually determine where one of these blocks ends but not all in one black
background or
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this is a quick list I've made after half a day of TM2 usage, hope it can
be helpful:
1. Wrap Column with Soft Wrap deactivated doesn't show any wrap marker (on
TM1.5 we got a vertical line and a ligher or darker background color on the
right side of it, which was a very nice 'hint').
2. I don't know how to reproduce it, but sometimes when you open a folder
dragging it over the icon, the file browser opens all the folders in it
(and it takes a lot of time!)
3. Double clicking a file in the file browser to open a file? Why not a
single click as before?
4. Chosen font is not preserved.
5. The bookmark flag icon replacing the simple star icon is plain horrible
:) Moreover, if you have an old bookmark from TM1, you can still see the
star icon.
6. The new search is very, very nice. Non the less, a button to batch check/uncheck
results would be appreciated when you have to do mass replace.
7. Personally, I found the last two icons on the top bar of the file browser
kind of useless (the Home and the Computer), while the smart folder with
SCM status is pretty cool, but why not adding SCM badge
directly in the main file browser view (a-la XCode)?
8. Selecting some chars and then Folding Current Block causes the selected
text to be replaced by a three points char and is not possible to "unfold"
it, even if you close and reopen the file.
9. As far as I can tell, there's no way to add a new file to an existing
folder within the file browser (You can double click an empty space in the
tab bar, but it's not obvious and if you have a lot of
open tabs, there might be no empty space). Even the New Folder command is
rather hidden. The old icons to add a new file and a new folder from the
project drawer were much better.
10. If you have a single file opened, you can't close it without closing
the whole application.
11. Projects are gone, still you have a Go->Project Folder command
I will update the list as I find other issues, meanwhile thank you very
much for this alpha :)
I try to mark a task as complete by get the following errors:
`initialize': can't convert nil into String (TypeError)
from /Users/tomd/Library/Application
from /Users/tomd/Library/Application
from /Users/tomd/Library/Application
from /Users/tomd/Library/Application
from Toggle Completed:10
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Taskmate-Errors--TM2--tp32987898p32987898.html
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