Is there a way to create a Vim like plugin for TM2? Specifically, can a
plugin intercept all keystrokes and invoke built-in commands? If reasonably
possible, would it be best done as a bundle or plugin?
With latex, I am not able to compile a single document. I always get the message
Can't find “kpsewhich” on PATH.
The current PATH is:
/Users/chrisp/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/Bundle Support.tmbundle/Support/shared/bin
Please add the directory containing “kpsewhich” to PATH in TextMate's Shell Variables preferences.
How could I solve this issue?
Thanks, Christian
[[ Well that worked well… hmm… let's try again]]
Note the escapes for the spaces in the directory names.
Need breakfast now, coffee more particularly,
Take a look at this program:
You can map any of your keys to any other keys, and there are several
Vim-emulation settings. I'm not a hardcore Vim user so I can't vouch for
the quality or anything, but I've seen some with a lot of work put into
Hi Allan, thanks for putting so much time and effort into this! I hope we
can all live up to your expectations when we are filling it out with
bundles and plugins. :)
Obviously now is not the time to nitpick features that may change, but
since you mentioned tmproj files were not planned to be supported I've got
a couple of concerns:
First off, I personally use QuickSilver for pretty much everything. I have
a big folder of tmproj files that QuickSilver indexes so any of my projects
are within a few keystrokes at any point. I'm unsure how this
functionality would be replicated with 'Favorites'.
Secondly, sometimes I'll add a separate folder or just a few other files to
the project, for reference (e.g. if I'm forking something, maybe I'll keep
some files from the original in there) or other situations in which I'd
like to have quick access to the files. I like the ability to group
discontiguous files in the file system without actually altering the file
A third I just thought of: sometimes I will have 2 projects containing the
same folder (and other, non-common folders), but the per-project display
settings are different so I am viewing a different subset of the files.
Not sure if the current per-folder settings can accomodate that. This one
isn't very important to me but a use case nonetheless.
Just my thoughts on the subject before having actually used TM2 for any
length of time. :) Congrats on the bundle system, by the way! I think
the built in 'Get Bundles' UI, the automatic updating, and the command
dependencies are a very big win.
So...just one more question...when can we expect TextMate 3?
Sorry, I had to. :)
Am 14.12.2011 um 16:32 schrieb Dave Baldwin:
> It may not work for you but I gave up on textmate's project feature a long time ago and just open the app's directory in textmate. [...]
> You can include any other directory in your apps directory using a symlink - not quite the same as how is would be done in a project, but achieves the same thing.
> I'd be curious to know what I am overlooking that makes projects so compelling.
I mainly use TextMate for larger LaTeX and very much prefer Projects over just loading directories. I very much like grouping files (e. g. content, misc, logs) in subdirectories that don't exist in the file system and cannot be put in that order in the file system (since LaTeX generates them in the same directory as the tex source files. Furthermore, I can arrange the files in the order I want them to appear in (the most important ones are on top of the list).
Also, LaTeX generates tons of files I'm never interested in, but share the same ending as other files (e. g. I may care about some log files, but not others).
Until a few years ago, Projects could be used to make certain settings stick (e. g. the location of the bibliography file or to set the TeX master file), but nowadays, you can add code to the top of the file which does the same things. On the other hand, co-workers do not always appreciate this extra »cryptic« code. Whenever I create a new TeX file, I have to put things like the TeX engine I use and the TeX master file in the first lines of the file. Putting these settings in the projects file makes managing things easier, though.
To me, projects offer a much cleaner and simpler way to work with large projects. Also, if you look at other pieces of software, e. g. Aperture, Mendeley or Papers, they revolve around projects rather than files and folders.
So I'd very much appreciate if Projects are implemented one way or another and that TextMate users are not forced to use the structure of the file system to organize their work.
Is it possible? It seems that whatever name I give to either of the apps (eg. renaming one to "TextMate2"), when I start TextMate2 it appears to be loading (bouncing in the Dock) and then vanishes and focus is put to TextMate1, which is already open.
Running just one of the versions works.
- Matthias
First of all, thanks a lot for this alpha release. The new icon also looks brilliant. Now couple of problem reports (I do not want to call them bugs, as it may be know issues that have to be just finished).
• Turning on soft wrap does not make horizontal scroll disappear instantly. It does disappear after few scrolls though.
• Soft wrap sometimes mysteriously turns off after a while.
• Show Invisibles and Soft Wrap ON status is forgotten by TM2 after restored and reset to OFF regardless they were ON before.
• Show Invisibles does not have tick show enabled in menu (minor issue)
• Showing HTML output then dragging the status bar (bar dividing text editor and HTML output) completely down makes it disappear forever without a way to bring it back
• Folding C source file with 2000 lines at all levels (via ⌥⌘I) takes really long and lot of CPU (I can provide some test file upon request)
• Find in Files output pane tends to scroll a little horizontally, even there's no reason to do so (at least here on Lion)
Now couple of questions:
• How to disable wrap marker line at right margin?
• Release notes says that Soft Wrap shall respect indentation, but it doesn't? Is it somehow turned via settings or planned for later release?
• Release notes says that there's completely new folding system, would it be possible then to turn on folding on processor pragmas too? Especially on #ifdef/#if blocks?
• Is theme/color management UI planned to be restored/implemented in Bundle Editor?
• Does TM2 use Cocoa text renderer rather than ATS now? I like how the Markdown editor shows headers, however would it be possible to enlarge headers that are marked with ===== or ----- underlines too? Right now only headers marked with ### prefix are enlarged.
I hope this report will be useful somehow, and once again sorry for loosing my faith in TM2.
Best regards,
Hey Everybody, I'm new to this list and haven't figured out where I can
search it so I apologize if this has been mentioned before. I use TextMate
from several different computers but I maintain only one set of
Bundles/Themes that I store in Dropbox and then create a symbolic link to
them from the TextMate app. With the TM2 update I've noticed when I try
this trick, TextMate crashes on launch. I know this is a pretty specific
use-case but I can't imagine I'm the only one who's employing this trick.
When you get a chance (I'm sure there are many other more pressing issues),
could you look into this? Please let me know if there is any more
information you need me to provide to address this issue.
P.S. Great job on the new release, I'm excited to see it mature into a full
On 14 Dec 2011, at 10:53, Allan Odgaard wrote:
> This is sort of a tough question because as of such, the things affecting development priorities are show stoppers (like failing input modes) ...
Ok, I'll do that.
> ... and to a lesser degree, what missing functionality people are finding it hard to live without.
May I suggest that you link to some examples or documentation on how to use some of the new features. E. g. I'd like to try how to use the new »file browser«/project replacement, but I have no clue what to write into the .tm_properties file. I don't need full-fledged documentation, but an example file would be nice.
If there are other areas of TextMate that are new and you want us to test, give us a hint how to use them or that they are there.
I think a blog post expanding on my question would help channel feedback and steer attention to the issues you're working on.
In any case, thanks a lot for the hard work. The fact that TextMate2 is *the* topic of Marco Arments' latest podcast (which was released a day after TextMate2 or so) tells you that the community still loves TM very much and is happy to see progress.