I want to use quantlib within TextMate.
My Shell Variables are:
TM_CXX = -I/opt/local/include
When I test quantlib with
g++ -I/opt/local/include/ -I/opt/local/include/boost testQuantlib.cpp -o testQuantlib -L/opt/local/lib/ -lQuantlib
it compiles fine.
How must I set the shell variables to use quantlib to compile with TextMate?
Thanks for the answer,
I have 20,000+ lines that I need to select-all and then be able to
insert a special character like ^ not normally found within the
document, at the beginning of every line, to allow me to then use Find
and Replace to insert a common string at the beginning of each line.
After doing this, I also need to be able to do the same thing at the
END of each line of text and run find and replace with a different
string on all 20,000 lines.
I know how to use Find & Replace.
What I don't know and what I can't locate in the manual document is
how to select all 20,000 lines and insert a character at the beginning
and end of each of those lines.
What is the most efficient way of doing this?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Adam Boettiger
Portland, Oregon
> I have 20,000+ lines that I need to select-all and then be able to
> insert a special character like ^ not normally found within the
> document, at the beginning of every line, to allow me to then use Find
> and Replace to insert a common string at the beginning of each line.
> After doing this, I also need to be able to do the same thing at the
> END of each line of text and run find and replace with a different
> string on all 20,000 lines.
> What is the most efficient way of doing this?
I think using sed might be more efficient since TextMate's handling of
large files can be a little unreliable sometimes. Press option+command+r
to bring up the Filter Through Command dialog and put this in the Command
input box:
sed -e "s/^/\^/" -e "s/$/\^/"
That is, substitute a literal ^ (\^) for a beginning-of-line (^), and do
the same for end-of-line ($).
That might be faster than the Find and Replace dialog on a big file. You
can also store it as a command if you end up doing it a lot.
I hope that helps,
tracing a message to source.
the message in question is:
Type your password to allow TextMate to make changes.
the heart of the message is as i would see it is:
((((((( to allow ))))))))))) (((((( TextMate ))))))) ((((((( make
changes )))))))))
i do apologize for the excess use of parentheses to emphasize.
i have been dealing with this situation for a while now. in a few forums.
any way , the words the code developer used to convey a message are:
" to allow TextMate to make changes "
what is text mate changing ???
it would be nice to know.
this situation revolves around the action of placing a textMate file in
XAMPP htdocs.
I could chase answers over here and chase answers over there. etc.
but what would be really cool is if the code developer could stimulate some
reference to a file or a process or some other lead.
are there any command line utilities that could show the last known file
that executed action to the screen.
Thank you.
I'm new to textmate, so...
I was trying to figure out why the syntax highlighting in perl sucked so
much, when I realized it was getting messed up by some regex code.
Paste this into file (e.g. test.pl) and view in textmate. Does the 2nd
function hilight correctly? It is the /\\/ regex I think - comment the
first one out and watch the hilighting change.
sub fn() {
# some perl code
my $f = shift;
if( $f =~ /\\/ ) {
my $var = "Hello";
sub fn2() {
# some perl code
my $f = shift;
if( $f =~ /\\/ ) {
my $var = "Hello";
Thoughts? I am using textmate Version 1.5.10 (1631)
thanks -thomas
Hello everyone!
I discovered Textmate this summer and can't let go of it ^^
I'd like to use the Ada bundle, but when I try to run my program, textmate tells me "gnatmake: command not found". I suppose I did something wrong with the config.
besides, when I run the script given on the bundles page, I get
2011-11-09 09:49:49.095 osascript[1760:903] Error loading /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types: dlopen(/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types: no matching architecture in universal wrapper
osascript: OpenScripting.framework - scripting addition "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax" declares no loadable handlers.
Ada comDoes anyone know how I could fix this?
thanks a lot for your help
Hi all,
I'm next to text mate and so far I'm loving it! There's one thing though
that I miss from BBedit, and it's likely there i just can't find it so if
anyone is kind enough to help me that would be nice.
In bbedit while writing CSS there's a function called : Context-sensitive
tag and attribute completion while typing ; basically it's simply suggesting
you word/function while you type so you can simply select it instead of
typing the whole thing. It's is slightly faster but what it liked more was
the fact that this way you avoid attribute typo. So is there something
similar in textmate? I'm still new to the whole bundle thing but I know
textmate get a lot out of it.
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Attribute-completion-while-typing-tp32805992p32805992…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Im trying to create a bundle for GAMS and when wanting to do syntax
highlighting i have an issue. Several of the commands in GAMS starts with a
$ sign, e.g. $INCLUDE, so how do i get the editor to recognize this? I've
tried doing the litteral \$ but it wont recognize it in my syntax.
{ name = 'keyword';
match = '^\b((?i)(\$INCLUDE))\b';
What am i doing wrong?
I user Textmate for all my Ruby work. It would be really great if Textmate 2.0
comes with Ruby 1.9 instead of using the default 1.8.7 that comes installed
with OSX these days. Please consider embedding Ruby 1.9 in Textmate 2!
You could of course provide an option for using that or the version of Ruby
installed with the system.
So, I'm new to my Mac, FileZilla and TextMate.
I have set TextMate as my editor in FileZilla but when I try to save it the
Mac just goes, "Doh!" and won't save my edits.
I notice that the red close jewel has a dot inside it and not a cross.
I'm perplexed.
PS I think this probably has to do with file permissions. The files were
downloaded from an existing site.
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Open-TextMate-from-FileZilla-and-I-Can%27t-Save-my-Ed…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.