This is slightly off topic but I'm hoping some of the TextMate-Cocoa
people here could help me.
I'm learning Cocoa programming and I'm not interested in using Xcode
for my development. I prefer using Clang, Rake, Textmate, and
Interface Builder. I know Allan and company development Textmate using
Cmake instead of Xcode. I'm wondering how to run unit tests this way.
Every OCUnit app tutorial I see assumes you are using Xcode. Anyone
know how to set up unit tests manually via the command line? Once I
see how it is done I can set up a Rake target/tasks to handle it for
Any other advice when developing Cocoa apps without Xcode?
Thanks in advance,
Jason C
If have a tiny problem since I'm using NSLocalizedString a lot in a project. We had a similar discussion at irc a couple of months ago and maybe I came across with a solution.
E.g. you have the following Objective-C++ file:
@implementation AClass
- (void)foo:(NSDictionary *)w
MyFun(NSLocalizedString(@"Error", @"error"), NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK"),
nil, nil, tableWindow, self, nil, nil, nil,
NSLocalizedString(@"bla", @"bla"));
- (void)foo2:(NSDictionary *)w
you'll see in the Symbol List:
- foo:
- foo2:
which could be sometimes useful but the NS... stuff disturb generally. Then I looked at the Objective-C++ Language definitions and I found:
patterns = (
{ include = 'source.c++'; },
{ include = 'source.objc'; },
This means that 'source.c++' will be processed before 'source.objc'. By my opinion this is the wrong order. Because if I change this into:
patterns = (
{ include = 'source.objc'; },
{ include = 'source.c++'; },
I get for the above example the correct Symbol List:
- foo:
- foo2:
Are there any reasons for that language grammar order?
I’ve been neglecting the mailing list for a few months, sorry about
I have lots of unread stuff which I’ll try to catch up on during the
next few days, so just a sorry in advance for late replies.
I'm new to TextMate, trying it out as a desktop blogging editor using the
blogging bundle. I like its speed, compared to the online editor of my blog. If the trial version works out I'll buy it properly.
But there's a small problem. I've been trying to upload images, and find
that when I drag an image to the editing window, it only gives me a link to
the local location of the file and does not upload it automatically. This is
a problem I've seen mentioned elsewhere on the Textmate blog but haven't
found an answer to. What is happening, though, is that once I post my
writing to my blog and then fetch it back for editing, only after doing that
is it possible for me to drag-and-upload an image in the way that is
indicated by the screencast and help file.
Is this normal behaviour? Should I be able to upload an image straightaway
into the post before posting it? If so, how can I fix the problem I'm
having? I'm on OS 10.5.8, using version 1.5.9 of Textmate. Thank you for any
ideas or suggestions.
I don't have a bundle for Makefiles in my version of Textmate (1.5.8).
Makefiles are treated as plain text files.
I haven't found one listed via the GetBundles bundle. (I installed CMake,
but that doesn't appear to be it.) I've also looked through the
bundle list<>and don't see one.
Where is the Makefile bundle.
Hi, Allan-
Following up from IRC...
My text editor of choice on Windows was TextPad, and it supported a
handy way to insert sequential numbers for "replace all" operations.
This was useful, for example, when inserting line numbers, creating
unique ids, etc.
I don't know if the syntax was unique to TextPad, or if it is part of
some standard regex syntax, but it was pretty simple and effective:
\i Replace with numbers starting from 1, incrementing by 1.
\i(10) Replace with numbers starting from 10, incrementing by 1.
\i(0,10) Replace with numbers starting from 0, incrementing by 10.
\i(100,-10) Replace with numbers starting from 100, decrementing by -10.
Any chance this (or something similar) could be added to TextMate?
I started to use Textmate as editor for pages in textile and markdown
format. I run into an issue with a page that includes Java source as
part of an article.
If the article contains a preformatted region <pre>...</pre> and inside
this region there is Java code containing a question mark as part of a
generic function, then the rest of the article is marked in red color.
If I use markdown format instead of textile, then I can solve this with
two blank lines. This is not possible with textile format. Both pages
render correctly in the preview.
I have attached two sample files for this.
public <? extends Bar> foo(){
Best Regards / Viele Grüße
Sebastian Hennebrueder
Software Developer and Trainer for Hibernate / Java Persistence
# Hello
## Sub title
Some text in here
public <? extends Bar> foo(){
## Another paragraph
h1. Hello
h2. Sub title
Some text in here
public <? extends Bar> foo(){
h1. Another paragraph
I tried to switch from LaTeX-Bundle to the LaTeX2-Bundle but the document is not compiling. My document consists of a master file with included part files. The part files then using input for the chapter files.
After a run on the master file everything I get is the following:
ypesetting latexfahrplan.tex…
hpdftex.def: Shell escape feature is not enabled.
amstext.sty: Unexpected value for option `prepend'
nameref.sty: W0030
minitoc: W0023
minitoc: W0028
minitoc: W0023
minitoc: Usage of deprecated \float@listhead!
part1introlatex.tex:14: \part{Einführung in \LaTeX{}}
copy output
Program exited with code #1 after 1.55 seconds.
and nothing happens more.
Do I miss some basic changes needed in the setup before switching?
-Click. Boom. Amazing!-
Steve Jobs, 2006
-Click. Boom. Amazing!-
Steve Jobs, 2006
I've just - mistakenly- deleted the blackboard theme.
I tried re-installing the Textmate but no help.
How do I recover the theme?
Ozgur Akgun