For a long time I'm using the auto-completion of the LaTeX-bundle. I
have a bib-file with 290 entries and I want to use the auto-completion
of the bundle, soon after pressing escape for auto-completion there
are 3 ruby-processes in activity monitor to be seen that take up
altogether 180% of the processor (dual core ;) ) and no
auto-completion happens.
What can I do to track down and solve the problem?
I can't for the life of me figure out why this isn't working in my language
file, can someone help?
Sample text to search:
<cffunction name="isEmpty" returnType="boolean" access="private"
hint="checks to see whether a field is empty">
<cfargument name="inputField" type="string" required="true" hint="the
<cfset retBool = true />
<cfif Len(Trim(arguments.inputField))>
<cfset retBool = false />
<cfreturn retBool />
regex that works when using "find" inside TM:
bundle language text:
{ name = 'support.other';
contentName = 'entity.name.function';
begin = '(<cffunction\sname).(["''])';
end = '["'']';
Steven Ross
web application & interface developer
[mobile] 404-488-4364 [fax] 267-482-4364
[ AIM / Yahoo! : zeriumsteven ] [googleTalk : nowhiding ]
Hello 'Mates,
I'm working on a bundle (my first!) to alphabetize css attributes, as
described by Garrett Dimon here:
I whipped up some 'working' (as in, it works on a 2000+ line CSS file
I threw it at) code here, which has some obvious problems. Here are
the key parts, all in PHP:
function find_rule()
global $input, $nOffset;
$nStart = strpos($input,'{',$nOffset);
if ( $nStart === false ) return false;
$nEnd = strpos($input,'}',$nStart);
$nOffset = $nEnd;
$nLen = $nEnd - $nStart + 1;
$aReturn[] = $nStart;
$aReturn[] = $nLen;
// return an array containing the start index and length of the next
return $aReturn;
function alphabetize_rule($sRule)
$sRule = implode(' ',$aProps[0]);
$sRule = '{ '.$sRule.' }';
return $sRule;
The problems, that I can see anyway, are in the regular expressions,
since a CSS rule can contain URLs and URLs can legitimately contain
both un-escaped semi-colons and I think even curly brackets. I can
spend a bit more time on those to search for '(' and ')' and allow
those characters between, so that's fine.
My real question is if anyone has any thoughts about managing the
whitespace that separates the rules. Generally I write CSS all on one
line, and my code will return attributes separated by spaces. Ideally
I'd like it to respect how the coder has written their CSS already,
leaving any newlines and indentation in place.
Does anyone have any thoughts on how best to do this? Do you think
this bundle would be useful?
Many thanks for any feedback.
Is there any string we can add somewhere in a document such that TM
recognizes it and sets the correctly spelling dictionary?
Basically, everytime I change from a PT to EN document (or vice-versa)
I need to change the spelling language.
Thanks for any hint.
Alberto Simões
This is a bit off topic, but I have added a word count command to TextMate
for Latex using texWordCount.pl as described here
This raised two questions.
1. Is there a "good practice" place to put such snippets of code, and
2. I put it in ~Library/Application Support/Textmate/Code
Adding the "Code" folder to the existing directory tree.
But this led me to a new problem in that I couldn't work out how to get that
directory tree found when trying to run the code. In Windows, because of
the space in "Application Support" I would gve the full and wrap it in
quotes, but the cmbinations I tried failed to work.
At the moment, I have created a new folder ~Library/TextMate for the script
and the word count seem to work well, it also picks up possible errors in
your latex code, but I haven't investigated that yet. A google search
confirms the need to use quotes, but I can't find an illustration of exactly
where these quotes go.
Some help would be gratefully received.
Hash: SHA1
I am new to Textmate so maybe I just don't know if this already exists.
When I have a project I can set bookmarks. This is fine but it would be
nice if it would be possible to not only set bookmarks but to set
a) Bookmarks of different type (maybe color)
b) Add comments to bookmarks (annotations)
And aside from that it would be nice to be able to set a specific type
of bookmark (selected color) for results of the current search.
So it this already on the feature list, is it planned? or is it possible
to create a plugin that supports this feature. (I have more features in
my head but that for sure need a plugin)
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I'm having problems running the mate terminal command, I get the following
/usr/bin/mate: line 1: ../SharedSupport/Support/bin/mate: No such file or
Any help would be much appreciated.
Bryce Roney
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/error-with-Terminal-%27mate%27-command-tp15891059p158…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi all,
I'm finding I cannot copy text from main window into the find window. Also, if I type in a find query, textmate is unable to find the text in the file (even though I see it there in front of me).
Furthermore, I cannot copy or paste between textmate and other applications at all.
I've tried uninstall and reinstall without success.
Mac OS X 10.4.1
Textmate 1.5.7 (1436)
Standard bundles only.
Any tips? Thanks....
Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.
When I post to my WordPress blog using the Blogging Bundle, I get this
> 2008-03-05 11:23:41.229 osascript[1107:10b] Error loading /Library/
> ScriptingAdditions/QXPScriptingAdditions.osax/Contents/MacOS/
> QXPScriptingAdditions: dlopen(/Library/ScriptingAdditions/
> QXPScriptingAdditions.osax/Contents/MacOS/QXPScriptingAdditions,
> 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
> /Library/ScriptingAdditions/QXPScriptingAdditions.osax/Contents/
> MacOS/QXPScriptingAdditions: mach-o, but wrong architecture
> osascript: OpenScripting.framework - scripting addition /Library/
> ScriptingAdditions/QXPScriptingAdditions.osax declares no loadable
> handlers.
Mind you, the post is successful, but this is quite annoying.
Any thoughts?