Here's a little hack that TextMate-using Perl fans may find useful:
It makes TextMate follow the current Perl debugger file and line so
you can easily see where you are in a program you're debugging by
flipping to TextMate.
Andy Armstrong, Hexten
Hello Mathew,
You can find the command by opening your Bundle Editor (Bundles>Bundle
Editor>Show Bundle Editor or by ⌃⌥⌘B)
and navigate to SQL>Database Browser there just change the command
db_browser.rb --rows 50
This should work.
On Jan 19, 2008, at 12:12 AM, mathew wrote:
> thank you alex,
> but i don't actually understand how to do that,
> i'm not familiar with how the bundles work
> can you please explain to me what you mean?
> thank you for your help
> mathew
> On 19/01/2008, at 2:32 AM, Alex Podaras wrote:
>> Hello Mathew,
>> I haven' t tried the following but it should work,
>> try changing the command for Database Browser to something like:
>> db_browser.rb --rows 50
>> this will probably solve your problem.
>> Regards,
>> Alex
>> On Jan 18, 2008, at 3:55 PM, mathew wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> when i use the sql bundle to create a mysql view
>>> such as the following:
>>> CREATE VIEW cp_qry_offset AS
>>> select
>>> O.offset_id,
>>> O.account_id,
>>> O.calculation_id
>>> O.quantity,
>>> O.type,
>>> T.description as type_description
>>> from cp_offset O
>>> join cp_offset_type T
>>> on O.type = T.type_id
>>> for reasons unknown to me, but suspiciously related to the sql
>>> bundle's
>>> habit of returning 10 rows of a
>>> select at a time in the database browser,
>>> it seems the bundle is appending:
>>> limit 0,10
>>> to the view definition.
>>> which means i then have to edit the view with another
>>> tool to remove this limit before it will work
>>> do you know why that is happening?
>>> i'm guessing its related to this in db_browser.rb in the sql bundle,
>>> but i don't know how to change it
>>> if not query=~ /\bLIMIT\b/i and run_query =~ /\s*SELECT/i
>>> run_query << ' LIMIT %d OFFSET %d' % [@page_size, offset]
>>> @limited = false
>>> end
>>> can anyone help?
>>> thanks
>>> mathew
>>> ______________________________________________________________________
>>> For new threads USE THIS: textmate(a)
>>> (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you
>>> don't)
when i use the sql bundle to create a mysql view
such as the following:
CREATE VIEW cp_qry_offset AS
T.description as type_description
from cp_offset O
join cp_offset_type T
on O.type = T.type_id
for reasons unknown to me, but suspiciously related to the sql bundle's
habit of returning 10 rows of a
select at a time in the database browser,
it seems the bundle is appending:
limit 0,10
to the view definition.
which means i then have to edit the view with another
tool to remove this limit before it will work
do you know why that is happening?
i'm guessing its related to this in db_browser.rb in the sql bundle,
but i don't know how to change it
if not query=~ /\bLIMIT\b/i and run_query =~ /\s*SELECT/i
run_query << ' LIMIT %d OFFSET %d' % [@page_size, offset]
@limited = false
can anyone help?
Though I have been successful at getting the blogging bundle to work
in Tiger, when I try to run it in Leopard and fetch a post I get the
following error:
1.8/timeout.rb:54:in `open': execution expired (Timeout::Error)
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/
ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:564:in `connect'
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/
ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:56:in `timeout'
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/
ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:76:in `timeout'
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/
ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:564:in `connect'
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/
ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:557:in `do_start'
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/
ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:546:in `start'
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/
ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:1044:in `request'
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/
ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:1001:in `post2'
... 9 levels...
from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/ui.rb:17:in
from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/progress.rb:
42:in `call_with_progress'
from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/Blogging.tmbundle/
Support/lib/blogging.rb:551:in `fetch'
from /tmp/temp_textmate.b0oDWV:3
has anyone been able to get the blogging bundle to work in Leopard?
My System:
OS X v. 10.5.1
iMac Intel Core Duo
ruby 1.8.6
wordpress 2.3
Any insight you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
if one invokes a tmcommand which is displaying something and
afterwards one invokes an other tmcommand which displays an inline
menu, the tooltip is still visible.
One should trigger that command which hides the tooltip if ANY key is
pressed. (Or?)
Here's a screenshot showing that:
Or is there a way to get rid of it?
I want to edit .muttrc, the Mutt MUA configuration file, with TextMate.
It's a simple plain text file, so no syntax highlighting, and that's a
big issue.
There's a specific bundle for UNIX configuration files?
Any suggestion?
Thank you very much
is there a way to sync the project drawer with the current file? e.g. if i'm
viewing foo/bar/baz.html, then the project drawer would snap open with that
file selected if the folder hierarchy was collapsed. currently i can view
a file with all folders collapsed.
View this message in context:…
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The attached patch fixes a couple of bugs (one of which could put the
system into an infinite loop under some circumstances), and adds some
I hope someone can apply it to the repository, assuming it looks okay.
I am running Version 1.0.2 (v20) of Skim, Version 1.5.7 (1455) of
TextMate, Leopard (10.5.1). I could give you a file if you want, but
all you need to do is have two distinct .tex files with the exact same
name and in different directories on your computer. Have both of them
open in TextMate. Compile one and it will show up in Skim. Compile
the other and it will think that you're trying to update the first
file that you compiled because they have the same name.
Just purchased TextMate and really like it. (I'm a long time BBedit
One thing I'm having difficulty with is navigating around the auto-
paired characters.
I understand the key shortcut to exit the pair and jump to a new line,
but sometimes that isn't what I want.
For example:
<img src="picture.jpg" width="20" height ="20">
When I'm don't typing the picture.jpg, I then need to jump past the
closing quote so that I can continue typing the rest of the tag.
There isn't an easy way that I can find, so I have to take my hands
off the keyboard and press the right arrow key. It seems really
Is there some key combo that just jumps to outside the quote or
"closing auto-paired" character??