I searched the list and found a error with BlogMate, but I don't have it
installed. I do know that this error is local in nature. I can login
under admin and use mate from the command line. Under my account I get
this message:
2007-11-26 15:03:11.446 mate[2591:10b] Exception raised during posting
of notification. Ignored. exception: '[NOTE: this exception originated
in the server.]
*** Object does not implement or has different method signature'
invoked observer method: '*** -[…
[View More]OakLaunchHelper didLaunchTextMate:]'
observer: 0x121090 notification name:
I've removed the preferences.plist and removed bundles and other
possible solutions from the list but nothing.
Thanks for any help.
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>From a quick look at the archives, it looks like at least a few people on
this list have been using Textmate on Leopard... has anyone had trouble with
spaces? I've noticed that sometimes when I have textmate windows on spaces
other than space 1, all the windows will become inaccessible. The only way I
can make them work again is to disable spaces. This is especially pronounced
if I launch textmate from another space. Has anyone noticed this or found a
Although I have used svn exclusively via the command line in the
past, I'm really enjoying the convenience of the svn bundle --
especially when working within a project. I did, however, notice one
minor problem which might be a bug. Say I have the following
(invisible) directory named .foo:
vampire-squid:~/Desktop/.foo pschumm$ svn status
? my-new-file
M foobar.tex
(note the period in the directory name, and the new file still
unknown to svn). If I open the file foobar.…
[View More]tex in TextMate and use
the status command from the svn bundle, the resulting output shows
only the modified file (i.e., the new file does not appear in the
output). However, if I remove the . from the directory name (i.e.,
change it from .foo to foo), then the output of the status command
shows both files (i.e., it is consistent with the output of "svn
status"). Thus, it would appear that when a period appears in the
path, new files are not shown in the status output.
This situation can arise if, say, you keep personal settings folders
(which often start with a period) under version control.
-- Phil
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I have a Russian colleague. He is really hooked of TextMate's
possibilities. Unfortunately he is very poor in English. He asks me
whether there are plans to localize TextMate.
AFAIK TM's code isn't written in that style. Meaning there's no
'Localizable.string' etc. And I know that it would cost much effort
to rewrite the entire code in that way. But anyway it's only a
question ;)
I occasionally need to hard wrap text, meaning that carriage returns
are inserted to make the text wrap at a certain column. The Text
bundle has a command to do this; it's called "Reformat to Column".
Because of this unorthodox name, I always have trouble searching for
it because I expect the command to have the word "hard" or "wrap" in
it. Could it be changed? For example, I noticed that the "Statistics
for Document" command has "(Word Count)" in parentheses because few
[View More]people wanting to find a word count command would search for the word
"statistics". And I suspect few people wanting to find a hard wrap
command would search for the word "reformat". How about renaming the
command to "Reformat to Column (Hard Wrap)"?
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You can edit the tidy configuration in TextMate. Open the bundle editor and
find Tidy in the HTML section.
I altered mine to this:
> # BEWARE. Errors are suppressed.
> "${TM_TIDY:-tidy}" -f /dev/null -q --indent auto -utf8 -wrap 0
> --wrap-attributes 0 --break-before-br 1 --clean y --word-2000 y --tab-size
> $TM_TAB_SIZE --indent-spaces $TM_TAB_SIZE|\
> if [[ "$TM_SOFT_TABS" == "YES" ]]; then cat; else ruby -pe '
> unless $in_pre
> tab_size = ENV["TM_TAB_SIZE"].…
[View More]to_i
> space, text = /( *)(.*)/m.match($_)[1..2]
> $_ = "\t" * (space.length / tab_size).floor +
> " " * (space.length % tab_size) + text
> end
> $in_pre = true if(/<pre>/)
> $in_pre = false if(/<\/pre>/)
> '
> fi
You can play with your own preferences to make it like you like it. The
docu is:
Tidy is handy, but I haven't been able to make it work exactly like I like
(HTML tidy or Perl tidy), but it's at least close.
I did check to see if your line would be broken up, and it was not.
tigercore wrote:
> The HTML Tidy function used to tidy the code in this format:
> <p>Paragraph Text here</p>
> but not for some reasons its doing it like this:
> <p>
> Some text here
> </p>
> And putting everything on a new line. It's also changing the doctype from
> XHTML Transitional to XHTML Strict.
> Anyone know why it's doing this? Is it a preference or somhing I have
> changed somewhere?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/HTML-Tidy-Weirdness-tf4771947.html#a13907232
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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[I'm reposting for a third time, since I wasn't subscribed at first, then I
reposted as a subscriber, then deleted my *accepted* post. N00b. :confused:]
I created a bundle command to open a file from a repository directory, based
on the selected text. It was put in the Text bundle, with no particular
Here's my current (working) command.
open "file:///path/to/repository/volume/$TM_SELECTED_TEXT.pdf"
This will open the PDF file with the selected filename. (I use open since I
want to …
[View More]see the PDF in Acrobat, not TextMate.)
However, now there's arbitrary (unknown) text attached to the filename, so I
want to use a wildcard in this command.
I got a suggestion to use an unquoted * as a wildcard. But if AAAA is
selected, this command:
open "file:///path/to/repository/$TM_SELECTED_TEXT"*
will open a file in Textmate named AAAA*, which is not what I want: I want
AAAA.pdf and AAAA-morestuff.pdf to open.
Any help is appreciated.
[I originally had this question attached as a comment to a TextMate blog
entry, where Allen Odegaard posted the * wildcard suggestion, but it didn't
work in this context.]
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/repost%3A-Command-to-open-arbitrary-files-in-TxMt-tf4…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Thanks all.
The easy answer (which I missed in the rel notes) is to use
TM_FULLNAME instead.
Works a treat!
On 30 Nov 2007, at 12:00, Allan Odgaard (via digest) wrote:
> From the r1431 release notes:
> [NEW] TextMate sets TM_FULLNAME (unless you set it yourself)
> to the user’s full name, so no longer necessarily to fiddle
> with niutil and dscl to obtain it.
> So it should not be necessary for commands/snippets to try and
> obtain the full username themselves.
You heard it here first folks.
I just added a Select Balanced HTML/XML Tag macro to the Experimental
I've been trying different ways of making this work since I first
started using TextMate back in, what like 2004 or something?
I've tried regex, I've tried Ruby, I've tried everything I could think
But finally I've come up with something very simple.
The only real downside is that it's EXTREMELY slow. Like 1 second from
running the macro until it's done. But that'…
[View More]s WAY faster than using
the mouse to manually select that same code, or trying to use the
keyboard to manually select it.
This is frankly the #1 biggest missing feature of TextMate that
directly impacts my life.
If this breaks anything, just remember that it's undoable. Command-Z
is your friend.
Please also report and and all problems to me with an example of the
code that it chokes on.
If you only want to DOWNLOAD this macro alone, just visit this link
and double-click the file.
—Thomas Aylott – subtleGradient—
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I only have a tiny question and I didn't find anything in the archive.
E.g. I have that grammar snippet:
name = 'meta.tag.any.html';
begin = '(<)([a-zA-Z0-9:]+)(?=[^>]*></\2>)';
end = '(>(<)/)(\2)(>)';
beginCaptures = {
1 = { name = 'punctuation.definition.tag.html'; };
2 = { name = 'entity.name.tag.html'; };
Is it possible to name the beginCaptures 1 and 2 according to values
found in the regexp groups like for group 2
name = 'meta.tag.any.html';
[View More]begin = '(<)([a-zA-Z0-9:]+)(?=[^>]*></\2>)';
end = '(>(<)/)(\2)(>)';
beginCaptures = {
1 = { name = 'punctuation.definition.tag.html'; };
2 = { name = 'entity.name.tag.html.$2'; };
2 = { name = 'entity.name.tag.html.$self'; };
$2 or $self referring to the actual content of the found regexp group
2 to get:
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