Hi everyone,
I'm trying to run a ruby script via Cmd-R, and I get this error:
RubyMate r6189 running Ruby r1.8.4 (/usr/local/bin/ruby)
>>> symlink_dotfiles.rb
`filter_stdout': undefined method `test_script?' for nil:NilClass
(NoMethodError) from /Users/sean/Library/Application
Support/TextMate/Support/lib/scriptmate.rb:59:in `emit_html' from
Support/TextMate/Support/lib/scriptmate.rb:53:in `emit_html' from
The script runs fine in the shell, using the same ruby executable.
Any idea where something went wrong?
Am checking out textmate (am a 10 year bbedit user). So far I love
what I see, tho I have much to learn.
I am trying the blogging bundle with movable type 3.33 (I upgraded
from 3.2 just for this issue, but that didn't help. At least I got a
better blog out of it :))
I can retrieve posts fine.
When I make a new post and try cat tab, I get:
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/parser.rb:154:in `fault': wrong fault-
structure: {"faultCode"=>"Client", "faultString"=>"Failed to locate
method (getCategories) in class (metaWeblog) at /usr/home/geeksrus/
public_html/cgi-bin/mt/extlib/SOAP/Lite.pm line 2180.\n"} (RuntimeError)
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/parser.rb:562:in `tag_end'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/parsers/streamparser.rb:26:in `parse'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/document.rb:171:in `parse_stream'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/parser.rb:722:in `parse'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/parser.rb:462:in `parseMethodResponse'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/client.rb:410:in `call2'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/client.rb:399:in `call'
from /tmp/temp_textmate.GnKX4C:46
from /tmp/temp_textmate.GnKX4C:45:in `popen'
from /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Support/lib/
progress.rb:11:in `call_with_progress'
from /tmp/temp_textmate.GnKX4C:45
MarsEdit works fine.
Thanks and I look forward to learning more about TextMate!
this already cropped up in the list: sometimes
the Latex bundle does not catch errors which
are however catched by TeXshop (and by
collaborators :). But if you look into the
.log file you see that the error was correctly
identified by TeX, so the problem must be in
the bundle.
To reproduce, create a new .tex file containing
\frac a b }
(notice the unmatched brace).
If you save the file as "a.tex" and
run CMD-R, the error is caught (catched?).
Now the fun: save the file as "a-b.tex"
(a hyphen must be in the name) and run
CMD-R again. The error is not caught
(but is reported in the a-b.log file).
So Haris: this has something to do with
how the bundle handles files. Or not?
PS happy new year everybody!
It stopped working for me. I reinstalled and it still does not work.
I want to keep all my files in Markdown and convert to html ad back
to markdown for saving.
If I Shift-Apple-} it deleted the highlighted html
If I Shift-Apple-} the spinning wheel turns for a moment and nothing
Can anyone help.
Regarding to the R-bundle command 'Command Usage':
I find this idea very good, but it supposes that on every Mac
'texscan' is installed.
So here's my suggestion for it:
I don't use Ruby, only Bash with a tiny Perl snippet. It is a bit
I'm looking for HTML files, not for tex files.
It could happen that the structure of a help file is inconsistent,
i.e. no 'Usage' header. If so, now it outputs the first 1100
character of the help as plain text. Maybe you find what do you are
looking for.
I suppressed the error messages coming from the 'find' command
mentioning that there is no permission to do something.
Here the code:
FILES=`find "${R_HOME:-/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources}"/
library -name $COM.html -print 2>/dev/null`
if [ ${#FILES} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Nothing found for '$COM'"
for F in $FILES
cat "$F" | perl -e '$a="";while(<>){$a.=$_};$a=~m/<h3>Usage<\/h3\>[.|
\n]+<pre>(.*?)<\/pre>/sim;if($1){print "Usage:\n".$1;}else{$a=~s/<.*?
>//gms;$a=~s/\n{3,}/\n\n/gms;print substr($a,0,1100)."\n[...]"}'
Any comments?
In a nutshell, the new XML Catalog features allow you to easily
configure TeXMLMate to substitute local resources (like DTDs and
other schemas) for remote resources referenced by URLs. This allows,
for example, convenient validation of XHTML documents against a local
(possibly customized) copy of an XHTML DTD without having to change
the URLs used in the XHTML doctype to local file paths. Parsing/
validation with local schemas is much faster and allows offline
To download:
For more complete details see the description here:
Todd Ditchendorf
Scandalous Software - Cocoa Developer Tools
I have here a problem with the Blogging-bundle and free blogs at
If I try to fetch a posting I get the following error:
Received Exception: Wrong Size. Was 3732, should be <unknown>
No posts are available!
Posts are available.
I can post though but after posting it, the posting has an error in
the first line (and the date looks strange:
Received exception:Wrong size. Was 1275, should be <unknown>
Type: Blog Post (Markdown)
Blog: a Shortcut a Day
Post: 5
Title: testpost3
Date: -4712-01-01 01:00:00 +0100
Pings: Off
Comments: Off
The posting looks right in the dashboard of wordpress and date and
everything else looks right as well.
I am quite sure that I set up things right because it worked with my
blogs which weren't on wordpress.com - here's the content of the
# List of Blogs
# Enter a blog name followed by the endpoint URL
# Blog Name URL
a Shortcut a Day http://nielsk@macshortcut.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php
Any help appreciated
I just found a very tiny bug within the R function getSig.r of that
If you type 'plot.lm' and invoke that command to get the template it
gives you a weird output because within the formals you find an item
'caption', and within this item there is a '\n'. The ruby pop down
menu, of course, interprets a '\n' as a new line.
To avoid this I would include within the getSig.r at line 12 this:
10: if (is.symbol(f[[arg]]) && f[[arg]] == "") arg else list(arg, f
11: ),
12: function (arg, escape=function(x) ifelse(snippet, {gsub("([\\
$`}])", "\\\\\\1", x);gsub("\n", "", x)}, x))
13: if (is.list(arg))
i.e. I add a gsub in the 'escape' function to delete each '\n'
I don't know whether this will be good. The case is very rarely.