The Mac web development tool we've all been waiting for is here: "IE
Preview" allows previewing TextMate's current working document
directly in Internet Explorer through Parallels -- with a single
shortcut key! Many of us are forced into testing for IE
compatibility, and this makes it far less tedious.
I'm providing the app and the script on my site, here: http://
If you find it useful, diggs and/or comments are much appreciated!
Ryan van Barneveld
Avid TextMate User
I'm using textmate for my python work.
Templates are good but i can't replace spaces increment by tabulation :
if __name__ == '__main__':
(_ _ _ _) main() # spaces
if __name__ == '__main__':
(tabulation) main()
I must change it manually each time...
How to do that with bundle editor ?
Thx, C.
>> Hi out there,
>> Sorry to disturb you during Steve is showing the new iPhone. But i
>> have a little question. I am using TextMate to compile my LaTeX
>> Documents. I was just asking if i can use LaTeX to create a Test or
>> Quiz. And yes you can! If you are using the package exam. So i was
>> downloading some examples hit Command+R and the compiler said that
>> he is missing some exam.sty
>> Can someone help me out?
> It is possible you don't have the exam package installed. Try running
> this on the terminal and see if you get something back:
> locate exam.cls
> Btw, exam is not a package, it is a document class, so you should
> access it via:
> \documentclass{exam}
> ......
> There is a TextMate Template creating a basic exam for you (File ->
> New From Template -> LaTeX -> Exam). Here you can find documentation
> for the class:
You're right. When i am in the \documentclass {exam} it will do the job.
My exam.cls is located at
I know whats wrong now. The example.tex Files ive downloaded had
these information in the preambel:
%%%% If you are not using LaTex2e, replace the first two lines
%%%% with the following:
\paper{445.123 FC}
\degree{BA, BSc etc}
\title{An introduction to basic set theory}
\note{Attempt any {\bf THREE} questions}
Hello all,
As I was monkey-bashing the keyboard around Apple-D, I managed to
turn-off syntax highlighting. Can someone tell me how to restore
syntax highlighting or provide a link that includes this help?
Why was I monkey-bashing? For some reason Project Drawer will not
open on ^-Ctl-Apple-D. The menu works just fine. Any bugs around this?
Thank you, thank you, thank you,
Peter Fitzgibbons
> On 1/7/07, thomas Aylott <oblivious(a)> wrote:
>> On Jan 6, 2007, at 1:59 PM, Peter Michaux wrote:
>> >
>> > Is there a way to insure that the project draw will always open on the
>> > left? About fifty percent of the time it opens on the right and I have
>> > to close it, then move the window to the right and then reopen the
>> > project drawer so it shows on the left. A hassle I would really like
>> > to eliminate.
>> It opens up on whichever side has more room.
>> If you drag your window all the way to the right and open the drawer,
>> it'll
>> open on the left.
> The steps you describe are the steps I unfortunately have to do half
> of the times I open a project in Textmate which is a tedious task just
> to make sure the drawer is on the left. It would be nice if Textmate
> always made sure that the window was far enough to the right so the
> drawer would automatically open on the left.
> Peter
I find this to be a feature, rather than a bug. I like to keep two (or
more) projects open at once, and have one with a drawer to the right,
and another with drawer to the left. This guarantees that the corner of
the other project window will always be showing, which sometimes is
useful for toggling between windows (it would be nice to be able to use
command-`), and as a visual reminder of what I'm working on. So at most
I think we might ask for a pref to control which sides the drawer can
appear on. Personally, I'll be a lot more excited when there's a pref to
turn off the automatic rescanning of files in a project (especially when
they're on a network vol), as the lag when switching between Textmate
and other apps is very annoying.
Hi out there,
Sorry to disturb you during Steve is showing the new iPhone. But i
have a little question. I am using TextMate to compile my LaTeX
Documents. I was just asking if i can use LaTeX to create a Test or
Quiz. And yes you can! If you are using the package exam. So i was
downloading some examples hit Command+R and the compiler said that he
is missing some exam.sty
Can someone help me out?
Dear all,
I'm hacking on a little project that is somewhat abusing the
'Pipe text through' feature of TextMate's Web Preview window
(''abusing'' in the sense that I do not want to preview HTML text).
If you open the Web Preview and uncheck the 'Pipe text through'
option you can observe how rapidly TextMate can update the
preview (set the 'Refresh after change delay' to 0.00s and type
away in some plain text -- the update seems almost immediate and
you'll have immediate typing response in the editor window).
Enabling 'Pipe text through' makes TextMate pipe the current
editor window contents into the specified command. Even if you
only specify 'cat >/dev/null' as that command, you will notice
that text editing will become sluggish. I assume that this
delay is all due to the overhead of *forking* the specified
command -- executing 'cat >/dev/null' itself takes no noticable
time on files of size <100k on my Powerbook G4.
I've got two questions here:
(1) Is there a smarter way to receive live updates of the
current editor window contents? Maybe via the plugin API?
(2) How about a comptabile change in 'Pipe text through's
behavior? If the file specified in 'Pipe text through' is a
named pipe (mkfifo(1)) do not fork any command but simply
write the editor window contents into that named pipe.
Otherwise, behave as before.
Item (2) sounds like a moderate change that could get us rid
of the forking overhead for at least some applications that
need live update. What are the chances that Allan has open
ears for such things?
Thanks and all the best for the New Year,
1-open a new TM window
2-write a line containing " \\\a" (some spaces, some slashes, smthng else)
3-move the cursor back in the middle of the spaces
4-double click
Result: the spaces AND the slashes are selected.
Am I the only one to hate this? I expect the spaces
only to be selected.
On Jan 8, 2007, at 10:23 AM, textmate-request(a)
> As a Textmate user on multiple Macs, I totally support the idea of
> keeping my stuff in a Subversion repository :)
> Makes life so much easier when syncing, and helps me fix things fast
> when I break my own stuff (something that happens quite a lot :)
> Just my .02
I'm with you all the way, but as a SVN noob, I haven't been able to
figure out how to set up ssh + svn so that I could use something like
ZigVersion on my various macs. If you know of a good guide, I'd be
much obliged. (And the one that comes with SVN leaves me in the dark.)
Darkly yours,
I'm switching from Zends IDE to textmate and have encountered
something i would like to enable but have the foggiest how to or even
if it is possible.
In Zend if you double click a php variable, ie $variable_name; then
the whole variable word including the $ would be selected and not
just the word text. Is there anyway to code this via the bundle
editor. I haven't really got a clue about it myself.