sorry for the, maybe stupid, question, but I didn't find something in
the internet.
How can I make a copy of an existing bundle? To duplicate commands or
snippets, that's simple, but for an entire bundle?
If I simply create a new folder.tmbundle and copy&paste things in it,
then I also have duplicated uuid's.
Thanks in advance
Hi there
I am very new to programming and ive used to make programm in Flash.
Its just a little project and i do programming in my freetime as a
My 30 days of using Flash for free are over (since a half year now ;)
and i wanted to re-wake this project and do it without Flash using
TextMate and the ActionScript Bundle.
I had a look at the Bundle Developer Site and followed the
instructions mentioned there. But i still have absolutely NO CLUE
what to do.
My first intention, just to see how things are working i wanted to
make a trace output - which says "Hello World".
What am i doing wrong? Ive tried to use the ActionScript template and
i did a script which just says
trace ("Hello World");
I did use the "Install MTASC Support Files" and i did a try
without...nothing happens.
Can anybody help or does know where i get some information?
Thanks for your help
I've been trying to set the foldingStartMarker and foldingStopMarker
for a simplified variant of Markdown but have had no success. The
file would look something like this
# First heading #
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse
vel nunc.
Suspendisse egestas erat vitae pede. Phasellus quis libero et tortor
auctor. Sed et erat. Aliquam sed lectus. Fusce semper elit nec ipsum.
sem nisl, tristique id, venenatis quis, gravida sed, neque. Etiam ut
felis. Curabitur leo magna, molestie vitae, blandit et, fringilla
vitae, purus.
# Second heading #
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse
vel nunc.
Suspendisse egestas erat vitae pede. Phasellus quis libero et tortor
auctor. Sed et erat.
Aliquam sed lectus. Fusce semper elit nec ipsum. Morbi
sem nisl, tristique id, venenatis quis, gravida sed, neque. Etiam ut
felis. Curabitur leo magna, molestie vitae, blandit et, fringilla
vitae, purus.
# Third heading #
I'd like to fold so that only the heading lines show.
The foldingStartMarker is easy:
foldingStartMarker = '^# +';
But I can't get a foldingStopMarker that works. What I'd like to use
is a blank line followed by a positive lookahead to a line that
starts with a hash and a space, but
foldingStopMarker = '^$\n(?=^# +)';
doesn't work, even though that regex works in the Find dialog box.
Are the start and stop markers restricted to single line patterns?
The manual suggests that, but it isn't explicit. Does anyone have any
Dr. Drang
Running Octave scripts from Textmate using Matlab bundle works fine, but I'm not sure what sort of output I should use. I have set it to 'Show as HTML', since I don't want to create a new file for each run and the tooltip option is too volatile. The only problem is the text comes out without any line breaks, which is very painful to read especially when it comes to vectors and matrices.
Any tip?
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> Sounds quite interesting. ;)
> How do i do this?
Google is your friend :)
Take a look at the documentation on the MTASC website, and take a
look at Ralf Bokel's hacked version (HAMTASC) for more fun with
command-line options.
The howto I pointed to on my blog has a ZIP that you can download for
the walkthrough. Good luck!
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
+55 (21) 2256-1022