I'm using the latest version (1.5.1 1021) and I don't know if it is
new to this version, or I'm missing something.
I went into the bundle editor and clicked the Filter List button to
turn off some bundles I'm not using. That seemed to go OK, but when I
went back into the bundle editor and clicked Filter List, none of the
filtered bundles appear.
So the question is... how do I un-filter them?
Is there any way in TM to insert an image into my HTML doc sort of
the way Dreamweaver does it? I'd like to be able to click a
shortcut, the finder window pops-up so I can choose the file, the
image tag gets inserted with the correct filename and height/width
attributes. Any way to do this?
:::: DataFly.Net ::::
Complete Web Services
> 1. Create a new user account
> 2. Limit its access to only TextMate
> 3. Hide the dock
> 4. Work.
Not good enough.
No matter how well you share documents between users this is as much a
stop-gap solution as faking fullscreen using other apps.
I just started using TextMate about a week ago, and so far I love it. But I
write a lot of Objective-C and I see two issues that may get annoying fast.
I'd love to hear if anyone is aware of a fix or if I'm just overlooking
1) If I write an method implementation that looks like:
- (id)performMethodWithLongName:(id)foo
and:(id)bar {
// ...
The autoindent on the first line of the method body is messed up. I have my
editor set to use "Soft Tabs: 2", but I don't end up two spaces from the left
margin, rather I end up two spaces after the column where the "and:" method
parameter started. It looks like the autoindent spacing is determined by the
location of the preceding line, but I'm not sure this will work well with the
common spacing patterns used in Objective-C.
2) When I call an Objective-C method, I'd like it to automatically align
parameters by the colon. For example, I'd like it to be smart enough to
foo = [someObject foo:bar baz:quux];
foo = [obj foo:bar
I figure this one can be done pretty easily w/ a TM command, but I'm more
wondering if anyone's already written it.
I have been trying to combine some tips in the thread on inserting an
image url and the thread on using filemerge for svn merge to
implement using filemerge using the diff bundle.
For this I am using the shell command
exec "/path/to/filemerge.app" -left $leftfile -right $rightfile
This opens filemerge but does not allow access to TextMate until you
quit file merge. Is there a way to allow the exec command to run in
the background so that filemerge opens and then allows access to
textmate to edit a file.
I am also using Alan's code to allow selection of one of the files
via a finder dialog box
leftfile=$(osascript -e 'tell app "SystemUIServer"' -e activate -e
'return POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "Pick an file:")' -e
'end tell').
This does not allow access to packages such as a .wdgt folder. Is
there a way to allow the finder dialog box to access a folder such as
this. This would also apply to a .app folder.
Many thanks,
I suppose I'd better weigh-in while I still have the chance on the
issue of a full-screen mode.
To avoid [Tuesday Whipper-Snapping][1], I'll just tell you why
fullscreen is important to *me*. I'll leave it up to you to
interpolate other uses for fullscreen.
An interesting, and relevant, discussion has been going on over at
[Subtraction.com][2] where talk is brewing of an app that actually
blocks all network traffic while using it. A quote:
> what better way to thwart a computer than to step away from
> it completely? There's no email to check on a typewriter,
> no beeps and pop-up reminders from other applications, and
> no access whatsoever to the Internet and its tantalizing
> abundance of productivity-killing diversions.
> [...] At some point, it occurred to me that it really
> shouldn't be necessary to purchase another piece of hardware
> to accomplish the same things that writers look to manual
> typewriters for: the ability to focus without distractions.
And that's exactly what fullscreen is all about, killing distractions
and making you forget that your computer can do anything but process
"HA!" I can hear so many of you saying, "All you need is some
will-power! you don't need fancy tools." Indeed, you don't need fancy
tools at all. For goodness sake, the greatest masterworks of writing
of the human race were created with nothing more than ink and paper.
But I ask you this, what lengths did those people go to to kill
distractions? Truman Capote was known to only be able to *really*
write away from everyone he knew, away from his own life. Writers
often take sabbaticals to other countries to finish their works.
Killing distractions is a way of life. I'll say that again,
Killing distractions is a way of life.
For me, anything that helps me do this is a tool I want to use.
[1]: http://inessential.com/?comments=1&postid=3291
[2]: http://www.subtraction.com/archives/2006/0509_blockwriter.php
A slightly off-topic question regarding XSLT (I am extending the
XHTML-to-LateX template).
I have the following XHTML markup:
<div class="versionhistory">
<div class="version" v="v1.0" d="2006-05-04" a="SBR">Change
description v1.0</div>
<div class="version" v="v1.1" d="2006-05-05" a="SBR">Change
description v1.1</div>
<div class="version" v="v2.0" d="2006-05-06" a="SBR">Change
description v2.0</div>
and would like to read the value of attribute "d".
Now, with something like
<xsl:template name="get-version-date">
<xsl:param name="vers" />
<xsl:value-of select="//div[@class='version'][@v=$vers]" />
I can get easily the value of a specific "version div", such as the
string "Change description v1.0". But how do I write the select
statement to get "d" of a specific version instead? Or similarly,
what is the path to read the attribute "content" of a meta tag such as
<meta name="documentclass" content="wtdocument" />
with something like
<xsl:template name="get-meta-value">
<xsl:param name="tag-name" />
<xsl:value-of select="/html/head/meta[@name=$tag-name] (*???*)" />
Thanks for any help!
With regards
- Stefan
Fist Example:
{ name = 'meta.line.screenplay';
match = '^(\t{4})([^\t].*)(\s*)';
captures =
{ 1 = { name = 'whitespace'; };
2 = { name = 'element.character'; };
3 = { name = 'element.character.eol'; };
This works great unless the line I'm working on is the last line of
the document, in which case the 3rd capture fails. Which makes a
certain amount of sense to me because on the last character of the
last line of the document there wouldn't be anything to match, not
even a newline.
But the following works...
{ name = 'element.action.screenplay';
match = '^[^\t].*((\.|\-|\?|\:|\;|\,)\s*)';
captures =
{ 1 = { name = 'element.action.eol'; };
Which is totally nuts, because it's not all that different than the
first example.
My question is this: How can I get the 3rd capture of the first
example to work when I'm working on the last line of a document?
I recently purchased TextMate and I've been very impressed with it. It
was one of the main reasons I just switched to a mac.
I've been wondering about the behavior of the Text | Move Selection |
Line Up command. It works exactly as I'd expect when text is actually
selected, but when you invoke the command with nothing selected, the
behavior is a little bit odd.
When nothing is selected, invoking either "Line Up" or "Line Down" from
the Text | Move Selection menu will move the current line up or down,
which is exactly what I'd want it to do. The unexpected behavior is
that the cursor doesn't remain on the moved line at the original offset;
instead, the cursor ends up at the start of the line immediately below
the moved line. This makes it difficult to move a given line more than
one line up or down.
Could this behavior be changed? For example, in the following five
lines of text, imagine the cursor is on the "@" character:
first line
second line
third @line
fourth line
fifth line
With nothing selected, I'd like to press control-command-up twice and
end up like this:
third @line
first line
second line
fourth line
fifth line
with the cursor still in the same place on the "@" symbol. With the
current implementation, pressing control-command-up twice first
exchanges "second line" and "third line", then exchanges them back,
leaving my cursor at the start of "third line":
first line
second line
@third line
fourth line
fifth line
I like the way that many features in TextMate operate on the selected
text when a selection is active, but fall back to some natural unit of
text for the given operation when nothing is selected. To me, the
above-described line move operations seem to "line up" with this philosophy.
Michael Henry
>> Is there any reason the following shouldn't work?
>> perl -pe 's/\n\n/foo/;'
> What you may want to do is this:
> perl -pe 'BEGIN {$/=undef} s/\n\n/foo/'
I tried that, but this does not allow me to use "^" to denote the
beginning of a line, which is critical to some of the search/replace
things I'm doing.
Any other thoughts?