Three times a charm, or so they say. Now properly:
I've created a bundle for textmate that allows one to edit data (for instance, html templates) stored inside a MySQL database. More info and a simple screencast can be found at
I hope someone finds this useful -- I did.
Bastiaan Terhorst
Is there anyway for texmate to have the gutter stick to the left side
of the window even when scrolling horizontally? I've seen it
mentioned several times in the wiki and the consensus seemed to be
that it would be added in 1.3, but in 1.5.1 I still can not find it.
I'm interested if anyone else can duplicate this behavior.
It seems like I'm hitting some kind of performance ceiling when typing
in lines with more than 400 characters.
1. type "lorem" then tab.
2. click in the middle of the generated text-block and repeat.
3. repeat this several times.
On my machine (with a completely fresh install of TextMate build985)
my typing slows down to about half-speed.
The key here is that the slowdown only happens when you are typing in
the middle of the text-block; that is to say, in the middle of a very
long line. When typing on a new line, everything seems normal.
Is TextMate ill-equipted to handle lines this long or is my machine
messed up? Anyone else out there see this same thing? Any suggestions?
Is it on the agenda to add support for folders within the bundles, so
we can group commands, snippets, etc.?
I've got about 50 commands in my bundle now and I'm sure they are all
very confusing to anyone that opens up the commands, but if I would
group the commands (arbitrarily) I'm sure people could find things in
the bundle much faster.
Is there a keyboard shortcut to close the most recently opened HTML
tag? For example, I typed
then hit some key combo that would automatically insert the </h1>? (I
was just watching the TurboGears video and it looked like he was
auto-closing his tags. It looks like an older version of TextMate.)
I searched the online manual and did a search of this mailing list,
but couldn't find anything.
It looks like the latest update to the Active 4D bundle has claimed
the .html extension. If I open an HTML file that wasn't created in
TextMate, the language gets set to Active4D (HTML). Sure, it's easy to
switch, but how do I change it back so it defaults to HTML?
thanks a lot for this Chris...i will definitely be taking this for a
test drive, as i am using ExpressionEngine for a few of my current
projects...keep us updated with any enhancements/additions you make
to it....