In Typeset & View (PDF) i don't understand that :
# Set up TeX compiler, fallback to xelatex if document indicates it
if grep -Esq '\\usepackage{.*(xunicode|fontspec)|program=xelatex' "$M"
then DEF_TEX=xelatex
else DEF_TEX=pdflatex
What is the exact syntax to use XeLaTeX ?
Greetings Alain
I'm currently using kGTD as my tool of choice, but a pure text-based
solution looks very attracting. I see there are several bundles
mentioning GTD and I was wondering what were their differences and if
they were all maintained.
Additionally, is someone using one of these bundles and somehow
synchronizing their GTD setup to a Palm? If so, I'd be delighted to
hear about it.
Thanks a lot,
Alan Schmitt <http://alan.petitepomme.net/>
The hacker: someone who figured things out and made something cool
I'm trying to get the MySQL bundle working so I can browse tables.
I get this on my MacBook Pro:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Applications/Document/
tableBrowser.py", line 284, in ? sys.exit(main()) File "/Applications/
Support/bin/tableBrowser.py", line 109, in main listTables
(dbName,dbHost,dbPort,serverType,passwd,dbUser) File "/Applications/
Support/bin/tableBrowser.py", line 130, in listTables mycon =
(dbPort),user=dbUser,passwd=passwd) NameError: global name 'MySQLdb'
is not defined
I tried using tablebrowser.py standalone and it failed due to no
MySQLdb module for Python.
Downloaded and installed MySQLdb and now Python works properly with
the module and MySQL.
Alas, TextMate still can't find MySQLdb and fails with the same error.
I note that the first line of tablebrowser.py is:
#!/usr/bin/env python
My python is at:
Is TextMate using some other Python than my native one?
If not, why can I interactively use Python with MySQL, but TextMate
won't work.
I have all the TM environment variables set so I don't think that is it.
In all the files in my project, where a certain string of characters is present,
I'm trying to replace a string with the a part of the file name containing said
For example, files are called ace[1-12].xml, and for everytime there is a the
block: "mc\d+(.*\n.*True)" I want to replace mc\d+ with tf0(number prefix from
filename). I know this hits on a couple more adavanced concepts I don't have a
full grasp on yet, but this editor is goading me on to learn regex and basic
command line skills...
The command I have now is:
Save: nothing
eval arr=("$TM_SELECTED_FILES")
for (( i = 0; i < ${#arr[@]}; i++ )); do
perl -pe 'while ($string =~ m/mc\d+(.*\n.*True)/g) {$string =~
Input: Entire Doc
Output: Replace selected text
It's choking big time... any pointers to the numerous places I'm screwing up?
I just built up a Command as BASH which calls a perl script via
The perl script is calling CocoaDialog via $ENV{'TM_SUPPORT_PATH'} and
so forth.
Everything works fine.
Then I installed the same tmBundle at an other Mac. Same OS and TM version.
The funny thing now is that the perl script cannot call CocoaDialog
via TM_SUPPORT_PATH because TM_SUPPORT_PATH is set to
/Users/Bibiko/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support.
I promise that I didn't set this variable to that path.
On the other hand I tried the bundle command 'Find In all Document'
which is a ruby script. Here it works with the variable
The only difference is that this ruby script is not written as a
separate file.
Please, help is needed.
If I use the command 'Show all TM.*' the TM_SUPPORT_PATH is also set
to this weird path.
Thanks in advance
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Is there a way to close all open tabs in a project without closing the
project? Is there some way I could create this? As a macro maybe? I'd
like to be able to map this to something like cmd+shift+W.
In all the files in my project, where a certain string of characters
is present,
I'm trying to replace a string with the a part of the file name
containing said
For example, files are called ace[1-12].xml, and for everytime there
is a the
block: "mc\d+(.*\n.*True)" I want to replace mc\d+ with tf0(number
prefix from
filename). I know this hits on a couple more adavanced concepts I
don't have a
full grasp on yet, but this editor is goading me on to learn regex
and basic
command line skills...
The command I have now is:
Save: nothing
eval arr=("$TM_SELECTED_FILES")
for (( i = 0; i < ${#arr[ <at> ]}; i++ )); do
perl -pe 'while ($string =~ m/mc\d+(.*\n.*True)/g) {$string =~
Input: Entire Doc
Output: Replace selected text
It's choking big time... any pointers to the numerous places I'm
screwing up?
if i create a new file with Latex bundle and if i drag a .pdf file,
the result is correct
but if i save the .tex file and i want to drag again a .pdf file :
the result is /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/pathname.rb:529:in ??? strange
Thanks for a solution
Alain Matthes
TextMate Version 1.5.3 (1292)
Sorry for this basic question, but I'm a textmate newbie and I just
couldn't find a way to do this. I was editing a HTML file and then I
accidentally pressed some key combination and now the syntax
highlighting is messed up. I tried finding a way of going back to HTML
highlighting mode to no avail. How do I do this?
Hi there,
One thing I miss from my XEmacs days, was the
“etags” command which is very useful when you
have a directory full of Fortran files…
If, in a fortran file, you had
call foobar(blah blah)
It would automatically open the file in which
the function foobar was defined.
So I made a shell script which mimic that.
Just create a new command which reads :
Wherever_you_put_the_script/Fortran_Tags.sh "$TM_DIRECTORY"\\
"$TM_CURRENT_WORD" &>/dev/null &
It will create a tags file named “.tags” in the current
I know it's rather ugly and not perfect but seems
to work OK… Hopefully one person or two will
find this usefull :-D