Is anyone out there in TM land using Wordpress and Ultimate Tag Warrior? If
so, I've managed to combine some of my mods and make the UTW tags accessible
from TextMate. There's a whole bundle involved, and you have to replace
your xmlrpc.php file (after backing it up, of course). It's working really
smoothly on my end. If I type fetchtags and hit tab, it gets the entire
database of tags, sorts it and returns a multi-select menu. When you finish
picking tags it inserts a line in the header with a comma-separated list of
your chosen tags.
It's got the functionality to save and modify new and existing tags.
I also got it working with my AutoTag mod, so that it can read your current
post and suggest tags based on a fuzzy search of your database. I could
easily add the Yahoo suggest if anyone was interested, but I've never liked
the results I get anyway.
My biggest question is this, sorry it took me so long to get around to it...
After I've accepted an entire document as input, chosen tags and have a
string ready to print, what's the most elegant way to make sure that string
gets inserted in the blog post headers rather than at the end of the file?
I've attached a few simple commands I hacked up to practice my ruby.
There may be better ways to do these so any input is welcome.
The first one "Show TODO - ignore list" is pretty basic. On the
first line of the script it takes an array of patterns of files to
ignore while parsing your project. Its should be pretty easy to
enter your list even if you don't know ruby, just follow the
example. Ideally I'd like to make it so you can set the list
externally somehow to make it easy.
I wrote this because the TextMate.each_text_file was parsing
everything in the project folder, regardless if I removed it from the
project or not. I have a "vendored" version of edge rails in one of
my project folders, and seeing a list of all of DHH et al.s comments
was hindering my use of the TODO.
The other two commands go together.
"Project Statistics" displays the total word count, line count, and
bytes on the tool tip for the entire project.
"Project Statistics - Full Output" displays the same information for
each file in the project as well as the totals as html
Both of these commands use each_text_file with an ignore list as
well, so they suffer the same limitations and advantages.
I wrote these cause I had to work on a horrible web system from the
pre-standards days all day today and I wanted to see just how ugly it
was. I found out - they have more javascript for their drop down
menus alone then the entire prototype library contains.

p.s. Allan: If I run any of these commands, regular todo or my
versions, on a group of files from a top level directory like /Users/
username my textmate will lock up for a very long time, at least
unless of course I have a lot of ignore flags set. Not too hard to
avoid, certainly less than ideal. Is there a better way to iterate
over project files?
p.p.s Thank you for all your hard work and amazing program.