I was hacking my DarwinPorts installation earlier today and
experienced something interesting. This is obviously not a
DarwinPorts specific problem but here is how to reproduce it: open
the '/opt/local/bin/port' file (this is a Tcl script) and then simply
try to scroll down and notice how it brings TextMate to its knees.
Allan, if you don't have DarwinPorts installed, here are some more
details. The 'port' command file starts with this:
exec /usr/bin/tclsh "$0" "$@"
TextMate obviously picks the 'Unix shell' language module to perform
the syntax coloring, based on the shebang line, and I guess that this
is probably what causes the problem. I'm really not exactly sure
*why* this happens with the Unix Shell bundle, I have also tried to
display this Tcl script using other syntaxes, Ruby, Perl, etc, and
none of them causes any problem.
So the problem is twofold:
- this happens because TextMate thinks it's a shell script, which the
shebang obviously points at. I wonder if TextMate could be expanded
so it could "see" the exec trick to make a correct decision.
- this happens because something in the Unix Shell bundle REALLY does
not like what it sees in the Tcl script :)
In short, I'm not really sure where the bug is, if there is one ;)
Luc Heinrich - lucsky(a)mac.com - http://www.honk-honk.com
I'm new to Textmate, and like what I see so far. Three things off the
bat are frustrating that are really keeping me from using it full
time. If I'm missing some simple fixes to any of these, please forgive:
1) The undo behavior. I read an earlier digest that standard OS
"chunk" undos were planned, but I don't see this pref anywhere. Is
there a plist command that will turn on chunk undos, and if not, will
this feature be coming soon? Having to hit cmnd-z 34 times in a row
is tiresome...
2) While I can pick the language of a file independent of the
filename, some command behaviors appears to be tied to the filename.
For example, I have foo.php which is mostly straight html code, but
since the filename is .php, unComment give me php comments, not html.
Shouldn't it be possible to have the commands tied to the language
3) Slowness. I've read a variety of posts on the subject, and it
seems TextMate is buggy (or coded in a non-efficient manner) when
dealing with multiple open files and across a network. The slowdowns
I experiencing when switching tabs or switching to/from the
application itself grow slower the longer I have a set of files
open-- this problem really needs to be addressed.
Hi Folks,
coming from jEdit I really miss CodeBrowser. So this afternoon I
cobbled together a quick hack to recreate some of it's functionality
for TextMate.
The result is TmCodeBrowser:
Sorry, Tiger only (saved hours on programming).
Feedback welcome!
I've been trying to bind a different key to the
"Next File Tab" command. As a complete Mac newbie,
I suspect I'm missing some important principle or
technique for identifying bindable commands.
I've tried "nextFileTab:", "NextFileTab:",
"nextFileTab", "NextFileTab", "Next File Tab"
etc in the keybindings file without success.
Can someone enlighten me on the right way to
map a command menu name to a bindable name?
Thanks in advance,
Since I installed the latest beta, my ruby output is showing up in a
new window titled "Ruby TextMate Runtime". By and large, it's better
than the command output, except that it appears to be using HTML to
render it, so when I'm writing debugging output of XML processing I
can't see most of what's been processed.
For example, the Ruby command:
puts "<foobar>Hey!</foobar>"
is showing up in the window as:
TM-Ruby v0.2 running Ruby v1.8.2.
>>> /Users/gkistner/Desktop/tmp.rb
How can I get TextMate not to use the HTML window, or escape my
output to that window?
I'm playing with the theme editor and sometimes I'm not sure what the
scope for a certain item is. I'd like to know if there's an easy way to
get the full scope selector for the text under the cursor.
Also, knowing the scope, I wonder how to get the rules that apply to it.
Lastly, is there an straightforward way to revert a color after
changing it? Or at least to leave the editor without saving?
Overall, I'm really liking this theme editor and the scoping thing as a
whole is really promissing.
Insert Closing Tag command works when selected from the menu, but not
via keyboard shortcut.
Tested this in a Ruby on Rails-mode document, inside a double-quoted
My bundles are pretty much the default, should this be due to a
When soft wrap is enabled, the line indentation is maintained for its
wrapped lines. I think jedit has a decent implementation of this.
Any plans for this feature?
I generally don't use wrapping, but when I do, this is of immeasurable
aid. When writing markdown it's great too.
I thought that this was working in b17 from looking at the video, but
at least in the AS Bundle snippets within snippets are not expanding,
instead the tab goes to the next tab stop within the parent snippet.
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento