Does the subversion bundle work with remote repositories? If yes, how do
I go about making the subversion bundle work with a remote subversion
thanks in advance!
Here's a patch that fixes a problem with syntax highlighting in Tcl.
Basically if you have
set foo "some \[ escaped \] brackets"
all the code after the string is taken as a string.
The other problem this fixes (although I'm not sure this is the right
fix) is with curly brackets in interpolated variables. E.g.
puts "${variable} ${weird variable with spaces}"
the first ${variable} works, but the second ${weird variable with
spaces} doesn't.
Although, admittedly you have to question the sanity of whomever puts
spaces in his variables...
Index: Bundles/Tcl.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Tcl.plist
--- Bundles/Tcl.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Tcl.plist (revision 1719)
+++ Bundles/Tcl.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Tcl.plist (working copy)
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
<string>FIXME not sure this
is the proper way to do Tcl escape sequences --Allan</string>
- <string>\\([abfnrtv"\\]|0\d
+ <string>\\([\[\]abfnrtv"\\]|0
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
<string>FIXME what are legal
variable characters? --Allan</string>
- <string>\$[a-zA-Z]+</string>
+ <string>\${?[a-zA-Z]+}?</string>
pgp fingerprint: BC64 2E7A CAEF 39E1 9544 80CA F7D5 784D FB46 16C1
I would like some snippets to only be in scope for a specific project.
For instance, some tab-expansions I'd like to choose for a snippet
only make sense for C++ files part of project Foo, but not all C++
files. So I'd like to be able to specify the scope to be something
Instead of just
Thus narrowing the snippet to only the source.cpp scope for files in
project Foo.
Perhaps allowing a user to add a project scope identifier and use this
in scope specifications would be the way to implement this. Heck, that
would allow anything that depends on a specific scope to be
project-specific if the user wants. Templates, commands, macros..
Sounds like fun to me ;-)
-Corey O'Connor
I can't figure out how to make Zero-width positive lookbehind regex
patterns work right.
The basic example i'm trying to do is a pattern that will match
everything within quotes, but not the quote marks themselves.
the closest I've been able to get to kindof work is:
This is obviously sub-optimal.
The pattern that i'd use if ZWPL worked would be:
Does your regex parser support ZWPL?
Is there something else I can use that will imitate this function
using Zero-width positive lookAHEAD?
Are you planning on adding support for ZWPL?
There are a number of things that I'd like to use ZWPL for.
I could match all words following the word DIM without
matching the DIM, for example.
APPENDIX: Zero-width positive lookbehind. Matches at a position to
the left of which text appears. Since regular expressions cannot be
applied backwards, the test inside the lookbehind can only be plain
text. Some regex flavors allow alternation of plain text options in
the lookbehind.
"Find in Project" is a form of "find all", but I would like to see a
better implemenation of this.
Basically, "Find All" would work on single and multiple files (as
with BBedit's "Multi file search"), not just a project, and the
results would be either the whole block as currently, or only the
exact search term. Finally, I should be able to have the results
appear in a new document, or at least be copy/pastable.
I never, ever use column selection or typing, so perhaps the
following behavior is useful there.
Frequently I have a block of code I need to indent. Say my Ruby code
looks like this:
class Foo
def bar
puts "yay"
I lazily select parts of the lines I want, (because it's faster than
being sure to select the entire line) represented by the | in the
following showing the start and end of the selection:
class Foo
de|f bar
puts "yay"
When I press cmd-], I expect:
class Foo
def bar
puts "yay"
(which is what BBEdit gives me), but what I get is:
class Foo
de f bar
puts "yay"
...where's the logic in that? If I have no text selected, but the
carat is in the middle of the line, cmd-] shifts the whole line (as
desired). I suggest that the 'break-the-line' method only occur if
the selection is columnar - i.e. if the start column of later lines
is the same as the start column of the first line.
Stakeout looks fantastic! Here's what I'm envisioning for my AS
I have a command set up right now to cd to my project directory and run
rake if it finds a Rakefile, otherwise running MTASC into a temp file
to check the syntax, formatting the output and giving me a clickable
error list. What I'd like to do is be able to run this command any time
a class file is changed. Problem is I don't think there's any way to
tell TxMt to run a command from outside the GUI. Is there any way we
could get some kind of access to Commands through the tm utility?
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
On 06/09/2005, at 19.29, Jeff Powell wrote:
[ I've cc'ed the ML, since this is a popular request, yet you're the
first to suggest solving the problem with a command :) ]
> It's pretty basic really --- I've got a project setup in TM and
> quite frequently, I will need to make a copy of a file inside of
> the project [...] Can I make a command that might do the duplication?
Yes, make a command that saves current file (since it duplicates
what's on disk). The actual command should be:
# so we can work with relative paths
# construct a default name for the duplicate
def_name=`perl -pe <<<"$TM_FILENAME" 's/^(.*?)(\.[^.]*)?$/$1 copy$2/'`
# prompt user for a name
CocoaDialog inputbox --text "$def_name" --button1 "Duplicate" --
button2 "Cancel"|{
# if user selected 'Duplicate' and file doesn't exist
read res; read new_name;
if [[ "$res" == "1" && ! -e "$new_name" ]]; then
# do the actual duplication
cp -p "$TM_FILENAME" "$new_name"
# force TM to refresh project drawer and open duplicate
{ osascript -e 'tell application "SystemEvents" to activate' \
-e 'tell application "TextMate" to activate'
open -a TextMate "$new_name"; } &>/dev/null &