Maybe it is just me and not the software. These are the problems
that I am encountering. I am running latest version that came out
yesterday and I checked out bundles.
1) Tab completion is not working for me any longer. I am coding a
index.rhtml file and typing h1 followed by a tab and it does not
complete the tag. This is the case for everything that uses a tab.
Non-tab auto completes work.
2) my html comments is making for some ugly code in-between the begin
and end comment tag. It was fixed in an earlier version.
3) color coding in my .css files is inexistent
Can someone shed some light on the subject. I find this very
annoying and slowing down my productivity.
Thanks :-)
I removed all files in Applicaiton Support/TextMate and performed a
checkout. XML still does not work. It's styled by some other theme,
but not the XML theme. If it were the XML theme, namespaces would be
a different color than the tag itself. I can assert this by trying to
customize the XML theme but having no changes take place. My XML
files are styled according to the SimpleTheme, and unstyled if i
uncheck the SimpleTheme.
I am using 1.1b8 and the Python bundle is not showing up in the view
language selection menu, accordingly no syntax highlighting when
opening python files. I have the complete set of bundles from svn,
Python is there in the bundles folder. Any ideas. This was not
working in b7 too.
Is there any way to have a tabbed interface without having to create
a new project? The practical use is for people that use an external
ftp client. Since ftp is not built into TM, we have to open each
document independently with an ftp client. It gets really messy when
working on a big project!
hullo. it seem the ruby syntax parser has issues with the legal
"#{("and" + " like '%#{@mimetype}%'") unless @mimetype.nil?}"
I've used "#{("and" + " like '%" + @mimetype +"%'") unless @mimetype.nil?}"
instead. but thought i would pass along this bit.
this morning i breathed down a hill,
last night i breathed into the sound of warm blankets
today i tango to El Cholulo
TextMate Version 1.1b5
I would like to know if it is possible to print with colors (like
syntaxe) and if i can choose the size of the font for the impression
(the size in the prefs...) .
Alain Matthes
I'm using TextMate v1.1b8 (2005-05-07) on Tiger.
I just spent 30 mins or so customising my themes with the built in
theme editor, and since it was running very slowly I quit and
restarted TM, only to discover none of my changes had 'stuck'.
Is there something I'm missing? Is persistence of these changes not
yet implemented, or do i have a bug on m hands?
I'm probably daft and just not finding it, but what I cannot find is a
way to navigate inside of a columnar selection. There are several
situations in which I want to make a change in the middle of a column
selection, instead of the edge, or even more likely more than one
change in said selection. Simple arrow movement certainly isn't the
way as that undoes the selection. What is the obvious thing that I'm
Robert M. Zigweid rzigweid(a)