I downloaded the following css file:
and tried opening it with TextMate (b8), and both times I got a
spinning ball and had to force quite TM. It first appeared to load
fine, and then started coloring the file. One second later, it was not
responding any more. Any ideas what the problem might be?
A small bug(?) with bundles:
When you make changes to a bundle, a local copy is created in your
own library. That changes the TM_BUNDLE_PATH variable, which is used
by some commands to access scripts. Since these aren't copied along,
those commands stop working.
Sorry for my bad english. I hope that you can understand my question.
I've some difficulties to use pdftricks with TextMate and TeXniscope
Example : graphe.tex
i've no problem with Texshop but with TextMate...
In Command Output i've :
1: latex : command not found
and in the log
sh: line 1: latex: command not found
rm: graphe-fig1.aux: No such file or directory
rm: graphe-fig1.dvi: No such file or directory
rm: graphe-fig1.log: No such file or directory
rm: graphe-fig1.eps: No such file or directory
This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4) \write18
enabled. etc...
Thanks Alain Matthes
I'm running TM 1.1b8 on a 400Mhz iMac DV/SE with 512MB of ram
(running Tiger). Text rendering seems to be very slow... to the point
where it really isn't usable. It's most noticeable when you're
scrolling, or when you first open a document. It's slowest when
syntax highlighting is on... otherwise it's not so bad.
The iMac does perfectly fine in other text editors, web browsers, and
Anyways, I just figured I'd get the word out, just in case nobody's
noticed :)
Hi all,
I have a bizarre problem with the fonts in the recent betas. | have
attached a capture
of 1.1b5 (the grey background) and 1.1b8 (the white background) that
shows for
the same settings and font, the difference between these two
versions. In 1.1b8 the font appears to be strongly smoothed.
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
I am running 10.4
Hello all;
I'm new to the list; I just wanted to say thank you to Rob for adding
the actionscript bundle funcitonality to textmate; there's a real
need for it since flash mx 2004 lacks an external script editor.
-Nicklaus Deyring
(650)614-0730 - work
(650)773-7932 - cell
I know that you're working on b9 or something already, but until
bundles are fixed (sorry, I got burned on b6 so now I'm waiting until
it's a one-click download for everything...)... anyway, I found what
appears to be a pretty nasty bug.
Picture this: I have two projects and one happens to contain the files
of the other project like so:
Project 1: project1.tmproj contains /project1/*
Project 2: project2.tmproj contains /project1/files/project2/*
Now if I open up both projects simultaneously, makes changes in
Project 2 and then switch to Project 1, my Undo command will undo the
changes that I made in Project 2!
So say I edit /project1/files/project2/test.html in Project 2 and then
switch to Project 1, hitting cmd-z will undo the changes I made in
Project 2!
This is bad, yes? Any thoughts?
Just out of curiosity, I fail to understand, why do the LaTeX bundle
snippet tab triggers almost all start with a capital letter? I really
frustrates me, because I always forget to capitalize the first letter,
and each time I wonder why they are this way. Of course I can redefine
them, and probably will do so real soon, just wondering if anyone can
shed some light into the original -to my eyes not so clear- choice of
tab trigger.
Also, is anyone planning to implement more snippets for LaTeX?
Would there be interest in some, and if so, which?