Is there a way left to move the cursor to the top of the window? Pageup
used to do this, and while I understand that it's not HIG or like other
apps do it, I was just getting used to it :-)
Greetings folks,
recent $'er for this great editor. Longtime vi user, but always wishing
for a highly configurable editor that was more os x-integrated.
Couple questions/suggestions:
Any way to make a Command which can work with the $TM_FILEPATH variable
-- except with a .pdf extension? This is good really only for opening
the .pdf file in e.g. TeXniscope for the first time. …or another
Also -- after running a little pdflatex Command on a file, I'm finding
that there's no really optimal output method. I'm often working on a
12", so a full window devoted to the results (which I generally only
need to see if there's an error) is a little bulky, especially as the
focus moves to the said new window. The tooltip output looks promising
(it disappears at the touch of a key), but it seems to appear with the
top left corner at the cursor -- which often leaves the bulk of the
window off the screen.
Thanks, thanks, thanks for TextMate!
I do like the indented paste feature but find that it's one of the
features that I'm constantly turning on and off, depending on what I'm
working on. It would be nice if this feature were moved out of the
preferences and back into the Text menu where's it more readily accessible.
Do the evolution. Get Firefox!
Quote of the moment: /If you can't describe what you are doing as a
process, you don't know what you're doing./— W. Edwards Deming
>Has this been brought up as a feature request? skEdit's (i'm using it
>while I wait for my Paypal deposit) tidy functionality is very well
>thought out. I'd like to see something similar in TM.
Here is my current kludge to get two HTML Tidy commands: one replaces
a window with its Tidy-ed version, and another just produces a window
with clickable error output. Note that (bug? feature?) if HTML Tidy
thinks there are errors in your document and you do a 'replace' then
it will place the errors at the top of the document. You can fiddle
with the Tidy flags to avoid that.
Also note that my version only runs on the last saved version and not
the current one. That can also be tweaked...
Anyway, get HTML Tidy from then install
it someplace convenient. I put the command-line version at ~/bin/tidy
Report Errors Command:
Before: nothing
Command: ~/bin/tidy -e "$TM_FILEPATH"
Stdin: None
Stout: Sep window
Pattern: line (\d+) column (\d+) - (.*?)$
Format: $3
Line: 1
Replace Document with Tidy-ed Version Command:
Before: nothing
Command: ~/bin/tidy -bicq "$TM_FILEPATH"
Stdin: None
Stout: Replace doc
Works great for me!
- Eric
Eric Hsu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
I just opened a 1.5M XML document in TM. My XML syntax isn't all that
lean, and it takes a while for TM to highlight everything and become
responsive. Currently, I do not know of any way to open a file without
syntax highlighting. That'd be one nice thing to have... The other
would be for TM to pop up a little dialog if highlighting hasn't
completed after, say, 10 seconds and give the option to abort the open,
continue highlighting (until done), or open without highlighting.
__ ____
/ / / __/ Brian Lalor
/ _ \/__ \ blalor(a)
at first i must say that textmate definitely rocks, it is really THE
missing editor i was searching for. and its a not unimportant reason
why i bought my ibook.
but this doesn't mean its already perfect i still like to see some
features or at least small changes. :)
for example:
- parenthesis highlights (or smart typing highlights) like in komodo.
i have been using activestate komodo quite a long time but because it
was a bit to big and slow and not extensible enough i don't use it
anymore, but one thing was really cool: the parenthesis highlighting.
in textmate you have to roll over the parenthesis with the caret to
get it highlighted, in komodo you just have to be near it and it gets
highlighted (normally it gets red and bold), i like this more than
always have to move with the caret forward and backward, its
especially more comfortable in heavy nested statements or lisp :). so
i would it like to see implemented this way in textmate.
- simple formating in tool tips, probably like in html so that one can
make bold, underlined and italic text, this would be very nice because
bigger tool tips would be better readable.
- better placement of tool tips. if you have a really big tool tip
(or just a normal big one) and your caret is a bit to near to the
right of the screen, the tool tip is shown out of the desktop, i found
this a bit useless sometimes and i want to suggest to place tool tips
a bit more user friendly.
thats it, i also would like to see some other features like the
right-click-menu in the dock and a user adjustable color-system, but
this already have been mentioned and i don't want to repeat them again
and again.
thanks for this great tool.
Torsten Becker
I wish I could format the output of TM's commands in html, and make
html links able to launch other TextMate commands !
Thus one could display error reports, stats, links and stuff very
nicely !!
I would also like to be able to use a TextMate webkit window that would
be called from somewhere else.
In order to debug my php scripts, I currently have a script watch php's
log using kernel notifications (kqueue) and trigger a cocoa window
alert on each error.
I wish this window could be an interactive one, in Textmate. Thus I
could jump directly to the error by clicking a link, etc...
Possibilities would be unlimited !
Dominique PERETTI