Not sure if this has been suggested before (or even if it already lies
hidden beneath the sleek exterior of TM and I'm just an idiot), but I
would like to be able to shift-click or alt-click on a fold to select
all contained text rather than expanding or collapsing the fold. This
can then be used for drag/drop, copy/cut and paste and, most
importantly for me, search and replace criteria, i.e. allowing me to
use search within selection to quickly do replaces within a single
defined function or other logical block.
A further possibility, which may be a step too far, is to use shift-alt
click to select multiple, non-contiguous, folds though I suspect that
this would be too confusing and not useful enough. Views?
Thanks again for a great product.
Yeah, that's what I figured, in fact the more I think about it, the less
simple it seems to become!
Its one of those classic software problems, in making something "smart"
there are always occasions when its not so smart. Perhaps Ill just get my
friend to adjust her typing style.
> "only surrounded by white space" doesn't work -- consider something
> like $foo[' which smart typing should match with '] automatically, yet
> neither the [ or ' are surrounded by white space.
> "only FOLLOWED by white space" is a bit better, but still doesn't work
> "only surrounded by white space or other smart typing pairs" is a lot
> better
> ... but I think in practice, it will take a lot of thinking before a
> real solution is found... no quick patch here :)
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i found something quite annoying and possibly dangerous.....when
editing a script its very usual to delete a block just to see what
happens....but hitting the Apple-S seems to kill the undo list
can't get this behavior repeated each time....
The ruby regexp highlighting works much better now, but still gets
confused by something like:
(The highlighting stops at the first "}").
Adding this:
{ name = "Arbitrary repetition"; match = "({\\d+(,\d+)?})";
foregroundColor = "#CCCC33"; }
to the Regular Expression II set in Ruby.plist appears to sort this.
Doesn't work if you have a regexp like this though:
Admittedly it's a bit of an extreme edge case, but if someone with
better regexp skillz feels like figuring it out...
(Note: I don't subscribe to this list, but do check the archives every
so often.)
- Peter
I just tried to delete a file by dragging it from the Project Drawer to
the Trash. It didn't work.
Is that an absent feature or an unrealistic expectation?
I don't know if TM now sucks less for germans but when I press
alt-shift-L to select the current line, I get a fl ligature character
instead :-p.
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" -- Content follows ;-).
when scrolling horizontally a 'non wrapped' document the gutter scrolls
with the text.
has it been already mentioned ?
it's quite annoying cause scrolling to the right means loosing
bookmarks, folding and line numbers....
if it's not a bug , why such a design choice?
this text editor is becoming THE TEXT editor on macosx....way cool
There currently is no way to define foldingstopmarkers for these things.
Allan informed me that he is planning to rewrite the folding code so that
it is possible to fold these things.
PS. Please don't use reply on a message to start a new thread. It messes
up the threading display in clients that support it.
Hi All,
I'm trying to create a new command to submit current file to W3C
html validator. This one does not work :
Of cours I could install the validator directly in MacOS X as
<> but the
first way seemed easier.
Any idea?
Have a nice day,
Jo <W:00°04'37" ; N:47°15'36">
OK, I might be opening my mouth and removing all doubts about my
stupidity here, but I can't think of a solution to this problem, so
here goes..
I have a project in the following location: [
/Users/mats/Sites/projectName/ ]
In my template I use Custom Shell variables to auto-enter the relevant
The "TM_FILEPATH" returns: [
/Volumes/WorkDisk/Users/mats/Sites/projectName/index.php ]
*but* I would prefer to have: [ /projectName/index.php ]
in other words remove [ /Volumes/WorkDisk/Users/mats/Sites ] from the
TM_FILEPATH or alternatively create a new shell variable with this
info only.
I guess that I would use some form of 'grep' and remove the bits that I
don't want, but I can't work out how.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,