Hi All,
In the project drawer, a right-click on a file icon opens a dialog
where one can find :
Treat Files with ".xxx" Extension as Text
Where does TM store this infos afterwards? Did not find anything in
"Application Support" nor in "Preferences"
The point is to have TM consider files with a variable extension as
text, like the ones I have to deal with : the extension is a 8-digit
number representing the date the document was edited (*.20041023 for
Jo <W:00°04'37" ; N:47°15'36">
Hello all.
I'm not sure why people have seized upon this font-size issue. It is,
as a few people have already noted, a minor point, and anyone who
really cares can change it just like I did. What is *really* important
are the other, functional behaviour changes I suggested:
1. Store the Base URL in the project file. Why must I retype this every
time the Preview disappears, speaking of which:
2. Keep the preview open until *I* close it, don't make it disappear.
If a user opened it, chances are they're doing web design, and they'll
want to use it again. This shouldn't be hard, right?
3. Change the preview to display the contents of the current tab *if
that tab is HTML*. Quick Hint: if you are syntax-highlighting something
as HTML, you should sensibly be able to preview it. Likewise for PHP.
This is a bit trickier, yes.
4. Have an option to update the view if *any* project file changes.
This is probably on a par in implementational difficulty with the
previous suggestion.
Justin says:
> Firefox and Safari and pretty much every other browser ship with 16px
> -- I'm 99% certain of this. Eventually a preference is planned for
> you
> to pick your own I think. When the first betas shipped, it was set to
> 12, but people complained about it not being like Safari and Firefox,
> so whatyagonnado?
Set it to the same value as Safari and Firefox - surely the majority of
the mac browser share. Why would you ever set it differently? Why
12pts? ...
> Can't please everyone until there's a font size preview -- and even if
> TM were to preview things EXACTLY the way YOU prefer (14px), it's only
> previewing your Safari/Firefox set-up, not previewing my set-up, or
> some guy down the road surfing the web on his XBox.
... if the font value was the same as the default for other browsers,
you'd please *most* people. If that's 16pts, not 14pts, fine - i was
just guessing as I hacked around. I could be wrong, and in this case,
my eyes were a few pts out :)
My point is, why is TextMate deliberately different from what seems to
be the standard here?
> It's a quick and handy HTML preview, not a full-on browser... and isn't
> that good enough?
For a preview to be useful, it needs to be somewhat accurate,
especially if you are using it for CSS design. I don't ask for a full
on browser (presumably by that you mean history, bookmarks?), just a
quick pane that displays reasonably accurately what the page I'm
hacking up will look like in most browsers.
Timothy says:
> I have to side with Justin here. You
> should leave the Browser default text size alone especially when
> testing design & accessibility.
I'm not suggesting that I'd want to change it as part of my design
process. Just that it be set to a better default value.
I'll repeat - I don't understand why the OakWebPreview sets it's
default to 12pts if the two most popular browsers are different. I'd
love to hear a justification. A preference to change it at some point
would be great, but clearly isn't high-priority, nor do I feel it
should be. Just set the default sensibly - doesn't that better fit the
TextMate philosophy of "no preferences"?
Someone wondered if anyone codes static HTML pages any more. Surely the
answer is YES! Pretty much everyone does. Most design takes place using
placeholder content - a static page - which is the broken up and fed to
the appropriate dynamic parts of Rails, Smarty or whatever. If there
are people designing html using only fragments and relying on dynamic
systems to put them all together without even once just checking that
the html jigsaw pieces they are carving fit together nicely, well kudos
to you :) I must be old school, but I design the whole page first (with
forethought, of course), and then separate the components into
different files/functions.
Kumar said:
> I would also vote to not put too much development
> into WebPreview since Safari is only a command-tab + command-R away....
> unless there was a feature like SubEthaEdit that did WebPreview in
> realtime as you type.
The Web Preview *does* auto-update, like SubEthaEdit, unless I am
imagining things, and that is what makes it most useful. Why hit the
keyboard at all if you don't have to.
I've suggested some simple aesthetic changes, and some simple
behavioural changes that AFAIK won't take more than a few hours
consideration, but will surely improve the usefulness of the Web
Preview feature for those of us that do feel it is handy. The font-size
note is tiny compared to these other 'ideas'.
Does anyone else think Web Preview is useful? If you don't use it...
you've not lost anything. If you do, you've gained a lot.
I hope I've made my case more effectively here, thanks for reading guys.
- James
I have to get this out of my system: this is possibly my favorite new
mac app. Amazing work!
Anyway, these are my thoughts about how TextMate should respond to
double-clicks on text, based on my preferences and the way other mac
applications like BBedit or TextEdit perform.
When I double click on whitespace, I like for the selection to stop at
the beginning/end of the line, or the nearest adjacent non-whitespace
character, whichcever comes first:
[ ]word word
Textmate selects the white space until the beginning/end of the line,
or the nearest adjacent word, whichever comes first:
[ word] word
When I double click on a word, and then shift click to the right or
left of the selected word, I like the selection to expand to include
the word or whitespace I shift-clicked on:
[word] --> [ word]
Textmate, interestingly, does this when I click to the right of a
selected word, but when I click to the left of one, the selection is
changed to the characters between where I clicked and the beginning of
the old selection:
word [word] --> [word ]word
I'd say it's praise that this is my biggest gripe after switching to
TextMate a little less than 24 hours ago. Yeay textmate!
def self.extend_object( obj ); self.setup_for( obj ); end
In the above, TextMate (v1.0.1) is treating everything from the first
paren to the last paren as the argument list. Should account for the
above, as well as:
def foo( bar=")" ); puts( 'yay' ); end;
(-, /\ \/ / /\/
(copied from http://interblah.net/2004/10/22/textmate-web-preview/ )
I have posted some feedback about the Web Preview to the
[wiki](http://wiki.macromates.com), along with a
preview.jpg). I'm happy to provide my revised .nib file too.
In summary, and in order of perceived importance, the changes are:
* changed the base font size of the OakWebPreview to 14 - this way it
matches at least my setup for Safari and Firefox, and I'm not aware of
every having changed the defaults in those apps. Either way, ENSURE
that the font sizes are similar, otherwise the preview is pretty much
* move, resize, relabel and re-anchor the "Back", "Forward", and
"Reload" buttons. The top row of controls is now Back, Forward, URL,
Reload. This more closely-matches real browsers. The Reload could be
placed to the left of the URL, the important point is that these
controls go on top
* Remove the window texture - it's unnecessary, and unattractive. This
isn't a rant against metal, I like metal, it's just *better* as aqua
* Resize the "Show Options" checkbox to "small", and place it flush
against the bottom of the view. Then Increase the vertical size of the
OakWebPreview accordingly.
### Feature Requests
1. Have the web preview always shown, if it has been opened. It should
then display whatever is in the selected tab, if the file meets some
"web previewable" criteria. If the current tab is showing an html file,
or a php file, or a .asp file, change the web preview to it, otherwise,
leave it displaying the last file that did match.
This will enable a lot of very useful editing, like changing the CSS
and having the preview update automagically, as outlined next.
2. Have another option which updates the preview, after whatever delay,
if ANY file in the project is changed. This way, I can:
* edit an html, open the web preview
* check the NEW "update if any file is modified" option on the web
preview (a project-persistent option)
* switch to the CSS (or JS, whatever) in the project. Note that
since CSS/JS aren't "previewable", the web preview window still shows
the html file
* as changes are made to the file, the web preview is told to
update, with whatever delay
* now, the consequences of any changes I make to external files are
updated automatically in the preview
This feature would REALLY kick ass. You know it.
3. Keep the "Base URL" persistent within a single project. Store the
base url within that project! This doesn't require a preference, just
each time it's manually updated, change the entry in the .tmproj file
None of these features/fixes are very hard, nor can I think of any way
that they negatively impair the current workings of TextMate - what are
the chances of seeing any of them in 1.0.2?
i'm not sure when it happenend, but it sopped working, so I plopped a
copy of Markdown.pl in:
~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/
which is same as:
/Users/tim/Library/Application Support/TextMate/
and now I get:
Base URL: file:///Users/tim/Documents/projects/GTD/waitingOn
/bin/sh: line 1: /Users/tim/Library/Application: No such file or
This is a very simple set of snippets to automate your PHP Documentor
tags [http://www.phpdoc.org/] while writing PHP classes using TextMate.
download: http://farmdev.com/downloads/PHPDoc.tar.gz
Here are the commands:
phpdoc_c : creates a PHPDoc class block
phpdoc_d : creates a PHPDoc definition block (constant definition)
phpdoc_f : creates a PHPDoc function block
phpdoc_h : creates a PHPDoc header for the top of your script
phpdoc_v : creates a PHPDoc class variable
** There is a very nice feature in TextMate that allows you to
reference a cursor position in a snippet by simply repeating the
numeric variable. What I like to do when writing functions is always
comment the end of the function with its name so you know what the last
trailing bracket is closing. This is fully automated for class and
function blocks. As an example:
function do_something($input)
// lots of code ...
// lots of code ...
// lots of code ...
// lots of code ...
// lots of code ...
// lots of code ...
// lots of code ...
// lots of code ...
} // END function do_something($input)
I must also say that with TextMate 1.0.1 I am sold! Many thanks to the
dev team and hopefully my license will help keep things moving. And
feel free to include this in the default package if you see fit.
Here is a complete example of how a script would look using these
snippets :
* Description of document
* @author Author Name
* @version $Id$
* @copyright Author Name, 22 October, 2004
* @package default
* Define DocBlock
* undocumented class
* @package default
* @author author
class Some_Class
* undocumented class variable
* @access public
* @var string
var $some_var;
* undocumented function
* @access public
* @return void
* @param string $input
* @author author
function do_something_cool($input)
} // END function do_something_cool($input)
} // END class Some_Class
I'm working on a big php class file (with heavy coloring syntax bundle).
I modify something.
I save the file.
I go to Safari and test.
When I switch back to TextMate, it looks like TM is refreshing
everyhing, being unavailable for 2 or 3 seconds with the spinning
wheel. Then it seems to move to the caret (like when one presses
Note that this does not happen if I don't save the file before.
Dominique PERETTI
Can anyone tell me how I should checkout the svn bundles (java + xml)?
I get this error:
Expected version '2' of repository; found no version at all; is
'/media/subversion/repos' a valid repository path?
Kind regards Allan