Howdy textmaters. (that does sound kinda naughty, doesn't it?)
As I live in Denmark I commonly use the special danish characters æøå,
and has tried to make a command to the php htmlentities(9 command on
the selected text:
php -r "echo htmlentities('$TM_SELECTED_TEXT', ENT_QUOTES);"
But, alas, as in the terminal æøå gets mangled into
\303\246\303\270\303\245 before being entitized.
<, &, ", ' and other "normal" special chars gets converted just fine.
Is there a workaround for the brutal mangling of the innocent danish characters?
I know there is already a "Convert to entities" command, but it
converts every character, not just the special ones. And its a bit of
a chore to select every instance of a special character and running a
command on it.
Any thoughts? Anyone?
Nis "Have-a-nice-day" Sarup.
BTW: I have 5 Gmail invites. Write me at nis.sarup(a) if you
are in desperate need of a new and fancy email.
I just make a rectangular selection of a column about 20 lines long, and
copied it to the clipboard.
Pasting this further down the document failed to create the extra space
needed for the code being pasted, and effectively 'merged' the pasted
code with the existing code following the insertion point.
Hard to explain. Will screen shot the steps if necessary.
On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 23:55:02 -0500 Kjell Olsen wrote:
> I can't make the date function work within the command - If I execute
> my script outside of textmate it works beautifully, but from within
> textmate I get:
> <code>
> date: illegal time format
> usage: date [-nu] [-r seconds] [+format]
> date [[[[[cc]yy]mm]dd]hh]mm[.ss]
> </code>
Timothy Martens' solution of using an external script which is then
called with a command works well, or -- if you'd prefer to keep it all
within TextMate, you could try something like:
ruby <<END
task_text = "$TM_SELECTED_TEXT"
task_text.gsub!("\[ \] ","[X] ")
print ""
from = File.basename("$TM_FILEPATH",".txt")
comp_time =
datestamp = comp_time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y at %H:%M")"/Users/me/completed.txt",'a'){|archive_file|
archive_file.puts "#{task_text} => in #{from} on #{datestamp}"
I ran into a similar problem, which I suspect in my case was down to
escaping the quotes in the format string wrongly. The double quotes to
form the Ruby string make this tricky. I decided to side-step the issue
slightly long-windedly by using Ruby's 'date' methods. Note also that
this code works on selected text: I have Standard in = selected text
and Standard out = Replace selected text. The selected task then gets
deleted from the original file and pasted in to the completed.txt file
with a checkbox ([X]).
I also put the date stamp on the same line as the text to make it
easier to grep for; when someone chases me about something I've done, I
can double-check when I did it ;-)
I'm a Ruby-newbie too, so I'm sure more experienced coders could make
it more efficient.
Jackie Chappell
On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 13:17:50 -1000 Timothy Martens wrote:
> /bin/sh: line 1: ruby: command not found
> why? do I need the full path in line 1?
Hmm. I don't use the full path for Ruby but it works for me. Also
whereis ruby returns nothing for me, but I also have Ruby 1.8.1 in
my $PATH is:
export PATH
in .bashrc, but you can also put it in .bash_profile (I 'source'
.bashrc in .bash_profile). I found that if I put the default $PATH
first, the shell would find the Panther version of Ruby (in /usr/bin)
first before my 1.8.1 version in /usr/local/bin, but YMMV.
I think this must be a path issue. Does the command work if you specify
the full path instead of just ruby?
Jackie Chappell
Thought you would like to know that my colleague at work is very happy with
the new auto-insert features in 1.02b1, I have even seen her use the
wrap-selection-in-quotes feature.
Well done.
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Thought you would like to know that my colleague at work is very happy with
the new auto-insert features in 1.02b1, I have even seen her use the
wrap-selection-in-quotes feature.
Well done.
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1. I think the program rocks.
2. I was writing some HTML and I had the need to have a command that
jumped to the *inside* of the next tag. I couldn't figure out how to
do this in TM (or any other editor), playing with snippets and Perl
shell command ideas until I realized I could record a macro that did:
find <(.*?)> as regular expression
hit left arrow (to go to start of found selection), hit right arrow
(to skip over the <)
find [^>]* to select all characters up to the >.
It works just great.
3. In some corner of my head I feel like snippets, macros and
commands should really all be one type of automation entity. I'm not
sure how to do that, but it's a little confusing to have so much
power distributed across three different kinds of triggers...
4. Actual interface bug (in my opinion). If you start a selection,
say in the middle of the screen, and drag up past the window top, TM
should select everything up through the first character of the
document. Instead, it only selects up to the first line stopping at
the original column.
- Eric
Eric Hsu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
On 26. Oct 2004, at 19:47, Ian G. Gillespie wrote:
> Does anyone know of a good program that one can use to create a help
> file and a PDF manual without maintaining two sets of documents?
LaTeX does really nice PDF and with tex4ht I think the HTML result is
also reasonable good.
Another option is DocBook, though the PDF is not very nice when using
the freeware converters available.
Basically you just want to settle on some generic markup language that
allows you to convert it to whatever format you desire.
Which markup language is best suited probably depends mostly of what
type of documentation you're writing, i.e. is it heavily interlinked,
using all sorts of "typegraphic" features, footnotes, images etc.
Kind regards Allan
-- ::: TextMate, OS X text editor ::: Personal weblog about
On 26. Oct 2004, at 23:26, kumar mcmillan wrote:
> when copying and pasting text from one document to another document in
> a project, the pasted text gets shifted to the right one column.
Disable “Indented Paste” from the Behavior menu.
It tries to match the indent level of where you paste -- some
improvements could probably be made though (I think it fails to
properly treat spaces and tabs transparently).
> also... if you select several lines of text (like the require
> statement + comments above), then choose Text > Move Selection >
> Column Right, TextMate only moves the first line, not all lines of the
> selection. The same thing happens for Text > Move Selection > Column
> Left.
Yes, move column left/right only makes real sense for either selecting
sub-lines (e.g. words) or doing a columnar selection.
Kind regards Allan