I've found a bug with mirror typing in that I seem to be able to get stuck
in mirror typing mode. It seems related to how many tab completions there
are, if I tab all the way through them and then press tab one more time then
mirror typing is cancelled, but if I ignore one of them then the file in
question gets stuck with mirror typing on and some very odd things happen
(like multiple copies of whatever text Im typing appearing on the same
line). Once in this weird mode the line upon which the mirror typing was
initially active seems to remain in this mode, other lines in the same file
are fine, hitting tab again seems to kill it off.
I reckon there are a couple of possible solutions to this seeing as how it
is difficult to tell when the user wants to abandon mirror mode and return
to normal, you could use a key press to cancel the mode, like escape for
example, and you could supplement that with some form of user feedback about
which mode you are in, an icon in the status bar or something would be
useful, or I guess you could just improve your rules for automatically
figuring out which mode the user is in.
Anyway, just thought you should know, keep up the good work, the betas are
looking great!
Chris Jenkins
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First: I´m delighted and impressed with the frequency of
beta-releases, A joy checking for updates every night :)
On Beta6 it was really nice to see the interface improvements. Border
on the gutter, and a elegant wrap-line really, makes a difference.. So
much so, that I instantly made replacements for the folding widgets.
Based on my previously released mock-up; The arrow-directions are more
visible, and the ellipsis got a minor tweak to work better on dark
backgrounds. It still looks a bit messy when a document has many
foldings, so I included a set of light arrows which I propose to use
on level 2 and below.
Differencing background-color of the folding column from the rest of
the gutter, would also be nice.. I believe :)
My files are available on the following address:
Is there any way to disable the double click open thing?
Since double click the the finder-way to open files, Whem I want to
open a file (with TM), I often double click the drawer items instead of
single clicking them.
With the new "open with finder" feature/bug, I end up launching
subethaedit and jedit accidently all the time.
I want to be able to insert separators in the project drawer. For
example, when I create a rails project, I have the following roots:
- controllers
- models
- helpers
- views
- javascripts
- stylesheets
- rails
I want to use separators to be able to view them as follows:
- controllers
- models
- helpers
- views
- javascripts
- stylesheets
- rails
I guess I could use groups or something, but I prefer to avoid nesting,
otherwise I'd just do it with the rails dir and nothing more.
I'll most likely be releasing 1.0.1 later today, and I'll try to ship
it with all user submitted bundles.
So if you've made changes or you have something you haven't published,
please add it to the wiki [1]. When there are multiple bundles for the
same language, be sure to add comments to why (or merge them ;) ) so
that I can quickly get an overview of this stuff.
I'm planning to include all syntax highlight files in the
"SharedSupport" folder of TextMate, so these will be available
out-of-the-box. And then I'm also adding an external "support" folder
to the disk image, where bundles are located which contain more than
just syntax highlight files, which the user can then double click to
get that extra support (TextMate will merge the default bundle with
syntaxes with the installed bundle that contain the added
I'd hoped 1.0.1 would have had better bundle management from within
TextMate, but this will take a little more time, and I think it's about
time the 1.0.1 update was released -- this also means that some of the
other things some of you may have been expecting for 1.0.1 didn't make
it. Don't worry, I do write down every suggestion I get, so there's no
need to re-send your feedback, at least not if I replied to it.
Kind regards Allan
Create a file, open this in TextMate.
Type: if (x = y)
After typing y, using the mouse to move the caret outside of the
closing bracket hangs TextMate. This doesn't happen if you use the
right arrow key.
(This may only happen with my ActionScript bundle installed: haven't
tested this with any of the other ones).
On 16. Oct 2004, at 20:15, Max wrote:
> I'm developing a web application in PHP. Is there any chance to work
> on a php page, and then see if it works through
> http://localhost/mypage with a command? Just like F12 from
> Dreamweaver... Or do I have to switch to Safari and click on the
> bookmark I made?
I don't know what Dreamweaver does on F12, but you can do a command
like this:
open `echo $TM_FILEPATH | sed
Before running command: probably save ;)
Input/output: none/discard
If you are editing a page named:
It will open Safari (if default browser) and point it to:
And you can of course assign F12 to this command.
Kind regards Allan
P.S. Generally send these type of questions to the mailing list:
I've put money where my mouth is and created a PList bundle:
It contains a syntax highlighting file for syntax highlighting ASCII-PList
files and a template file (with some comments and pointers).
I'm having a bit of a trouble to match a '.' which is part of a string
surrounded by " ".
I've tried: (?=\".*)\.(?=.*\".*$), but this doesn't seem to work.
Can anyone please help out?
Regards, Jeroen.
Could the path in the file shell variables (e.g. TM_SELECTED_FILE) be
surrounded by "" if necessary? Currently it doesn't work if there are
spaces in the path.