I'm trying out Subversion, and the associated TextMate bundle, for the first time. Choosing "Checkout..." from the bundle menu gives me a dialog box with the prefix "svn+ssh://" AFAIK my Subversion implementation doesn't support that protocol, so I've replaced that with "http://" and the appropriate url.
In response, TextMate gives me a status report with correct authentication realm but that lists my Mac account name ("jonippolito") rather than my Subversion login on the remote server ("jon"). The report ends with these errors:
Username: svn: PROPFIND request failed on [my subdirectory] svn: PROPFIND of [my subdirectory]: authorization failed [my remote url]. The file [my local url] does not exist.
I don't see where I can change my username or password as recognized by the Subversion bundle. Any advice appreciated!
jon /RR (http://responserequested.com) ______________________________ Still Water--what networks need to thrive. http://still-water.net/
Hi Jon,
Am 20.08.2009 um 18:34 schrieb Jon Ippolito:
I'm trying out Subversion, and the associated TextMate bundle, for the first time. Choosing "Checkout..." from the bundle menu gives me a dialog box with the prefix "svn+ssh://" AFAIK my Subversion implementation doesn't support that protocol, so I've replaced that with "http://" and the appropriate url.
In response, TextMate gives me a status report with correct authentication realm but that lists my Mac account name ("jonippolito") rather than my Subversion login on the remote server ("jon"). The report ends with these errors:
Username: svn: PROPFIND request failed on [my subdirectory] svn: PROPFIND of [my subdirectory]: authorization failed [my remote url]. The file [my local url] does not exist.
I don't see where I can change my username or password as recognized by the Subversion bundle. Any advice appreciated!
I've never used the Subversion bundle to check out, but I do almost everything else related to Subversion with it. I usually check out a repository on the command line:
$ svn co http(s)://my.repo/project/trunk myProject
and open it with the mate command:
$ mate myProject
From there on you will never be asked for username/password again.
I know, this is not the answer to your question, but maybe this is helpful for you nevertheless…