I have Panic Sans (nearly the same as Menlo) picked as my display font. Everything in the editor uses that font. Except markup.raw.block.markdown!
I didn’t do it, or at least I don’t know that I did. What else in my bundles, configuration, or defaults could be doing that?
Bob ------------------- Robert J. Rockefeller Richmond Hill, GA www.bobrockefeller.com
Hi Bob,
On 11 Feb 2015, at 15:10 , Robert J. Rockefeller bob@bobrockefeller.com wrote:
I have Panic Sans (nearly the same as Menlo) picked as my display font. Everything in the editor uses that font. Except markup.raw.block.markdown!
I didn’t do it, or at least I don’t know that I did. What else in my bundles, configuration, or defaults could be doing that?
my guess would be the setting `Markup: Raw` inside the “Themes” bundle. To disable the setting:
1. Open the bundle editor `^⌥⌘B` 2. Go to “Themes→Settings→Markup: Raw” 3. Uncheck “Enable this item”
Robert J. Rockefeller Richmond Hill, GA www.bobrockefeller.com
Kind regards, René
René, that was a great suggestions! And I found a couple of others to disable while I was looking around.
But it didn’t stop the font change for my markup.raw.block.markdown. :(
Are there other places I should look?
Bob ------------------- Robert J. Rockefeller Richmond Hill, GA www.bobrockefeller.com
Hi Bob,
On 11 Feb 2015, at 18:00 , Robert J. Rockefeller bob@bobrockefeller.com wrote:
René, that was a great suggestions! And I found a couple of others to disable while I was looking around.
But it didn’t stop the font change for my markup.raw.block.markdown. :(
Are there other places I should look?
maybe your theme changes the way how blocks are styled? For example my theme[1] does change the background color for code sections. To check if your theme does indeed change the setting for `markup.raw`:
1. Open the bundle editor `^⌥⌘B` 2. Locate your theme — most likely it is located in “Themes→Themes→NameOfYourTheme” 3. Open the find dialog `⌘F` 4. Search for `markup.raw`
Another possibility is that a third party bundle changes the styling. The “Markdown Redcarpet” bundle[2] for example does change the font for the scope `markup.raw.block`[3].
[1]: https://github.com/sanssecours/Colorful.tmbundle [2]: https://github.com/streeter/markdown-redcarpet.tmbundle [3]: https://github.com/streeter/markdown-redcarpet.tmbundle/blob/master/Preferen...
Robert J. Rockefeller Richmond Hill, GA www.bobrockefeller.com
Kind regards, René
Thanks for the continued help.
It’s not my theme - I can change themes to many others and still get the font change.
I’ve looked though all the other active bundles and didn’t see any with settings effecting Markdown. Could they be hiding something elsewhere?
Meanwhile, I’m going to try the markdown-redcarpet bundle you mentioned and see how that goes.
Bob ------------------- Robert J. Rockefeller Richmond Hill, GA www.bobrockefeller.com
On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 12:17 PM, Robert J. Rockefeller bob@bobrockefeller.com wrote:
I’ve looked though all the other active bundles and didn’t see any with settings effecting Markdown. Could they be hiding something elsewhere?
It is possible to have 'Settings' in a bundle that are tied to a particular scope selector that include fontName = '...'. You might search your bundles and see if that is the case.
Hi Bob and Curt,
On 11 Feb 2015, at 19:58 , Curt Sellmer sellmerfud@gmail.com wrote:
On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 12:17 PM, Robert J. Rockefeller bob@bobrockefeller.com wrote:
I’ve looked though all the other active bundles and didn’t see any with settings effecting Markdown. Could they be hiding something elsewhere?
It is possible to have 'Settings' in a bundle that are tied to a particular scope selector that include fontName = '...'. You might search your bundles and see if that is the case.
you can also overwrite the setting for the font yourself. I included a bundle which sets the font for `markup.raw.block.markdown` to “Menlo”. To install the bundle:
1. Double Click the “Markdown Raw.tmbundle” 2. Restart TextMate `^⌘Q`
If you want to change the font for `markup.raw.block.markdown` to “Panic Sans”:
1. Open the bundle editor `^⌥⌘B` 2. Go to “Markdown Raw→Settings→Style: Markdown - Raw” 3. Change
{ fontName = 'Menlo'; }
{ fontName = 'Panic Sans'; }
On 11 Feb 2015, at 19:17 , Robert J. Rockefeller bob@bobrockefeller.com wrote:
Meanwhile, I’m going to try the markdown-redcarpet bundle you mentioned and see how that goes.
I actually mentioned “Markdown Redcarpet” as an example of the “bad habit” of bundles to change style settings although someone would not expect them to :).
Kind regards, René
Yes, I could manually override. But then if I change the display font, I’d have to change the override, too! :)
I still need to find who/what is setting my fonts for me. :(
Bob ------------------- Robert J. Rockefeller Richmond Hill, GA www.bobrockefeller.com
Hi Bob,
On 11 Feb 2015, at 22:08 , Robert J. Rockefeller bob@bobrockefeller.com wrote:
Yes, I could manually override. But then if I change the display font, I’d have to change the override, too! :)
I still need to find who/what is setting my fonts for me. :(
you might find the setting responsible by invoking “Select Bundle Item”:
1. Create a new Markdown document e.g. `bla.md` 2. Insert four spaces or an tab to to get the scope `markup.raw.block.markdown` 3. Invoke “Select Bundle Item” `^⌘T` 4. Select “Settings” 5. Search for `font`
With a little bit of luck you should be able to see which bundle item changed the font. I attached a screenshot to show which settings are responsible for the font settings on my computer.
Kind regards, René
I LOVE that trick! Super cool.
And the guilty party is, in fact, the Themes-Settings-Markup:Raw setting you warned me about much earlier. It enabled itself after I had disabled it.
So I disabled it again and restarted TextMate. It enabled itself again!
How do I disable it so that it stays disabled? (I suppose I could just delete it and be done with it)
Bob ------------------- Robert J. Rockefeller Richmond Hill, GA www.bobrockefeller.com
Hi Bob,
On 11 Feb 2015, at 22:52 , Robert J. Rockefeller bob@bobrockefeller.com wrote:
I LOVE that trick! Super cool.
And the guilty party is, in fact, the Themes-Settings-Markup:Raw setting you warned me about much earlier. It enabled itself after I had disabled it.
So I disabled it again and restarted TextMate. It enabled itself again!
How do I disable it so that it stays disabled? (I suppose I could just delete it and be done with it)
disabling works fine for me. After I restart TextMate the bundle item is still disabled. Are you sure you saved the changes? You can do that by choosing “Save” on the dialog that pops up after you close the bundle editor. Another method is to use save `⌘S` directly after you unchecked the item.
Robert J. Rockefeller Richmond Hill, GA www.bobrockefeller.com
Kind regards, René
Too weird. I disabled it and:
Hit command-s
Restarted TextMate - still enabled.
Closed the bundle editor and clicked save restarted - still enabled.
Selected Save from the File menu, restarted - still enabled.
Bob ------------------- Robert J. Rockefeller Richmond Hill, GA www.bobrockefeller.com
Hi Bob,
On 11 Feb 2015, at 23:17 , Robert J. Rockefeller bob@bobrockefeller.com wrote:
Too weird. I disabled it and:
Hit command-s
Restarted TextMate - still enabled.
Closed the bundle editor and clicked save restarted - still enabled.
Selected Save from the File menu, restarted - still enabled.
that is indeed very strange. Maybe TextMate does not save the delta bundle for you… There should be a `Themes.tmbundle` inside `~/Library/Application\ Support/Avian/Bundles/` after you disabled the item.
Anyway, I think Allan might be able to answer why changing the bundle setting does not work for you. You can also try to reset to the default settings [1] and check if disabling the bundle item works after that.
[1]: https://github.com/textmate/textmate/wiki/Reverting-To-Defaults
Robert J. Rockefeller Richmond Hill, GA www.bobrockefeller.com
Kind regards, René
FIXED! Now I can disable the Themes->Settings->Markup: Raw setting and it stays disabled. I had been syncing my Bundles with my laptop via Dropbox and symlinks. I unravelled all that and things are “normal” again. I guess TextMate is not really designed to be synced. Or at least not the way I was doing it. Lesson learned.
Infininight, in the IRC, says it’s because Dropbox "breaks the fs_events TM uses to detect bundle changes."
Bob ------------------- Robert J. Rockefeller Richmond Hill, GA www.bobrockefeller.com