I love Find in Project's... preview window which shows every matched line in every file in the project. I love it so much so that I often use it even when I only care about a single file in a project and just ignore the extraneous results of the other files.
Thus, I am always disappointed when editing a single file (not part of a project) and I select Find in Project... only to be greeted with a window titled "Find in Project: <none>" that only beeps at me when I try to use it. :-(
This may already be on the docket for 2.0, but I'd much prefer if "Find..." and "Find in Project..." were to always bring up the same window (whether editing a single file or a project) with one difference. The window would have a radio-button such as:
(o) Search in current file ( ) Search in project
With the selected radio button according to whether the user used "Find in Project..." or "Find..." to bring up the window. For single file editing, the control would be disabled.
I'm sure you can think of a better UI design; I'm just arguing that the preview functionality is useful in more than just a project context.
Said window could even grow an additional feature:
(o) Search in current file ( ) Search in project ( ) Search files in project matching pattern: [......]
(It should go without saying that any unique features of the "Find..." window should be available in this unified window.)
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious that makes this a poor suggestion or difficult to implement. :-)
On Aug 29, 2007, at 1:30 AM, Jay Soffian wrote:
[...] This may already be on the docket for 2.0, but I'd much prefer if "Find..." and "Find in Project..." were to always bring up the same window [...]
Yeah, I believe I have confirmed that a few times in the past ;)
[...] I'm sure I'm missing something obvious that makes this a poor suggestion or difficult to implement. :-)
It works a bit like you outline, and actually with more sources, since “selection” is now also just a source, so you can “search for […] in […]” where the ‘in’ can be document, selection, folder, project, recent folders, etc. -- and you can hit either “next” or “find all” where the latter is the “find in project” functionality, but available for all sources, though the default button changes depending on source, so return does “next” for non-file finds, and “find all” for file finds -- also, the “in”-pop-up has cmd-F and shift-cmd-F bound to the “document” and “project” entries, so basically the key strokes are like now, i.e. shift-cmd-F + return does “find all” in project where cmd-F + return does “find next” in document -- but the extra options exist, and another nicety is that now “find in project” has the previous/next functionality (i.e. do a file search and use cmd-G to step through the results and have it go to next file when hitting the end of the current)…
Oh… and the search is multi-threaded -- but enough tease :p
On Aug 28, 2007, at 8:08 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
Yeah, I believe I have confirmed that a few times in the past ;)
Ah, should've googled first... been on the list over a year though and didn't recall it discussed. I wish my wetware had parity so I could detect bitrot.
Oh… and the search is multi-threaded -- but enough tease :p
Even if Leopard is a complete dud, I'm upgrading just so I can run TM2. I think that makes me some kind of TM fanatic. :-)
Currently I'm looking for a support to handle Java-Source with Textmate. I just want to get a feature, named Code Completion. It's just browsing through the class names, showing the sub-classes etc.
vim7 has got that feature... so I'm now missing it on my Mac. Can somebody help me. Untill now I've never tried to use/find a Plugin for Textmate, because it seemed perfect :)
On Sep 4, 2007, at 12:56 AM, wishi wrote:
Currently I'm looking for a support to handle Java-Source with Textmate. I just want to get a feature, named Code Completion. It's just browsing through the class names, showing the sub-classes etc.
There is (to the best of my knowledge) no code-completion bundles for Java.