I just downloaded and installed the latest "cutting edge" version of TextMate. Just after I restarted TextMate to bring up the new version however suddenly I faced a kernel panic, and had to cold-restart my computer. Is there anyone else who experienced something like this?
On Feb 13, 2007, at 9:28 AM, Nicolas Schmidt wrote:
I just downloaded and installed the latest "cutting edge" version of TextMate. Just after I restarted TextMate to bring up the new version however suddenly I faced a kernel panic, and had to cold- restart my computer. Is there anyone else who experienced something like this?
I've been holding off on installing it since I heard this. Was this the very latest update that just came out today/yesterday, or did you just move to cutting edge? What system are you running on?
Le 13-02-07 à 09:28:04, Nicolas Schmidt a écrit :
I just downloaded and installed the latest "cutting edge" version of TextMate. Just after I restarted TextMate to bring up the new version however suddenly I faced a kernel panic, and had to cold- restart my computer.
As far as I know it's impossible for TextMate to have triggered a kernel panic -- it doesn't patch, alter, or insert itself in any way into the kernel, so it has to have been something else happening on your system that coincided with TextMate's launch.
I'd take a close look at the panic.log (open Console.app and select it from the list on the left-hand side) and see where the panic occurred to give yourself an idea of what it might have been.
According to Nicolas Schmidt:
however suddenly I faced a kernel panic, and had to cold-restart my computer. Is there anyone else who experienced something like this?
No, it is running fine on both my PB G4 and MBP, both with 10.4.8.
I just bit the bullet and ran the update, no problems.
On Feb 13, 2007, at 9:21 AM, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
On Feb 13, 2007, at 9:28 AM, Nicolas Schmidt wrote:
I just downloaded and installed the latest "cutting edge" version of TextMate. Just after I restarted TextMate to bring up the new version however suddenly I faced a kernel panic, and had to cold- restart my computer. Is there anyone else who experienced something like this?
I've been holding off on installing it since I heard this. Was this the very latest update that just came out today/yesterday, or did you just move to cutting edge? What system are you running on?
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
Am 13.02.2007 um 16:21 schrieb Charilaos Skiadas:
On Feb 13, 2007, at 9:28 AM, Nicolas Schmidt wrote:
I've been holding off on installing it since I heard this. Was this the very latest update that just came out today/yesterday, or did you just move to cutting edge? What system are you running on?
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
Yep, it's the latest version (1360) of TextMate. After rebooting TextMate however worked as usual again, without kernel panicking. I run a Mac Mini (Mac OS X 10.4.8).
Am 13.02.2007 um 16:24 schrieb Neil Lee:
I'd take a close look at the panic.log (open Console.app and select it from the list on the left-hand side) and see where the panic occurred to give yourself an idea of what it might have been.
Mmh, well panic.log says:
Tue Feb 13 15:19:26 2007 panic(cpu 0 caller 0x0003FFE8): zalloc: "kalloc.8192" (6288 elements) retry fail 3 Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0: Backtrace: 0x00095138 0x00095650 0x00026898 0x0003FFE8 0x0002BC34 0x0005D24C 0x0005D8D0 0x0005F7D4 0x0005F5BC 0x002648C0 0x00264FB8 0x002AAE28 0x000AB930 0x2F6B6579 Proceeding back via exception chain: Exception state (sv=0x2E5CD780) PC=0x90045A0C; MSR=0x0200D030; DAR=0x0008B790; DSISR=0x0A000000; LR=0x00015078; R1=0xBFFFDF90; XCP=0x00000030 (0xC00 - System call)
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.0: Fri Sep 8 17:18:57 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.12.6.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC *********
which gives me little idea about why there was a kernel panic.
An stupid question...
how to participate in this Kernel Panics?... ;) or better, how to join to the TM-beta-tester club?
-- juan