Dear Textmate Users,
I am working on a Mac OS 10.6.1 with textmate version 1.5.7. I have a specific .txt file on my Desktop which I frequently open to put in some text. How can I define a keystroke/key combination such that this specific file is open and shown on top of all other open applications? Is this even possible? If so, is this a Mac-kind-of-thing or can this be achieved with textmate? With "System-Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts" I could not get this to work.
It's not Textmate specific, but that sort of task would be easy to do by defining a trigger in Quicksilver. (
On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 12:57 AM, Marius Hofert wrote:
Dear Textmate Users,
I am working on a Mac OS 10.6.1 with textmate version 1.5.7. I have a specific .txt file on my Desktop which I frequently open to put in some text. How can I define a keystroke/key combination such that this specific file is open and shown on top of all other open applications? Is this even possible? If so, is this a Mac-kind-of-thing or can this be achieved with textmate? With "System-Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts" I could not get this to work.
textmate mailing list
You could probably create a very specific command in TextMate, bind a keystroke to it, and you should be good to go.
(I'm making the assumption that I need to walk you through these apologies if this is over simple for you)
Go to the Bundle Editor (Bundles > Bundle Editor > Show Bundle Editor...or Command-Option-Control-B, a shortcut I use a lot).
You should have a "Your Name's Bundle" I'd put this command in that bundle. Click on that bundle.
In the little button at the bottom with the "+" and the down-facing triangle, click on it and choose New Command.
Give it a Name
In the interface on the right, choose Save: Nothing, Input: None, Output:Discard, and type this into the "Command" field:
mate ~/Desktop/Test.txt
Where "Test.txt" is the file on your desktop.
In Activation, choose "Key Equivalent" from the popup menu and type the desired shortcut into the field. Leave the scope selector blank.
The potential drawback to this is that this will only work in TextMate. That may or may not be what you want. But not only will it only work in TextMate, it will only work if you have a text file open and focused. Bundle items can't be triggered if you're not working in text. Most of the time, that's not an issue, but every now and then I forget and can't figure out why I can't access the Subversion commands in my new project...
If you want more global access to the file, you can look into using Quicksilver or Butler to create a global hotkey that will always work (you can even specify which apps for it to be active in). I won't get into those details now, but would be happy to provide further details if you need them.
Hope that helps, +dru
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Marius Hofert Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 10:57 PM To: Subject: [TxMt] Open a specific file with a certain keystroke?
Dear Textmate Users,
I am working on a Mac OS 10.6.1 with textmate version 1.5.7. I have a specific .txt file on my Desktop which I frequently open to put in some text. How can I define a keystroke/key combination such that this specific file is open and shown on top of all other open applications? Is this even possible? If so, is this a Mac-kind-of-thing or can this be achieved with textmate? With "System-Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts" I could not get this to work.
_______________________________________________ textmate mailing list
On 12-11-2009, at 07:57, Marius Hofert wrote:
I am working on a Mac OS 10.6.1 with textmate version 1.5.7. I have a specific .txt file on my Desktop which I frequently open to put in some text. How can I define a keystroke/key combination such that this specific file is open and shown on top of all other open applications? Is this even possible? If so, is this a Mac-kind-of-thing or can this be achieved with textmate? With "System-Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts" I could not get this to work.
You can use a utility such as FastScripts to achieve what you want.
Since you have Snow Leopard, there is another way of getting what you want. Create a service with Automator which can be applied in all applications; it will be available form the Services menu item in all applications. You can assign a keyboard shortcut to the service in System Preferences, Keyboard; choose something that is not used anywhere else. See the accompanying screen snapshot.
Since you are using TextMate it seems preferable to use the TextMate shell command mate (install it if you haven't done so already from the TextMate menu: Help, terminal usage...).
Save it as Openjottings for example.