Nice work on this feature Allan! I put together a (quick and dirty) command for the AS bundle to extract the selected text to a new function and re-indent it. Would this be useful to anyone else? I'll commit it to the repo if there's any interest.
Oh, and BTW... you'll need to install CocoaDialog (http:// and put this script in /usr/local/bin (or wherever you want, just change the command):
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings;
my $path = "/Users/markstra/Applications"; # Change this! my $cd = "$path/";
system($cd, @ARGV);
- Ben
On Apr 3, 2006, at 4:16 AM, Benjamin Jackson wrote:
Nice work on this feature Allan! I put together a (quick and dirty) command for the AS bundle to extract the selected text to a new function and re-indent it. Would this be useful to anyone else? I'll commit it to the repo if there's any interest.
<Extract Function.plist>
On 3/4/2006, at 9:19, Benjamin Jackson wrote:
Oh, and BTW... you'll need to install CocoaDialog [...]
CocoaDialog is included with TextMate:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
cocoa_dialog = ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH'] + '/bin/ Contents/MacOS/CocoaDialog' %x{ '#{cocoa_dialog}' inputbox \ --title 'Input Requested' \ --informative-text 'Bla bla bla' \ --button1 Okay --button2 Cancel }