Is there any way to replace tool tip output with Growl[1] for the svn bundle?
Tool tips are the only "non-sticky" output, but they are so non- sticky that I sometimes cant read them at all. If the cursor is not at the right place (99% of the time as I use a tablet pen), this is a real nightmare.
I can't find a way to catch the output of the command, if I could I'd send it to Growl thru growlnotify (Shell) or Ruby-Growl.
So my questions are: 1) How can I catch the output of svn commands? 2) More generally, wouldn't it be nice to add Growl to the output options? What do you think Allan?
For those who don't know it: Growl is a central notification system for Mac OS X. It's free and released under BSD license.
What is nice is that you can configure how notifications will look, if they are sticky, etc. per applications. Applications can access it through Cocoa and Carbon API or Applescript, Ruby, Perl, Java, TCL, Python, Shell, etc.
Here are some scrennshots[2] and the huge list of apps using Growl[3]
[1]: http://growl.info/ [2]: http://growl.info/screenshots.php [3]: http://growl.info/applications.php
-- FredB
hey all. i am new to list. i was wondering, what is the status of TM vis-a-vis intel macs? is the current version "universal"? thanks
Yes, it's universal.
On 3/1/06, Eric Buth ericbuth@mac.com wrote:
hey all. i am new to list. i was wondering, what is the status of TM vis-a-vis intel macs? is the current version "universal"? thanks
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
maybe i just missed it, but it seems they would do well to list this prominently on the macromates site. perhaps using that icon.
On Mar 1, 2006, at 11:12 AM, Fred B. wrote:
On 01 Mar 2006, at 17:10, Eric Buth wrote:
hey all. i am new to list. i was wondering, what is the status of TM vis-a-vis intel macs? is the current version "universal"? thanks
Yes. ;)
-- Fred
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
regardless, it seems to make sense to indicate more prominently that there is an intel binary in there. will this program run natively on my hardware is a serious question when considering using a new piece of software.
On Mar 1, 2006, at 11:51 AM, Sune Foldager wrote:
On 01/03/2006, at 17:14, Eric Buth wrote:
maybe i just missed it, but it seems they would do well to list this prominently on the macromates site. perhaps using that icon.
I think Allan is against that icon :-).
-- Sune.
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
On Mar 1, 2006, at 10:55 AM, Eric Buth wrote:
regardless, it seems to make sense to indicate more prominently that there is an intel binary in there. will this program run natively on my hardware is a serious question when considering using a new piece of software.
While I agree with you that it would be nice for it to somehow be mentioned on the first page, a simple google search for "textmate universal" produces at least two links that have the answer.
On 1/3/2006, at 17:55, Eric Buth wrote:
regardless, it seems to make sense to indicate more prominently that there is an intel binary in there. will this program run natively on my hardware is a serious question when considering using a new piece of software.
In Finder, you can select Get Info for an application to see if it is universal.
And Mac is about “[it] just works” -- regardless of whether or not TM is universal, it will “just work” on your new i386 hardware :)
My reason for not putting the banner on the page though is mostly aesthetic.
I would prefer to use Growl over tooltips too. The tooltip _is_ barely readable. Moving your mouse even 1 pixel will clear it. I would recommend either adding a minimum interval to display the tooltip or add a threshold for more forgiving mouse movement (especially important when a mouse click was used to trigger the command that displays the tooltip).
On Mar 1, 2006, at 8:03 AM, Fred B. wrote:
Is there any way to replace tool tip output with Growl[1] for the svn bundle?
Tool tips are the only "non-sticky" output, but they are so non- sticky that I sometimes cant read them at all. If the cursor is not at the right place (99% of the time as I use a tablet pen), this is a real nightmare.
I can't find a way to catch the output of the command, if I could I'd send it to Growl thru growlnotify (Shell) or Ruby-Growl.
So my questions are:
- How can I catch the output of svn commands?
- More generally, wouldn't it be nice to add Growl to the output
options? What do you think Allan?
For those who don't know it: Growl is a central notification system for Mac OS X. It's free and released under BSD license.
What is nice is that you can configure how notifications will look, if they are sticky, etc. per applications. Applications can access it through Cocoa and Carbon API or Applescript, Ruby, Perl, Java, TCL, Python, Shell, etc.
Here are some scrennshots[2] and the huge list of apps using Growl[3]
-- FredB
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
I agree. Growl, much much!
I would like an explicit growl output option for my commands. I would like to have an option in the app to force all tooltip output commands to use growl instead of having to manually edit each one.
On Mar 1, 2006, at 11:03 AM, Fred B. wrote:
Is there any way to replace tool tip output with Growl[1] for the svn bundle?
Tool tips are the only "non-sticky" output, but they are so non- sticky that I sometimes cant read them at all. If the cursor is not at the right place (99% of the time as I use a tablet pen), this is a real nightmare.
agreed - on both growl and a little more lenience on tool tips
thomas Aylott wrote:
I agree. Growl, much much!
I would like an explicit growl output option for my commands. I would like to have an option in the app to force all tooltip output commands to use growl instead of having to manually edit each one.
On Mar 1, 2006, at 11:03 AM, Fred B. wrote:
Is there any way to replace tool tip output with Growl[1] for the svn bundle?
Tool tips are the only "non-sticky" output, but they are so non-sticky that I sometimes cant read them at all. If the cursor is not at the right place (99% of the time as I use a tablet pen), this is a real nightmare.
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
As a partial fix: in the subversion bundle you could change the "Output" setting for the command(s) you're interested in having stick around "Show as HTML."
On Mar 1, 2006, at 8:03 AM, Fred B. wrote:
Is there any way to replace tool tip output with Growl[1] for the svn bundle?
Tool tips are the only "non-sticky" output, but they are so non- sticky that I sometimes cant read them at all. If the cursor is not at the right place (99% of the time as I use a tablet pen), this is a real nightmare.
I can't find a way to catch the output of the command, if I could I'd send it to Growl thru growlnotify (Shell) or Ruby-Growl.
So my questions are:
- How can I catch the output of svn commands?
- More generally, wouldn't it be nice to add Growl to the output
options? What do you think Allan?
For those who don't know it: Growl is a central notification system for Mac OS X. It's free and released under BSD license.
What is nice is that you can configure how notifications will look, if they are sticky, etc. per applications. Applications can access it through Cocoa and Carbon API or Applescript, Ruby, Perl, Java, TCL, Python, Shell, etc.
Here are some scrennshots[2] and the huge list of apps using Growl[3]
-- FredB
On 1/3/2006, at 17:03, Fred B. wrote:
- How can I catch the output of svn commands?
Currently not really possible w/o editing them. But we could work in e.g. a bash (or Ruby) function into the command init which we use for “status information”, and that functcion could optionally be sourced from a location in ~ -- that way, the user would be able to provide his own status information hooks.
But I am not entirely sure what the best approach is here.
- More generally, wouldn't it be nice to add Growl to the output
options? What do you think Allan?
I am not really liking that -- Growl is an optional install, so not all will have it, meaning that TM shoukd probably hide the option, when Growl isn’t installed, and have commands fall back to tool tip output or similar.
If that becomes the case, I would much rather see that handled entirely as a bash (or Ruby) function, which commands then make use of, as that is more extensible and (to me) appears less hardcoded.
As for tool tips, I think the suggestions (from Brad) about a) ignoring mouse movement e.g. for the first 1-2 seconds, and/or b) require a little more mousing for it to hide, would be nice improvements.
On 02 Mar 2006, at 14:11, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 1/3/2006, at 17:03, Fred B. wrote:
- How can I catch the output of svn commands?
Currently not really possible w/o editing them. But we could work in e.g. a bash (or Ruby) function into the command init which we use for “status information”, and that functcion could optionally be sourced from a location in ~ -- that way, the user would be able to provide his own status information hooks.
I was asking how to edit the command to catch the output, in fact. ;) I tried but never found how to do it.
But I am not entirely sure what the best approach is here.
- More generally, wouldn't it be nice to add Growl to the output
options? What do you think Allan?
I am not really liking that -- Growl is an optional install, so not all will have it, meaning that TM shoukd probably hide the option, when Growl isn’t installed, and have commands fall back to tool tip output or similar.
If that becomes the case, I would much rather see that handled entirely as a bash (or Ruby) function, which commands then make use of, as that is more extensible and (to me) appears less hardcoded.
That won't make much difference to me. I'd be happy with any way to use Growl... Another option could be to install Growl with TM (Adium X does this I think), but I understand that you don't like that.
As for tool tips, I think the suggestions (from Brad) about a) ignoring mouse movement e.g. for the first 1-2 seconds, and/or b) require a little more mousing for it to hide, would be nice improvements.
That would help. But I'd still prefer Growl. ;) It's much more beautiful and configurable + I it's nice to have a central notification system.
Thanks for you answer.
-- Fred
imo hardcoded support for Growl wouldn't be a problem... it's not like there's another notification system out there =)
(until apple doesn't include something similar in leopard.)
On 2/3/2006, at 20:23, Fred B. wrote:
Currently not really possible w/o editing them [...]
I was asking how to edit the command to catch the output, in fact. ;) I tried but never found how to do it.
Ah… well, a simple way is to put { on the first line and then e.g. “}| growlShellNotify” on the last line. This will cause all stdout output from the stuff in the block, to be piped to growlShellNotify, e.g.:
{ echo foo echo bar }|growlShellNotify
To also have stderr redirected, use: “} 2>&1|growlShellNotify”.
If we want to pipe it to growl, but still want it to show as a tool tip, we could (most likely) do: “} 2>&1|tee >(growlShellNotify)”. I say most likeky, because some commands deal with stdin in a way that is not compatible with process substitution.
On 02 Mar 2006, at 22:55, Allan Odgaard wrote:
Ah… well, a simple way is to put { on the first line and then e.g. “}|growlShellNotify” on the last line. This will cause all stdout output from the stuff in the block, to be piped to growlShellNotify, e.g.:
{ echo foo echo bar }|growlShellNotify
That was the first thing I tried but the result was empty, guess I needed stderr...
To also have stderr redirected, use: “} 2>&1|growlShellNotify”.
I tried this before but I included the all SVN "add to repository" command. This is now working by keeping "require_cmd..." out of the braces.
Thanks Allan.
On 2/3/2006, at 20:42, Duane Johnson wrote:
How about supporting the new CocoaDialog 2.0 "bubble" dialog[1]? If it could be tied in to work with Growl, that would be a nice way to make a standard status information box with optional growl support.
You just pwn3d domenico! :p
I don't understand how CD could be "tied in to work with Growl", sorry.
Since we already bundle CD (although a forked v1.x, but I’ll update it shortly), that could be a nice touch -- although CD does have an issue with multi-monitor setups, since it always use the main screen. So this should preferably be fixed first.
No to be picky but IMHO: Tool tips look like OS 7, CD bubbles like OS 9, Growl like OS X. ;)
But I am a little unsure for what people want Growl notifications, instead of TextMate. I understand that TM’s tool tips currently have lower usability, but Growl to me seems like on screen displays for notifying about background tasks -- where the tool tip output option of TM is often used for instant feedback on the command executed, like Validate Syntax, Show Scope, etc.
I don't really understand what difference you make between Growl's and TextMate's notifications from a user point of view.
I don't know if you use Growl but it's pretty versatile. You can choose the place where it pops up, the type of notif. (even speech or mail - not that useful for TM), the icon, how long it stays, etc. on per command basis (even over a network). So it can be used for notif. of background tasks as well for "instant feedback on the command executed".
The main difference with tool tips, beside the look and configurability, is that it pops at a fixed place., which is not a bad thing IMHO. (I use a bezel centered on screen).
Ok, I'll stop my Growl evangelism. ;) I just thought it was a great notif. system for free, just take it into consideration and do the best as always.
Thanks for your time.
-- Fred http://geekthang.com
On Mar 2, 2006, at 4:58 PM, Fred B. wrote:
On 2/3/2006, at 20:42, Duane Johnson wrote:
How about supporting the new CocoaDialog 2.0 "bubble" dialog[1]? If it could be tied in to work with Growl, that would be a nice way to make a standard status information box with optional growl support.
You just pwn3d domenico! :p
I don't understand how CD could be "tied in to work with Growl", sorry.
CocoaDialog already has a notification system, is already packaged with TextMate, and is already in use by some bundles as a notification system. So it's a win/win for everyone if CocoaDialog were to support growl as an optional notification mechanism. Basically TextMate bundles could send their message to CocoaDialog and not care what happens after that.
Perhaps once the 'bubble' command is supported by the built-in CocoaDialog package, Allan could add 'Notification' as an output method (similar to how tooltip is now) to "pipe" the output of the command to the CocoaDialog "bubble --text" option. The only remaining piece to the puzzle then would be how we configure CocoaDialog from within TextMate (e.g. perhaps bubble gradient colors could be configurable, and of course growl support would be a CocoaDialog option).
On second thought... would forwarding to Growl be automatic if it's detected? Does Growl usually get detected by programs automatically? And do other programs just assume the user wants output sent to Growl if Growl is present on the system?
Since we already bundle CD (although a forked v1.x, but I’ll update it shortly), that could be a nice touch -- although CD does have an issue with multi-monitor setups, since it always use the main screen. So this should preferably be fixed first.
No to be picky but IMHO: Tool tips look like OS 7, CD bubbles like OS 9, Growl like OS X. ;)
I don't think it's picky to have an opinion. And I agree, anyway ;)
Duane Johnson (canadaduane) http://blog.inquirylabs.com/
On 03 Mar 2006, at 02:08, Duane Johnson wrote:
On Mar 2, 2006, at 4:58 PM, Fred B. wrote:
I don't understand how CD could be "tied in to work with Growl", sorry.
CocoaDialog already has a notification system, is already packaged with TextMate, and is already in use by some bundles as a notification system. So it's a win/win for everyone if CocoaDialog were to support growl as an optional notification mechanism. Basically TextMate bundles could send their message to CocoaDialog and not care what happens after that.
Ok, I didn't understand you meant CD would have to be modified to support growl. Tired, sorry.
Perhaps once the 'bubble' command is supported by the built-in CocoaDialog package, Allan could add 'Notification' as an output method (similar to how tooltip is now) to "pipe" the output of the command to the CocoaDialog "bubble --text" option. The only remaining piece to the puzzle then would be how we configure CocoaDialog from within TextMate (e.g. perhaps bubble gradient colors could be configurable, and of course growl support would be a CocoaDialog option).
Could be nice. The advantage of Growl is that you can configure it when you invoke it, then in the central PrefPane. So, if Allan added a simple "pipe to" output option, it would be good enough for me. I can (and have for some of them) replaced Tool Tips by Growl, the only downside is when the bundles are updated...
On second thought... would forwarding to Growl be automatic if it's detected?
Optional is often good, but in this case CD bubbles can easily mimicked in Growl, so...
Does Growl usually get detected by programs automatically? And do other programs just assume the user wants output sent to Growl if Growl is present on the system?
Detected: yes: On the integration: It depends on applications. Some are more tied with Growl, others just provide it as on optional notif. system. IIRC, AdiumX installs Growl, at least am sure it updated Growl on my system once. Anyway, even when an applications is registered in Growl, you can disable or configure it, or its different notif. individually, in the Growl's PrefPane.
No to be picky but IMHO: Tool tips look like OS 7, CD bubbles like OS 9, Growl like OS X. ;)
I don't think it's picky to have an opinion. And I agree, anyway ;)
Cool. ;)
-- FredB http://geekthang.com
On Mar 2, 2006, at 6:11 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 1/3/2006, at 17:03, Fred B. wrote:
- How can I catch the output of svn commands?
Currently not really possible w/o editing them. But we could work in e.g. a bash (or Ruby) function into the command init which we use for “status information”, and that functcion could optionally be sourced from a location in ~ -- that way, the user would be able to provide his own status information hooks.
But I am not entirely sure what the best approach is here.
- More generally, wouldn't it be nice to add Growl to the output
options? What do you think Allan?
I am not really liking that -- Growl is an optional install, so not all will have it, meaning that TM shoukd probably hide the option, when Growl isn’t installed, and have commands fall back to tool tip output or similar.
If that becomes the case, I would much rather see that handled entirely as a bash (or Ruby) function, which commands then make use of, as that is more extensible and (to me) appears less hardcoded.
As for tool tips, I think the suggestions (from Brad) about a) ignoring mouse movement e.g. for the first 1-2 seconds, and/or b) require a little more mousing for it to hide, would be nice improvements.
How about supporting the new CocoaDialog 2.0 "bubble" dialog[1]? If it could be tied in to work with Growl, that would be a nice way to make a standard status information box with optional growl support.
Duane Johnson (canadaduane) http://blog.inquirylabs.com/
[1] See http://cocoadialog.sourceforge.net/ documentation.html#bubble_control for a screenshot and http:// cocoadialog.sourceforge.net/examples.html#bubble for example code.
On 2/3/2006, at 20:42, Duane Johnson wrote:
How about supporting the new CocoaDialog 2.0 "bubble" dialog[1]? If it could be tied in to work with Growl, that would be a nice way to make a standard status information box with optional growl support.
You just pwn3d domenico! :p
Since we already bundle CD (although a forked v1.x, but I’ll update it shortly), that could be a nice touch -- although CD does have an issue with multi-monitor setups, since it always use the main screen. So this should preferably be fixed first.
But I am a little unsure for what people want Growl notifications, instead of TextMate. I understand that TM’s tool tips currently have lower usability, but Growl to me seems like on screen displays for notifying about background tasks -- where the tool tip output option of TM is often used for instant feedback on the command executed, like Validate Syntax, Show Scope, etc.
You just pwn3d domenico! :p
duane is from canada. canadians are allowed to pwn me since they live in my dream nation =) take the states, add a welfare system, subtract dubya... w00t!!!
But I am a little unsure for what people want Growl notifications, instead of TextMate. I understand that TM’s tool tips currently have lower usability, but Growl to me seems like on screen displays for notifying about background tasks
I think they'd mainly be useful for tasks like version control and builds. However I'm +0 on these, since a smarter tooltip system could come handy for other tasks -- and I'd prefer al to work on more important stuff, like indentation-based folding and chunk undo [1].
[1] sorry al, I couldn't resist.
Just joined the mailing list so sorry if I missed something important.
Adding growl notification would be something that I would use. I use Growl notification from Cyberduck for near real-time notification.
e.g. "Edit w/TextMate" from Cyberduck. Hit save in TM and switch to Safari. Hit reload when the upload complete message comes from CyberDuck.
On Mar 2, 2006, at 2:09 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 2/3/2006, at 20:42, Duane Johnson wrote:
How about supporting the new CocoaDialog 2.0 "bubble" dialog[1]? If it could be tied in to work with Growl, that would be a nice way to make a standard status information box with optional growl support.
You just pwn3d domenico! :p
Since we already bundle CD (although a forked v1.x, but I’ll update it shortly), that could be a nice touch -- although CD does have an issue with multi-monitor setups, since it always use the main screen. So this should preferably be fixed first.
But I am a little unsure for what people want Growl notifications, instead of TextMate. I understand that TM’s tool tips currently have lower usability, but Growl to me seems like on screen displays for notifying about background tasks -- where the tool tip output option of TM is often used for instant feedback on the command executed, like Validate Syntax, Show Scope, etc.
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate