On Feb 3, 2005, at 3:45, Tim Martens wrote:
Anyway to have the output inserted at a specific location in a new document based on a template. E.g., have output inserted between the body tags of an XHTML template?
What you can do is a command like this:
---8<--- cat <<HEAD <!DOCTYPE ...> <html><head>...</head> <body> HEAD ~/bin/Markdown.pl cat <<TAIL </body> </html> TAIL --->8---
And set input: entire document, output: replace document (I'll add “open in new window” real soon).
This will cat the header, then run markdown on your document, inserting the result, and finally cat the tail. So you'll need to have the “template” in the command (though you could also store it in a file and cat that file -- if you want it in a file you can use 'sed' to cut the top/bottom part divided e.g. by <!-- markdown output here -->, let me know if you want an example of this).