Hans-Jörg Bibiko wrote:
On 21.10.2008, at 18:01, backspaces wrote:
Possibly I should not be using GetBundle?
That's why we are working on a new GetBundles bundle in the Review trunk ;)
Whew! That's good news, I was starting to think I was loosing it! - I found that I couldn't connect to the getbundles site, possibly the domain has expired. - Then I found a script for grabbing it from the textmate bundles svn - WTF?? Well I figured that getbundles was so useful that it was being incorporated into the standard textmate world - So then I find that my json bundle got by getbundles was not up to date - And so it goes, me getting more and more confused!
So it seems that it now all makes sense, and a new solution is on the way, great news!
So what should I do for now? I can just revert to the standard bundles, blowing away getbundles and its install dir and then simply use svn directly. That shouldn't be too difficult.
But possibly I should start using the new getbundles bundle in the revew branch?
What would you advise?
Thanks a bunch for all the help!
-- Owen