On 28/6/2006, at 20:10, Robert M. Ullrey wrote:
But you can switch to a theme by opening it. You can double click it or use the open command in the terminal.
In that case, I can use "open /Library/Application\ Support/ TextMate/Themes/Espresso\ Libre.tmTheme" and control-r or place in my personal bundle. The only issue is that the command then asks if I want to replace the theme, which I do, but would prefer not to have the confirmation.
It asks you to replace because you are not opening the loaded version of Espresso Libre. Try instead:
open ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Themes/Espresso\ Libre.tmTheme
Of course if you have no local changes to the theme, you may want to remove it from ~/Library and open it from /Library.