On Wed, 08 Feb 2006 14:21:11 -0000, Ned Baldessin androse@gmail.com wrote:
I remember when getting started with TM, what strike me was that most of the functionality was buried into the Macros, Snippets and Commands menus.
One of the most striking things to a new user is that the most important part of the UI for textmate is a button a that is at the _base_ of the window (v. unexpected) and that is the smallest part of the UI.
I second these opinions. Macro menu is tiny, smaller than less used language and tab size choosers.
And if that wasn't enough I additionally have to maneuver through submenus - when TM's window is very near bottom of screen (I have dock on side) current language's submenu isn't under cursor and sometimes it's not even immediately visible!
IMHO it should be much larger, and maybe there should be two buttons - one with macros for current context/language *only* and another with all the submenus.