Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 1/10/2006, at 14:26, marios wrote:
[...] When I use option, and drag the File, The document window looses focus and disappears under the cursor, when the file gets dropped in the document window, so I changed the whole thing to use Shift instead, where I get the expected behavior.
What’s happening here is, that if you ⌥-click another application, your active application will hide. So you need to first drag the icon, then press ⌥.
Ok, I see. thanks a lot.
The easiest is to use the regexp substitution capabilities of TextMate snippets.
So use something like ${TM_DROPPED_FILE/.*/|..+//g} — that ought to strip both the leading directories and the trailing extension.
I still couldn't get the above going, I tried to escape also the above variable and if I do echo the above snippet, as a drag command causes a crash. Shouldn't really get my fingers on this too much, since it is not possible to show the output as a tooltip, tends to be a little dangerous.
If I just wanted to echo the filename and strip all the rest off, so I can reuse it and store it in a variable, what would be the best approach ?
regards, marios