On 12.03.2012 15:49, Stephen Bannasch wrote:
At 2:32 PM +0700 3/12/12, Allan Odgaard wrote:
Right, the layout view used for the various splits (of which the HTML output is one) is presently not constrained; ideally I want to use Lion's new constraint-based layout system instead of writing my own code for this, but it requires dropping10.6 compatibility, which we're slowly building up the courage to doŠ :)
I'm still using 10.6 -- so it practical I would refer that 10.7 not be a requirement.
I'm using textmate at work on 10.6. They only just upgraded my XP machine so I think the chances of getting a 10.7 build anytime soon are remote, please spare a thought for those of us coding in cubby holes in the corporate world!