On Dec 15, 2011, at 3:36 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 15 Dec 2011, at 11:05, Jerry wrote:
In the Find results window, after e.g. a Find in Project search, I really miss (in TM 1.5 too) not having a panel within the same results window that shows the relevant section of code […] it would be wonderful to have this as a user pref.
Unless you make a mockup that looks awesome, I’m unlikely to clutter this window further anytime soon (not even as a preference ;) ).
I like the corresponding window in Xcode, with a split view at the bottom. Typically, one needs to see only a few lines surrounding the results line, so this doesn't totally waste the main part of the window which contains the results. If one needs to see more, a simple (double) click takes you to a full window. And with the splitter, there's no need for a preference. As for clutter, I don't find this to be a problem here. Although "crowded" might become an operative word. Towards that end, you have a little bit to play with--the font size could easily be reduced, along with the corresponding menus and text entry fields. And there seems to be a bit of excess gray area in the bottom section where the Find All etc. buttons live. Also, the gray bars containing file names with disclosure triangles seem a bit generous--they would keep plenty of visual attraction if they were a bit more svelte.
Also, I don't find it useful to display a results line twice when the search process has found two matches in the same line […]
If you need to replace only one of the line’s two matches, you need it there twice to tell which.
True. That is a nice feature.