Hi folks, I've got a latex article, me.tex, that includes a graphic mefig.eps. If I compile via the command line:
pdflatex mefig.eps
the compilation process uses Ghostscript to create an intermediary file mefig-eps-converted-to.pdf and generates me.pdf with no errors. When I compile from TextMate (whether I use pdflatex or latexmk.pl doesn't matter), I get an error:
------------ !!! Error: Cannot open Ghostscript for piped input
Latex Error: ./epstest.tex:14 Package pdftex.def Error: File `breakevenb1-eps-converted-to.pdf' not found. ---------------
I am using the latest version of TextMate (with the default Latex bundle) and TexLive 2010 (I actually uninstalled my TextMate and re-installed from scratch to make sure it wasn't a config quirk on my end). Any ideas here? Shouldn't TextMate simply be issuing the command "pdflatex my.tex", which work from Terminal?