Hi, I'm using the (newest) PHP-Package and I would like to color normal comments other then phpdoc comments. So I changed the PHP Language a bit to perform this. I replace the normal comment.block.php with this one:
{ name = 'comment.block.php.phpdoc'; begin = '/**'; end = '*/'; patterns = ( { name = 'keyword.other.phpdoc.php'; match = '@(a(ccess|uthor)|c(ategory| opyright)|global|li(cense|nk)|pa(ckage|ram)|return|s(ee|ince|tatic| ubpackage)|t(hrows|odo)|v(ar|ersion))\b'; } ); }, { name = 'comment.block.php'; begin = '/*'; end = '*/'; },
So I have an own scope for the phpdoc comment. I also added @license as phpdoc keyword. It would be nice if you could add this changes to the official PHP-Package.
I also have another question: How can I activate the spell-check in (PHP)comments. I tried to use a Preference Item and added { spellChecking = 1; } to it and set the scope to "comment" but it didn't worked. Do you have any ideas?
Thanks in advance, Simon Ruderich - ----
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