Tim Mansour wrote:
osascript <<-ENDSCRIPT set title to "${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}" if title ≠ "" then tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced" if not (exists window "HachetteTitles") then open alias "Path:To:My:Database.fp7" set cell "_Search" of layout "Titles" to title do script "Search For Title" set href to cell "_Search" of layout "Titles" set img to cell "_thumb" of layout "Titles" end tell if href ≠ "" then set title to img & href end if return title ENDSCRIPT
I know this script method works fine outside of TextMate, but no matter what I do I get errors running it inside TextMate:
31:32: syntax error: Expected “then”, etc. but found unknown token. (-2741)
I'd certainly appreciate any help diagnosing this one.
The issue here is the encoding. AppleScript will not accept UTF-8, but instead likes Mac Roman (incidentally your email is Mac Roman--I didn't realize anyone still used it in email clients. How terrible: why not use UTF-8?!). The solution here is either to pass the text through a round of iconv, or else just stick to ASCII, which in this case means using `is not` or `<>` instead of `≠`.
It's really tragic that AppleScripts can't be encoded in any kind of unicode, because it prevents users from copy/pasting filenames from the finder, and it creates all sorts of compatibility nastiness with other shell-based applications and languages.