On 09/01/2006, at 10:16, Trevor Harmon wrote:
As a new user of TextMate, the only thing that has disappointed me is the incredible slowness of many bundle commands. For instance, if I hit ^⇧D to duplicate the current selection, TextMate beachballs (hangs) for about 15 seconds. This is quite surprising because my machine is fast enough (1.33GHz G4 with 1.2GB RAM) and my files are small (< 200 lines).
This is definately abnormal. While some stuff is slow on my machine also (1GHz G4), with files of that size I haven't experienced that kind of delay.
If I run top while TextMate is beachballing, I notice that bash is consuming all available CPU cycles. Could there be something wrong with my bash configuration? (I realize that TextMate is probably just running some UNIX commands on top of bash to do the bundle command, but still... 15 seconds of 100% CPU activity just to duplicate a selected line? That can't be right.) Does everyone suffer through this, or only me?
The way bash invoked means that (unless you changed something) it will emulate a login-shell and thus source the global profile followed by the first of .bash_profile, .bash_login or .profile in your homedir.
The duplicate line command consists of 'echo' and some bash variable substitutions.
-- Sune.