I just uploaded the new version 0.902
Download: http://email.eva.mpg.de/~bibiko/downloads/textmate/TMTools.tmplugin.zip
Help: http://email.eva.mpg.de/~bibiko/downloads/textmate/tmtoolshelp.html
"$TMTOOLS" help me
Changes: added: to get allEnvironmentVariables an option variables to output only these values added: close allAuxiliaryWindows (very useful for developing ;) added: close allFloatingDocumentWindows changed: do closeAllWindows to close allWindows added: get openDocumentFiles (for all opened floating windows) added: set/get frontMostDocument (one can edit more than one document with one script) added: to get openProjectFiles the output option format=mate; changed: get openProjectFiles output option escape is renamed to shellEscape added: do openFileInNewWindow added: do revealFileInFinder added: do openFileWithFinder added: show alertSheet
Regarding to show alertSheet: I tried to get rid of it within TMDIALOG but I had some problems to get the return value out. Maybe it can be done in TMDIALOG 2.0 to show an alert in a sheet attached at the current window.
I attached two examples:
editAllFloatingWindows: This will resize and arrange all floating windows, and inserts into the first line the html escaped file name. Finally it will show an alert sheet.
reopenAsProject: This will put all floating documents into a new project (for me very helpful ;); close all floating windows; and open the front most document in the project. This also works if only one window is open.
Please note: these are ONLY examples for showing what can be done.