Fred B wrote:
Jacob Rus wrote:
Git has been improving very rapidly though. It is vastly easier for normal (non-power-) users than it was a year ago, and I imagine it will be still better in another year. I don't know if you've tried Git recently; if not you should give it a try. If you stick to the basics, I'd say it's about as easy as SVN. But there's of course a lot of extra power there too, if you want it.
There has been a lot of hype about Git lately and I don't understand why. I'm glad Allan consider Mercurial too, unfortunately some people respond "Ok, let's use Git". ;)
Sorry... my post was certainly not intended as an attack on hg, or bzr, or darcs, or any other system.
But really, the day-to-day usage of git is not IMO a serious barrier to its use by "non-power-users". It's just not that hard IMO to do the basic stuff.