well as you can guess I'm not the expert here ;)
But the *functionality* I'd like is an action so each time I save a file the previous version gets put in a designated backup folder with a datestamp, e.g. "index.php.20050114_2015" or the like. Really whatever's easiest!
thanks! Paul
On 14 Jan 2005, at 19:36, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On Jan 14, 2005, at 9:59, Paul Nordstrom August wrote:
Anyway that shows how fast TM has progressed. Just about the only thing I miss (because I screwed up a bunch o' code today ;) is the autosave feature where each file is backed up before each change. Can we please have that in TM for us klutzes?
With a flattering introduction like yours, I can't possibly turn that request down ;)
So should I do it *nix style and append ~ to the backup-files, or a prefix like .backup?
When saving the new file there are two options, rename the old and write the new, or copy the old (into the backup) and overwrite the new. While the first seems to be the obvious solution, it will give the “new” file a new inode, which will break hardlinks. Aliases should still work because they use the path before the inode, so maybe it's okay (just thinking out load here)...